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Everything posted by dayman

  1. These ratings suck. Several of our good players are elite...several of our average players are absolutely terrible...almost all of our bad players are better than at least one person at their spot on the average list.
  2. Look if Rex makes 2 AFC championships and then flames out that's an unbelievable success for us. Remember who you are talking to. We get it, Rex wasn't wildly successful overall hence why he was fired and took a job with Buffalo. If he makes the playoffs he's our hero. Plain and simple.
  3. DC Tom asking questions? As though he would ever give you a straight-forward/real answer or opinion on a specific matter?
  4. Right now? Fitz, easily. I still think there's a possibility Fitz plays another season for us...the way things are going for both parties.
  5. Didn't they just raise the limit for a positive test basically to ensure Gordon could pass them?
  6. Why do I need to have lower expectations, less things and spend less money? I need to save, I understand that. Other than that, I don't even get what he is saying (some of the links are broken)
  7. This is not new. If anything, now that Repubs have Congress...they're in a more mutually dependent relationship with Obama than they have ever been. Likely they'll be more functional than ever this term (at least this year anyway).
  8. You sound like Obama. No wonder you keep most posts short.
  9. Nobody will take the fall and the investigation will find nothing. There will be fines b/c the ball are deflated.
  10. How about you give your straight-forward opinion for a change. Modify the question if need to in order to give an honest opinion...that's fine. It won't kill you.
  11. http://www.rotoworld.com/headlines/nfl/306280/j-manziel-committed-to-nightlife-as-rookie Citing nearly 20 Browns sources, ESPN's Jeremy Fowler and Pat McManamon report Johnny Manziel exhibited a "year-long pattern" of lacking commitment and preparation to football and a "continued commitment to nightlife" during his rookie year. One player called Manziel a "100 percent joke." Team security reportedly found Manziel "drunk off his a--" the morning before the Browns' season finale. He was fined for missing a treatment for his injured hamstring and spent the Week 17 loss to Baltimore in Cleveland's locker room. During his first NFL start, "Several sources said Manziel either didn't know the plays in the huddle or didn't call them correctly." Sources also told Fowler and McManamon that since-departed OC Kyle Shanahan preferred Jimmy Garoppolo and Tom Savage to Manziel as a 2014 draft prospect. Fowler and McManamon claim Manziel still has some "support in the (Browns') building," though it's mostly "on the business side." Source: ESPN.com Jan 23 - 3:15 PM
  12. Would you raise the gas tax some moderate amount if you could? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rFJay9t_Uc#t=104
  13. Look it's pretty simple...whether the gov't already has enough money for its needs is subjective. It just is. So we have a gov't of people elected to figure it out by debating and voting. There will never be consensus and there will always be a bunch of stuff people think we shouldn't be doing. With that said, the position that new taxes are off limits until one group no longer feels like anything the gov't does is an over-reach or mismanged...it's just not workable in our system. We can't function like that.
  14. Haha what? What exactly does this report look like, what is "highly detailed" to you.
  15. More detail about the national dialogue. I mean, I have no idea what a national dialogue of the detailed results of a financial audit would be. You turn on cspan or cable news and watch a constitutional convention where modern day politicians discuss a detailed gov't wide financial audit? I mean I doubt what that would end up producing would be something you approve of.
  16. Well lets have it then. We've gone over it for bit and I have read what you think. So what would you, living in your life, like to see that you would consider the gov't making the case?
  17. I'm asking, literally, what does it look like to make the case? What person/people does what in what forum.
  18. I say that being a person who wants to make a cake a particular way is not a protected class, and most discrimination laws are ridiculous anyway.
  19. So what are we talking about by making the case? Literally building a huge binder with this report and then talking about all gov't spending on the floor and in the media when the topic is gas tax?
  20. My point is, other than the subpoena power watchdog group (unless you consider something like the GAO a watchdog group), what you are asking for largely exists today and is publicly obtainable. It is a ton of information--probably not pre-packaged in an easily usable format--but it is there.
  21. What would the demonstration be? What form does it take?
  22. They should be banned from winning the division for 5 years.
  23. Do I think the Arkansas Dep't of Human Services could make a mistake? Yup. Am I ever going to read an article about someone ending up with the State taking their children from them and just assume they're being victimized by the State? Hell no. Odds are high some there was some ****ed up **** going on in there.
  24. Mangling the constitution with amendments for things like raising the rate on gas tax because you don't trust it enough as a simple act of congress is unreasonable. Amendments can be repealed and replaced anyway (admittedly, with more difficulty). There just aren't guarantees in this life. Having enough money depends on what legitimate needs are. That is impossible to define as a nation and the way you are looking at it basically means no more money util the gov't stops doing things you disagree with. Not sure what I was saying was much of a stretch. Appropriations records are yours for the taking. Actual gov't institutions are constantly conducting detailed audits of themselves, every day. A large number of employees do nothing but that. These audits follow the money downstream to some extent as well. Outside organizations do some of this as well. These audits are often made public/widely available. If they are not easily found, you can ask for them and get them. Are politicians making explaining the nuanced finances of gov't there platforms? No. But this idea that the gov't secretly squanders our money isn't true at all. To the extent they waste it, they do it fairly openly.
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