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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Hopefully he's ready to play after the bye, but if not this dude should take his time. All concussions are not created equal, if you get a bad one, you really shouldn't be playing RB in the NFL (really for a year or so...maybe ever again if it is truly horrendous). Let this dude sit, we have other players.
  2. Percy is fantastic to have on the team, but he is not a reliable fixture of the offense. Everyone knew this about him. It would be a non-issue if Sammy were healthy. Percy is supposed to be the icing...if you are looking for whole cake you can't really blame him. And as others have already said, it's ironic that he's the closest to being the whole cake out of anyone.
  3. I'm not done with any of our players. I still believe we have a good roster, we're just crazy hurt and going through growing pains of a new coaching staff. Give it time, even for Percy. If we could flip a switch right now and have healthy options that were substantially similar, I would agree....but we can't.
  4. Go Bills, hope we show on D big time and with a good gameplan on offense and roll 'em! They're just the freaking Jags, lets do this we are fighting to stay alive! With that said, given our current status and the fact that the Jags have demonstrated scoring capability, I will predict: Bill 13 Jags 20 Hope I'm wrong, but it could be rough morning.
  5. 5th or later I would do it...assuming we beat Jacksonville. Steve Smith has been amazing this year.
  6. Who is with me!? Start the chant! "WIIIIIDDDDEE 999999. WIIIDDDDEEEE 99999."
  7. Part of it is coaching, another part is (and it pains me to say this) our guys are overrated. Mario isn't done but he's past his prime, same is true with Kyle Williams. Jerry Hughes can have good games but isn't going to dominate every week like a prime-Mario (and he'll get us penalties). Dareus may be he only truly elite player we have at the moment on the supposed great D-line...and he can off weeks he's not superman. Of course, the biggest problem is coaching. But all in all, we may need to adjust the expectations for the defense. How many games can we play like this on defense before we accept that we won't hold people to 10 points every week? We get soem QB relief moving forward, so hopefully we look better. But we do not have a 1-3 defense that is going to carry us like we thought we would...it isn't there. Not who we are. Sad part is without that...we won't make the playoffs. Another 8 or 9 win season coming down the pipe.
  8. My take: 1. It is officially time to light a fire under the coaching staff over the defense. It's a disaster. 2. Offense is just too banged up to win. Nothing really to be done about it, just sucks. 3. EJ played ok for a backup QB. He could continue to grow and be a decent back up but never a starter in this league. 4. Special teams is terrible. Worst unit on the team. 5. Obligatory penalty comment. Overall, we're just not doing the things it takes to win. The defense is not itself and it needs to be. Then special teams and penalties kill us, with no turnovers to compensate. Offense is just hopeless...IDK what to do w/ no players it is a sad situation. Hope to god we can win a sloppy one in London and get to the bye and heal up. Come out strong after the bye hopefully healthy and with some schedule relief.
  9. Defense not being used as designed. Offense hurt.
  10. Great players want the ball. And if he's looking at tape seeing himself open ... this is professional football. Everyone wants to get him the ball...he doesn't have to say this to make other people look bad the situation makes them look bad.
  11. Agreed. I've criticized him for missing games and not being all-world when he plays (fair or not). I'm thrilled to see he feels the same. Working this out through his agent is a little questionable, but none of this bothers me. Sammy could turn into a malcontent for all I care...he would be justified. I say give this guy 15 touches, 10 isn't even enough! lol
  12. Realism brother. We're highly likely to drop that one, and hopefully we don't **** the bed in London. 4-3 at the bye and we're still alive and doing fine. But that's assuming your boy Sammy shows up for us. As for the McCoy blame game....that's fair too. But he is helped b/c Karlos (when his head is ok) helps us out so well. We could get by without him for quite a while if he came back healthy later on closer to the playoffs ... the same can not be said of Sammy. We need Sammy, fully healthy or not, out there balling, right now, every game.
  13. OBJ has pretty clearly earned his status on the field beyond any doubt.
  14. This is a quality post and I'm glad to see some posters here are willing to say this kind of thing. The bottom line is we all love Sammy and nobody really wants to come out and criticize the guy b/c of that and b/c we all know he's talented and could blow up for us any day. But at some point...the dude has to go out and earn it. And it's just a flat out fact (fair or not to him, I say fair) that he needs to go big and go big often to earn it. He hasn't done it, and it doesn't look like he's poised to do it anytime in the foreseeable future. This kills our potential on offense.
  15. Not really. We aren't beating the Bengals either way, "saving" Sammy Watkins until he feels like it's the first day of training camp isn't a strategy I can get on board with. Dude just needs to play. It isn't optional with him. Even if he just goes out there and pulls coverage and that is all he does...he needs to go out there and do that...every week. If he breaks down to where he literally can't go, then so be it. But we need him out there every game. And frankly, we need him out there doing more than pulling coverage, banged up or not. There are only 16 games...and we almost flushed the season down the toilet today.
  16. We almost dropped one today that would have thrown us in a spiral. There isn't plenty of time. It's extremely frustrating and Sammy gets a pass. Everyone knows the kid is super talented...but it's always a month away to make him click for us on a dominating level.
  17. So like...week 5 of year 3? That's what when we can reasonably stop waking up praying for him to play ball for us consistently?
  18. You know how many other guys go out and play every week, even when banged up and drawing doubles and balling? Not that many, but the ones they do are called stars. It ain't Sammy. True. And I know there have been others, but I haven't started or given them much thought. Today is the end. It is time for this dude to play ball in my book. It's pathetic at this point.
  19. I want to love Sammy...please...say something other than "look at the offense the last few weeks," and "he'll be healthy and play the majority of games some day." Defend Sammy with reasoning if you can (I would love for someone to say something to make me optimistic abou thim again). But we're out there looking terrible and it's b/c he's not able and available (and even when he is...he's not exactly dominating).
  20. I have seen the offense, and I appreciate and have heard this statement over and over the last few weeks. Great. It still doesn't matter. It's pathetic to sit there and say he goes out there and pulls some coverage and that's a success for him...this is a pathetic response to a real discussion about Sammy and his consistent injuries and lack of consistent production. We need and traded for a star...Sammy isn't a star by any stretch. Take off your Bills glasses and watch the league. Learn what a difference maker on offense really looks like. It isn't Sammy.
  21. I'm not calling him a bust, but he's either not playing or playing with limited ability a TON, and when he does play he rarely has a huge effect on the game. Here and there he'll make a big play which is great, but even when healthy and playing he's often not a fixture of the offense who is consistently helping us move the chains. How long will not playing and/or just being a boom or bust (to use fantasy terms) type guy hoping for a big play go on until he's declared a flat out bust? Meanwhile, several other young WRs are blowing up the league.... Again, I'm not calling the kid a bust just yet...but I think he gets a HUGE free pass when it comes time to talk about why the Bills aren't getting it done the way they should. He should be out on the field demanding the ball in a variety of ways and being explosive when he gets it. Instead he's hurt all the time and when out there he does not do enough for what he is supposed to be. It's not all coaching/QB. It's him as well.
  22. Tennessee is terrible and mounted long drive after long drive. They couldn't finish a drive b/c they are terrible, and their coach is a little girl when it comes to going for the jugular. None of that changes the fact that the defense was beat today, play after play. We won this game b/c we played a terrible team. Both sides of the ball lost.
  23. Team looks terrible. Don't know why anyone would take issue with what he said.
  24. Bills 20 Titans 17 This is going to be a tough game. We'll be lucky to win.
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