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Everything posted by dayman

  1. So not wanting to read 10 pages what is the verdict of the people here on this rancher?
  2. I liked him in season 1. Since then it has been rapidly downhill culminating with this most recent episode. He's too over the top (lacking the subtely most other characters have in their performance) and most of all HE CHANGES HIS VOICE. Not only was his voice ridiculous last Sunday but scene to scene he may be speaking with a completely different voice. Seriously boot up your DVR and watch that scene on the boat 1 more time focusing on his acting. You may not agree that it is terrible but you definitely see my point.
  3. The lttlefinger actor is comically bad in this role...huge contrast with the rest of the actors I don't know why he trys to pretend he's a dastardly evil pirate all the time it just sounds ridiculous.
  4. Where we are as a franchise he needs to get QB right. That is basically all I will grade any of our GMs based on at this point.
  5. If someone paid me handsomely to pick football players then I would be a professional. Obviously not every anonymous board poster is going to be good but lets not pretend it is rocket science or that our "professionals" have done anything that a lot of die-hard fans with laptops couldn't have done.
  6. At least with respect to the example you gave, much of the board had it right compared to the Bills. But that isn't saying much. Also, McKelvin is decent now. Maybin and Whitner ... there is no excuse.
  7. He does not and has never had a "feel" for the game. That's all there is to it. He's not going to ever go out there and anticipate and confidently zip the ball around manipulating and destroying defenses. He's a cautious "take what is there" QB. Not going to be anything better than average (at best).
  8. Strong opening. Loved it. Per usually Danny's parts drag the show down.
  9. I agree with everything here but I still don't think everything he is put together will succeed. I hate to say it but he's just not an exciting player. He had a few moments where he was playing good but I saw 0 signs of star power. There just wasn't enough to point to that looked like an answer. Hope I'm wrong. And I'm biased b/c I was terribly disappointed when we picked him because I did not like him in college. Never been a star.
  10. Vick is probably a better back-up than what we have. Decent signing.
  11. I laugh every time. It has to be the single worst play in NFL history.
  12. Personally I cannot wait another 2 or 3 hours to hear that the Bills have cut Trent or signed Spikes. I must know now. Otherwise I cannot clean the house in peace on the weekends.
  13. Spikes is a big strong LB who is also a bad ass. This would be excellent.
  14. 60 Minutes had a tour of the ousted President Yanukovych's little palace he built. Pretty nice, diamond crusted elevator doors for some reason. They also threw in an endorsement for Vitali Klitschko for president of Ukraine haha
  15. All fine and good, so long as you understand there are a great many Americans who could write a similar paragraph describing themselves including why they believe in progressive policies. Also, you are a kool-aide drinker b/c of the fetish you have for mindless group-think/knee-jerk reactions to what the progressives attempt to do. It really is that simple...don't feel bad though you aren't B-Man...he drinks so much kool-aide he serves it to others daily.
  16. Really anyone who hates democrats or republicans the way most on this board do are partisan to a significant degree.
  17. Without commenting on any specific poster on this board, to say that "we conservatives" do this...shows ample cool-aid on your part. Most "conservatives" cannot see that they--as a group--as partisan as the dems in much the same way that dems can't see how racist many of them are.
  18. Agreed. Their TV show is the same...hipster-ish but worthwhile. Bill Maher produces or does something in connection with their show...which is on HBO and airs after his show. They have stories you won't see on other channels.
  19. The last Senator the State of Texas elected was who?
  20. What are the specific drawbacks to Russia growing their influence in the middle east at our expense?
  21. What great detriment comes to our interests if Russia grows itself slightly through thugish behavior?
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