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Everything posted by dayman

  1. The Bills are going to win the Superbowl for the next 5 years in a row
  2. I can't believe how good we look. Cassel and Tyrod both look a million times better than EJ ever has.
  3. I think we look excellent so far. Karlos looks great. Cassel looks incredibly good compared to what I expected. Defense has been stellar (on only 3 plays granted). McCoy looks sharp. Bob woods looking good. Where is Percy is he in today?
  4. QB is going to destroy this team. With a real roster and (gasp) expectations there will be no forgiveness.
  5. Any update and/or word on exactly what is happening with this year's offering? Last year I had to you use a friend's credit card b/c mine pings an address that Direct TV considers to be eligible for a satellite (even though I can't get one here).
  6. I still think a day will come where he is dominant in the NFL. Just not looking to be next year.
  7. No posters on this board know what is going on with the Bills finances, and on top of that they shouldn't care. So long as Brandon isn't filling out the rosters who cares that his bosses have been happy with him? Good for Brandon. His job was to make his boss happy and his boss said he was good at it.
  8. Abandoning EJ early in the season was the most competent thing Marrone did while he was here. It's amazing to see people re-write history and/or just forget ... that one decision set the tone for us going on to have a "successful" season (by our standards).
  9. This thread is full of Bills fans knocking or otherwise declaring "meh" the move to acquire Harvin? Harvin is the best WR on the team. Hopefully Sammy and Bob Woods grow into something even better but at this point in time, Harvin is the most proven, explosive, talented and dangerous man we have receiving the football. We aren't drafting buddies. There is no realistic reason to hate on Percy as a Bill. If he's hurt, so what we decline to pick up the option. If he isn't hurt, he will be balling.
  10. C'mon dude we look to be competitive this year you need to have a plan in place ... AM radio? Never heard of such a thing ....
  11. If they just take the restrictions and mandatory partnerships out, make it so loading and out of market mistakes are not problems, and generally just make it easy to get and high quality....I would pay $600 for the ticket. Problem is even with the ticket, it still sucks (I still pay whatever it is anyway though...).
  12. Bottom line is you don't draft Bills players in fantasy this year, same as every other year. Not surprising what the article said. Good thing for us, our real world goal for these guys isn't fantasy production. It's 20 points a game as a team ... I think if we stay relatively healthy and the OL supports a run game which in turn allows Cassel to manage the passing game we can do it.
  13. Depth everywhere. We're shallow at LB, CB, and DB ... at least in terms of the defense needing to maintain a suffocating level of play if we are to win. Remember when Dareus went out last year? It was a huge blow. Bottom line, the team has too much riding on Bufalo's D being a top 1-3..truly great...defense. To do that, we can't have injuries (which always happe). In so many words, my main worry about the defense is the offense.
  14. CJ Spiller will likely bet better from here on out compared to McCoy. I've accepted it, probably best the rest of you do as well.
  15. I would go as far as to say you can't obtain quickness at all--you have it or not. Sure, you can become quicker (drop some weight, improve strength and flexibility)...but that is just relative to where you were. I don't know that I've ever seen/heard of a player who turned quickness from a weakness into an advantage.
  16. If I recall the only real knock on him was his conditioning/footwork (which I hear he has improved) and that he wasn't a "twitchy" player. Ultimately, I think we'll know this year whether he has what it takes to develop into a starter (even if he doesn't start this year).
  17. You aren't a real Bills fan if you don't want this kid to turn it around.
  18. Sadly, Simms is not clearly worse that whoever the hell our back up looks to be...and our back up is not clearly worse than whoever the hell our starter is. In ordinary times I would agree that there is no point to Simms. We live in extraordinary times.
  19. They did a great jop ramping up the urgency in the filming of that fight, particularly with the John v. Other part.
  20. Percy Harvin is the mos talented player on most NFL teams. He's probably the most talented play on ours as well.
  21. No comment on whether Cyrus Kouandjio is still trash?
  22. Rob Johnson had the offense running "as designed" in his game prior to that though...you have to acknowledge he played better that day that Flutie likely would have.
  23. Of course he's in the mix. At worst he gets as fair a shot as Cassell and Taylor, and he may get a slightly better opportunity. The question is whether you think he has a better chance of winning than Cassell or Taylor. You answer is?
  24. Hernandez was his teammate and friend and Spikes likely did not know and could not believe he was truly murdering people. What happens every time someone does something crazy? The news goes and interviews people who knew him who say "I can't believe it, he was pretty normal!" Very rarely do people who knew crazy people say, after the fact, "Yes, I knew his ass was crazy the whole time."
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