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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I can't think of a FA more valuable to us. Our window is now. That would be the most universally hailed signing, I wouldn't care if we paid him double market value and lost Hughes to do it. Thoughts?
  2. He's had 14 games in two seasons and was unplayable this year. At best, give him another 16-32 games and he can be reliably playable. More practically, he's a total bust. Sanchez last year >>>> EJ last year. We're too good right now as a franchise to not get that.
  3. I just fail to see how rolling w/ EJ is an option for a team as good as this.
  4. Impossible. Obviously not something I can prove, but it would be a tragedy if a Sanchez quality QB were backing up EJ ... a clear sign that we are committed to wasting our window on EJ. And don't get me wrong, Sanchez is not great. But he has no business backing up EJ (if if EJ somehow looked a little better in practice [which means little to nothing]).
  5. What!? If Sanchez is on this team there is no way he's backing up EJ. That would be ridiculous.
  6. WSJ reported today that 48% of Americans disapprove of the visit without first clearing it through the WH. However, the same poll also reported that nearly half of Americans have not seen, heard, or read coverage on the issue (despite only ~20% saying they had no opinion on whether they approved or disapproved) lol. http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/03/01/nearly-half-of-voters-disapprove-of-gops-netanyahu-invite/
  7. We always need to be f'ing with Russia. Nobody is going to send kids to die though.
  8. 43 at least attempted to sell the world on it, was able to drag 3 other major countries into it with him initially (despite us having the vast majority of troops), and succeeded in dragging dozens more into it in some capacity. Russia just moved in without even doing the dance.
  9. Is anyone unhappy with the internet currently? Why is this even a discussion?
  10. Percy is a great football player and the Bills would be better off with him. We don't need it though, not for any significant amount of cash.
  11. Like Nanker said, it's more for us than them. Personally, I would still rather do nothing (at least nothing more than we are)...getting all emotional and puffing our chests out does nothing for me. They're burning people to death, crucifying children, raping women, etc...I get it and it does piss me off. I don't need our President puffing his chest out and rattling the population to prepare them for another US ground war. The neighbors have to put ISIS down and when it gets bad enough they will. There is no point to rant and rave about how backwards the Islamic world is. Obama doesn't need to act the way most of us feel. What would be the point of that?
  12. RI appears to be a dumb guy, but he isn't clinically retarded. He just had the world step on his rooster, he'll behave reasonably well and we need his services. Get over it. We're not signing guys for you to hang out with, we're signing guys to push other team's guys around. This is good for us.
  13. Please God just get the guy who can throw the rock the best. We really don't need to be too smart here...build a bully and run the ball and play defense and when the time comes where we need to pick up yards in chunks just have someone who can throw it 30 yards to Sammy. If we do that we'll make the playoffs.
  14. Agree. The way QB is going....we need can't spend enough on the OL (even if it is at guard).
  15. I like how people act like they don't understand what Obama is doing/has done w/ regards to "Islam" and the Middle East. Each time he speaks people fake outrage. Agree or not, he's actively trying to keep a lid on Muslim bashing and middle-east bashing. Personally, I do a bit of that in my personal life (I do understand not all Muslims are bad but I don't have a problem calling it like I see it). Obama is the President though, and he seems to have decided that the Middle East and the people there aren't going anywhere...so his public remarks take that into consideration and are carefully chosen to condemn precisely and not say something that casts to wide a net. Where would we like to get? What kind of comments won't get us there? That's the analysis the WH has obviously conducted, and it's pretty clear where they came out on that one. Not really a story here. If you are outraged that someone dare compare ISIS's crusade to old Christian crusades then you are an idiot. It's almost as if some people have taken to defending the crusades b/c they're now an anti-Obama movement! lol [insert asinine comment about "no you don't get it, THIS president doesn't GET IT, there is no equivalency blah blah"]
  16. The favorite move of many on this board (not just you), "the question is crap so I ignore." Most of the time these same people push for direct answers to their own "crap" questions. You refuse to comment on what, if any, thoughts you have about fixing the problem. Instead, lets talk about Obama. Fair enough but lets not pretend that isn't what is going on.
  17. I would say his question is valid and you didn't answer it. It is a cliche but maybe it just has to get even worse before it gets better. The region may very well need complete and utter chaos...full scale total war across most Muslim countries. I mean, I don't know what to say other than a youtube video isn't going to change my mind. It's terrible, but it's almost like this area of the world has a drug problem and US involvement is a week long detox where you go back and hang out with the same friends afterwords. If Jordan goes and literally lays complete and utter waste to that **** hole of a city Ar-Raqqa or whatever its called...I say good. Literally level the place and kill every man, women and child that is there. And it was Jordan who did it, not us.
  18. The Pats are who we thought they were, and Seattle let them off the hook! Now, it's on US! US! Do this Rex. Do it.
  19. Allah does not condone cheating. Killing infidels is spiritual.
  20. They Jets realized Doug thinks he's a God, treats people like garbage, rolls people under buses with regularity, and tries to control everything and everyone. He does this while producing sub-.500 records.
  21. If we got Julius Thomas and Revis this offseason then hell would freeze over and we would win the superbowl next year.
  22. Only if Kasich leads the ticket. That dude would be a great candidate in a general election.
  23. First I would say that if the job has access to any sensitive information (ssn/pii/account info) at all, it's fine if restricted to crimes of disohnesty. Period. I would also recommend credit checks for anyone exposed to sensitive info, anything like that. For anyone. And that is a sound opinion and based in reality. There is a real problem with that stuff. If it definitely has no access to sensitive info and is truly a blanket "no criminal convictions" that is ridiculous. If someone has a mild DUI and is substantially the same as the guy without one...choose to take the guy without one this "qualification" is unnecessary.
  24. It's good news for the GOP Mitt isn't running. Sad thing is Jeb will almost certainly get the nod and will be substantially similar although a bit better. It'll be Jeb in a coin flip with Hillary depending on how the next 2 years go and how the campaigns are run. Given the next 2 years are likely to be Obama's best and the Clinton machine is superior to the Bush machine at this point...odds are high we all know who is president after Obama. If the GOP could somehow run one of the younger or more exciting/non-Washington candidates they could potentially change the dynamic. Sad truth is, having a vastly superior political bench won't mean a thing when it's Bush v. Clinton. Bush would probably be a good president though.
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