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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Rex is going to need to rework the defense over time. It'll get better this year but not that much better. Ultimately we'll send Kyle Williams packing after this year, draft a bunch of CBs and LBs...and end up the chaos Rex D everyone knows and loves. But right now, and for the rest of this year, we'll be above average but not top like we wanted. It's one of the main reasons we may not make the playoffs. We're too crazy on D.
  2. I just want to point out, if there weren't 7 refs on the field tonight, that meaningless touch of the football could have happened and been recorded and replayed with no ref watching it right there and been a perfect noncall with the right result reached and no real controvercy.
  3. Pressers sucks, you can't hold anything against a coach b/c of pressers. The problems Rex has are the problems the Bills have, not the way he talks about them moments after they happen.
  4. I have been thinking about the flag situation, and some of the issues are actually pretty tough if you think closely about them. Especially in an age of television, dvr, replay, etc. Of course it is easy to tell refs to just call the obvious stuff, but what is obvious and provides an advantage is a tough call. Especially in close games. Rules for a game like football are tough. So a quick wikipedia search surprised me, there are 7 refs on the field. 7. Just take 3 of them away. Thoughts?
  5. I like Taylor, but the offense may be more Taylor-made for guys like Clay, Percy, and Sammy than chains moving guys like Woods.
  6. I hope we go 3-1, and we really should, but I'm thinking it'll likely be 2-2. Could be a weird 2-2 also. I say we beat the Bengals but drop 2 of 3 to the others. A London loss seems like a real possibility for this team even with the Jags being the opponent.
  7. That is a BS excuse and if acceptable means we're screwed b/c we play a lot of teams coming off of bye weeks this year. We play a lot of bad football, it's troubling.
  8. We're .500 so far and obviously have talent and potential. So I get it, the sky is not falling and that isn't what I'm trying to say here. A win is a win, so I won't even peddle some garbage about Indy and Miami looking bad. However, we were blown out by the Pats. Totally dominated despite that little "comeback." I'm sure most will agree with that. Now, of course, you can write that off as "oh, well it's the Pats so whatever." I actually agree with that write off, but the fact remains that we played terrible in addition to playing the Pats. Today, I think we were basically blown out again. Now the problem here is between the penalties and Giants being bad (and thus unable to blow up the score) it's easy to not feel that way. Easy to say we beat ourselves. But I think we should consider this another manhandling and a game where we didn't show up. We couldn't run the ball today, and the Giants got enough on the ground to really help them against our "great D." We couldn't move the chains early today, and the Giants did enough early against our "great D." We couldn't finish drives, and the Giants scored 24 points. We couldn't control our penalties and...well...neither could the Giants but we were SO bad in this metric that it was still a clear advantage for them. Our offensive play calling was suspect for huge swaths of the game. Our defense was randomly gashed at terrible times. We lacked urgency. I would go as far to say we were physically dominated. My point here is, we're bi-polar. We flat out don't show up sometimes. Half the time, to be exact. That's a huge problem. It's a lot on coaching and it's also a lot on the players. Importantly, I don't see us fixing this, and b/c of that I think we'll be lucky to compete for the final wildcard spot. What we saw today is what we are this year. We're going to play well sometimes, and show flashes, and get penalized and win 9 games and miss the playoffs. That is what today reveals.
  9. Bills better keep playing desparate or they will get caught today.
  10. Almost perfect game for the Bills. Total domination.
  11. Lets do this thing boys! Wooooooo!!!!
  12. It's real hard to imagine a big Bills win in the hot home opener of a good Dolphins team that now has as much (if not more) to prove as we do. I say Bills win 28-24 in a really close one where the D makes a big play late. However, if Eric Wood is dominated by Suh, it could be the beginning of the end for him in Buffalo and a loss for the Bills.
  13. You can't see where Judge Berman was wrong? His order is hot garbage through and through. Brady didn't have fair notice that cheating would carry a penalty? Well's report materials needed to be provided to Brady before the Wells report was actually issued!? Hogwash. Brady was prejudiced b/c he crossed the lead investigator but not the second hand guy? LMFAO. When two rules apply only the more specific can be used? Utter nonsense.
  14. Guys, don't forget: https://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video/CPitT9qU8AAq6WG.mp4 (worth the click)
  15. Kyle Williams said it best in his presser just now...summary is we were pumped but not focused and therefore we did idiotic things and got whooped and everyone on the team needs to learn from this b/c they weren't ready.
  16. Paraphrase from Kyle Williams live presser: "There's a different between coming out pumped up and then coming out totally without poise and doing idiotic things."
  17. Might as well ride the down if it gives you an edge in practice to visit Miami next week. We need to come out mad next week...what happened today matters and the Bills (especially the defense) better take notice. I think they are capable but they were not who they say they are this week.
  18. LA Grant is right, there were some plays where Brady has a ridiculous amount of time. With that said, the ball was gone...hard to fault Dareus for not routinely wrecking havock but it is a HUGE problem when we pay somewhere around a quarter billion dollars for a DLine that doesn't matter and makes no difference in a game against the champs.
  19. Oh god have we already sunk so low as to be talking about Kiko's knee? Lock this topic, please. I have more complaining about the Bills to do
  20. Don't always agree with your take but today your theme seems to be "out of control," and I think that's pretty much on point. We were out of control and they were executing exactly what they wanted to. Rex wasn't ready for this game. Sad to admit, but we looked bad b/c of Rex. Not prepared, out of control, and shameful on D.
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