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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Honestly, how can any Bills fan who has been paying attention be upset that it is unlikely we will draft a QB soon? Any QB we've had worth anything in over a decade was not drafted by us.
  2. Kyle Orton is obviously the firm Bills QB until something better comes along. He's not "franchise" b/c it would take about 2 bad games for people to be talking replacement. When we talk about "franchise" it isn't those QBs who may be able to do it...it is those QBs who are not even questioned. There really aren't that many franchise QBs in the league that don't have rings.
  3. We talkin' bout practice. There are rules about how long you can practice.
  4. Hackett is simply wrong. Accuracy definitely has a lot of components to it...but at its base level it is all about guys with a gift for throwing. If anything EJ would be better off throwing anything and everything...get him a damn dart board at home. Have him pitch a baseball. Get him on the move and force him to take a little bit of the football to make it more catchable. I mean, some of that is probably ridiculous but that's just b/c you really aren't going to learn to throw in the NFL. When you draft guys...their ability throwing the football is the main thing. EJ had everything except that (and except the mindset). He played safe at FSU and was taught his whole life not to push too hard and just operate the offense letting the people around him carry the weight. Then we drafted him and expected him to go sling the rock when we needed it to win...shocking it didn't work out. I like EJ. But an article about spending a half hour before games and after practice ... and about him saying he is going to "let it rip"...means nothing to me. I think EJ may develop into a serviceable backup one day. That's abut it. He can't throw. Just look at Jameis last Thursday. He threw picks and didn't have a great game....but he was leaning on his back foot while on the move and dropping dimes over the shoulder 30 yards downfield in the endzone...got a penalty and did it again. Jameis, for whatever else he is, is a guy who can throw. He's a good pitcher. He's a good thrower of the football. He's good with his arm. EJ is not.
  5. Orton is just what the doctor ordered for this franchise. We finally have a good roster, and now we have a drunken, above-average, crazy-man QB who throws the rock deep. Perfect.
  6. We lost last year but other than that we have played well in recent years against KC. Wasn't too long ago we crushed their entire season week 1 @KC.
  7. He's clearly hiding in the stadium until the next home game.
  8. Makes too much sense to happen for the Bills. Dare I say, it would be a smart thing to do. But what with a new owner and the NFL these days...nobody has the balls to recommend it.
  9. I'm not too down on him at the moment. That could change if things don't look better the next two weeks. He really needs to win the next 2. I'll stay with Saint Doug until this season breaks...which I likely will...but he could do ok.
  10. Really not the end of the world to criticize the Watkins trade. It was a lot and given our offense Sammy will almost certainly never live up to it.
  11. Why does it make any sense to drug test AP...or anyone...who is not in trouble for drug related offenses?
  12. Showed some math earlier. Not objecting, mocking. And better to listen to people here than listen to her talk about federal policy.
  13. In terms of pay inequality between the genders...I would define it with math. I don't listen to what she says, let alone object to it.
  14. Did I say I thought it was an injustice? The pay itself, however, is not equal. That is math (e.g, $75M > $30M).
  15. Probably b/c you are fake-arguing with Gwyneth Paltrow. Probably b/c I don't relate well to female roles, yet my wife will pay attention to the internal struggle of a male character.
  16. A bunch of football fans acting like catty blog-reading women and jumping on the hate train for her? Never thought I would see the day. Also, not that I find this to be an injustice, but there is no market with more gender pay inequality than acting. That much is known.
  17. Not only is he the new Batman...but he's paired with Superman... I think it's a suicide pact.
  18. I support making Jackson the feature back with no question. CJ can change the pace and participate as a slasher on the filed w/ Fred at the same time (situation permitting). I'm NOT sure him in the slot is great...is he better than who we have in the slot? Probably not.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XduMMteTEbc Thoughts on this debate? Personally I'm with Maher...
  20. I'm excited about Orton to tell you the truth. I know what he is, and it isn't great. But I think we can win the AFCE with him this year.
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