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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Couldn't agree more. Rex's BS trickery killed us today.
  2. No positives today, not even enough to be measured in cents. Time to forget about this game and hope we dominate the 'Phins next week...we need a BIG win not just a win next week.
  3. Entire defense should forfit their game check today. It was totally humiliating. That said...it was one game...we'll move on.
  4. We had complete dumbass coaching on defense today. We looked great last week and have a lot of talent...we showed today we are not above wasted every shred of talent we have. We didn't belong on the field with Brady and the fact that we gave them that cushion all day is a sign we are dumbasses.
  5. I don't think it matters who gaurds Gronk. You still need a guy over top b/c nobody can contain him one-on-one. Hell, at points you'll see 3 guys around him. The key is Edleman. If someone can shut Edleman down the entire offense falls apart for them.
  6. If I was a Pats fan coming to this game I would not wear gear or celebrate too hard in the stands. It just wouldn't be smart to do that this week. People will be their drunkest and their craziest.
  7. If they're going to give attention to Sammy then I'm just fine w/ Percy Harvin. We're unstoppable, nobody deserves stats just let the nightmare unfold on defenses whatever it may be that day.
  8. I consider this to be a HUGE win. The Colts will make the playoffs in the end, and IMO we didnt' merely beat them we beat the hell out of them. We benefited from a few cheap penalties that killed some of their best drives, but all in all we manhandled them, pressured them, and did what we set out to do. Huge win. Top 5 win over the last 10 years IMO. I was very pleased. Congrats Rex--way to introdcue yourself.
  9. "So, I just want to say right off about the beating--it happened and we're moving on. Gronk's bloody pulp is out there on the field, but we're flying back to Boston tonight and we've got to get ready for the Jets next week. Edelman will be questionable and Brady will be good to go, and everyone is going to do their job. I'm really just thinking about the Jets right now, that's really where my mind is." -BB
  10. For the record, I knew they would. I just wanted to get something concrete out there so various snips at Whaley are clearly taken for what they are--pure jokes.
  11. Nix? Nix did some good things and started the turnaround, including bringing Whaley in. Nix did an above average job, but from what I've seen I have to give Whaley much more credit than Nix. Bringing Sammy, Percy, McCoy and Clay in over the course of 2 years while improving OLine at the same time is the reason why we expect to be in the playoffs this year and that is all Whaley...
  12. What do you really think about Whaley? Since releasing Fred, I see Whaley becoming a bit of a meme around here ("going rogue," etc.). Personally, I was upset about Fred, think the EJ pick was a disaster, and recognize how much we gave up for Sammy considering there were other great WR picks in that draft. However, my confidence in Whaley has never been higher. Is he not primarily responsible for the stellar roster we currently have? All I have seen since Whaley joined the Bills, and since he took over the Bills, is the Bills getting WAY more competitive and the culture and expectations completely changed. I love Whaley, and I think some of the fools around here should appreciate competence when they see it. The Bills are good, and it's because of Whaley.
  13. EJ fought his ass off to beat out Cassel...good for EJ. He's still garbage but at least the can isn't on fire also
  14. What? Both those guys are reasons why our offense is insanely talented...you don't put together an all-star squad to rip it apart before week 1...
  15. IMO Oline depth is ok provided we don't have multiple injuries. CB is a problem.
  16. Even though the lag sucks it has been getting a little better as it goes...should be better this year. Just do what I do and set a basic precedent that texts should be at commercials...or don't look at phone until commercials...refresh the feed at halftime. Slingbox won't work any better than streaming package and it will be more trouble.
  17. Honestly w/ Tyrod's arm strength and ability to extend plays + our support players...complex zones could be a disaster. I think Tyrod is probably more comfortable escaping and hitting a guy streaking in a zone spot he had extra time to find than he is in the pocket doing the same against man.
  18. Bottom line is you can't really gameplan for Tyrod and this Bills squad. We are a nightmare on paper. You have to be prepared to adapt in game to whatever the hell it is we end up sucking at and dominating at.
  19. Do you think that most 1-2 read, waterbug, gimmick QBs have the support players he has? You want to devote 2 over the top spies on 3rd and long with Sammy, Percy, Woods, Clay and McCoy out there?
  20. Not just targeted at you, but I would love for Green Bay to stack the box with Percy, Sammy, Woods, Clay, and McCoy as a target at there. We are LOADED with talent so if Tyrod's presence means more man than we were going to get anyway, good.
  21. Legend has it, Azor Ahai labored for 30 days to create the sword that would defeat the darkness only to have it break. He tried again for 50 days and nights, and it broke again. Only on the third try, after laboring for 100 days and nights and driving the blade through his loving wife's heart did he form the mythical weapon that would defeat the darkness. We just cut out our heart guys. Bring on the playoffs.
  22. Tyrod: is the most dynamic player is the toughest player to gameplan for and defend is exciting has a masters degree in not turning it over and relying on defense from college (aka Beamer ball) is our starter Good work Bills. Nice.
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