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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I have promised to visit and listen to all people, regardless of party, in every county in the district once a month. That is my pledge. No way he does this, but if 2 years from now he's running as an incumbent who actually did this I would respect the man.
  2. This is getting a lot of press, maybe it will spark an anti-incumbent wave. Honestly, I think that is the only area where both party's voters would agree. We should make a pact to, at the very least, clean out the personal/political baggage.
  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/virginia-politics/eric-cantor-faces-tea-party-challenge-tuesday/2014/06/10/17da5d20-f092-11e3-bf76-447a5df6411f_story.html Wow. Majority Leader and you go down in a primary. Rough. Cantor must feel terrible.
  4. Formation or not, those could easily be the 11 defensive players who play the most for us.
  5. Spikes is twice the man this kid is, don't like the pick unless we already plan to have Spikes for only 1 year.
  6. Know nothing about him. Don't get the pick. Hopefully it ends up being legendary.
  7. I'm pretty sure Sammy will be leading the wrs within a week of being with the whole team. This team don't need no stinking Mike Williams, 4 years into his career, "leading" our studly young passing options hehe. There's nothing veteran about us, and I like that.
  8. Agreed. This is exactly as I see it. In the end, we got Watkins...and the way the draft played out...that was huge. We'll get the 4 back, the key is not to suck next year and have traded a top 10 pick.
  9. smoke-screen imo ... too much chatter ... makes too little sense ...
  10. I thought he was a sorry ass wr...something that is below average.
  11. Any number of things could happen if you are perceived as wanting to move up when you are not. The bottom line is you want it to be unknown what you want to do...whatever that is...even if it is staying put and grabbing someone you think will be there.
  12. http://io9.com/this-accidental-game-of-thrones-spoiler-just-changed-1568796246 HBO may have just spoiled the books in a small way (or big way depending on your point of view).
  13. Suppose they must keep teasing it periodically.
  14. Actually the best news for this guy is Sterling.
  15. It could be maybe. What if I think that slaves worked 9-5, Mon-Fri, and went home to families who live on a farm with chickens and a garden?
  16. Fair point and I'm not trying to downplay the mean-spirited component. I'm just saying it is rare that someone blows theirself up in such a bizarre way. Basically this. Very confused man.
  17. Well he did say the man should be admired--just not in a way where his friends give him **** about it. Once again, hilarious situation all around.
  18. Well that isn't exactly the same as "talk to some country boys his point of view is popular."
  19. Knowing absolutely none of the facts (and the article link being very thin on the details of the alleged facts), I will go ahead and take the provocative position that there COULD possibly be a scenario where such a claim would have merit.
  20. After listening to more comments today this guy is racist in the most hilarious way. She's half black (apparently) and he even says he could care less about her being around black people (even sleeping with them) but he just doesn't want his other rich, racist friends giving him a hard time about it. This entire story is actually completely hilarious. It's just a bunch if idiots/racists/gold-diggers ruining each others reputations.
  21. This is a pretty stupid post you have made here, jboyst. You don't have to have a lynch mob in mind or overt hate in your heart to be racist...you just have to believe the things this guy said.
  22. Sterling looks terrible and this will ruin his public life, rightfully so. The women looks equally bad imo (and I mean that). Gold-digs, allegedly embezzles $2M, then baits an 80ish year old known racist rich dude, records his reaction, then publishes. I'm sorry but where I'm from this women would be viewed as utter trash.
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