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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Carson's alright I get why he's had success early. His taxation views have been the closest thing to "simplton" that I've seen him express. But I don't know him that well.
  2. Based on what I've seen and our current record and tie breakers yes. We're not that good, even if we're healthy we're not world beaters week in and week out. No reason to suspect we will ever actually be healthy this year anyway. Given too many games away. It'll certainly bite us.
  3. None of us have any choice but to hope time will cause this to work. Rex isn't going anywhere and neither is the bulk of our front 7. Offense has been a dumpster fire we need to sign some more durable guys that can be expected to ball consistently. I actually like Sammy, Goodwin, and Percy all individually...but as 3 of the top 4 WRs on a team it looks like it can't work that way right now.
  4. Sadwhiches come on loaves of bread. That is the defining feature. Hot dogs are on little buns. Long buns, but buns.
  5. We know him as a great punter in his day. The world knows him as the kicker Sean Taylor destroyed during the probowl.
  6. The Broncos are undefeated and the Raiders have a better record than us. We're almost certainly done, but I'm not willing to stop rooting against the Raiders just yet. You can add the Jets, Dolphins, Steelers, Chiefs, Chargers, Ravens, Browns, and the entire AFC South to that mix. But you can put the Raiders and Steelers at the top of the line. The best part of this year's fluke w/ all the undefeated is that 3 of the AFC East teams are and have been beating up on others. Other than those teams, there are only 3 teams with 4 wins...we have 3. Dominant teams need to stay that way and everyone but us needs to lose and get hurt (no player specifically, but it's been us so far).
  7. When you have a young, average or even good player you can ask him to do anything. When you have 1/4 billion on the front 4 as a unit...they know what they were paid to do. They were paid to do the specific things they have done while building their career to this point of awesomeness. When you ask them to do bunch of other random **** they have never done at this point in their career/status...it may not work. Rex's scheme will click...but we really weren't built for it. Rex needs a bunch of average/good flexible guys who will run through a wall for him and he'll turn them into probowlers. Not sure Rex knows what to do with our guys.
  8. Eh, it's all about price. If he is flat out cut and bottoms out w/ little interest and you bring him in with another guy at some rate you can afford....it's worth letting Kaep compete. He's familiar with Roman and mobile like Tyrod. Hard to believe we couldn't be better for having him given we currently have EJ. To bring him in by any means that guarantees him the 2nd qb spot would be a mistake though. And saying that as a Bills fan about a guy that went to the superbowl is absolutely damning.
  9. Bills would have destroyed almost any successful QB had we been so blind as to pick correctly anyway. I'm not saying the JPs and EJs of the world would have ever been good...I'm just saying it probably hasn't mattered for most of the playoff-drought era. I would like to think the roster is finally at a point where it would matter now...but the way we've been hurt and let up scoring on defense it's conceivable that our most talented roster in 15 years isn't even good enough to let a young QB shine lol.
  10. Is it even close? Is Kouandjio now comparable to Henderson? B/c he hasn't been since they were drafted.
  11. No way to even predict what the Bills will play like against the Dolphins. Hopefully it won't be ****, but it might be. Will the team quit? I guess that's what I want to know.
  12. I stand by Whaley 100% if that is what this topic is about. Sammy is always hurt, couldn't have predicted that coming out of college. EJ is a disaterous bust that caused me to question my Bill fandom...but the nightmare is almost certainly over after today (even if we have to wait until next preseason to fully realize the end). Also, I'm not sure how much to put on Whaley regarding the EJ pick (although it seems he's the Cassel-trade guy for sure...which is not good). With that said, the roster has gotten better every year for the last few years and is currently the best it has been in a while (notwithstanding the unbelievably ****ty play as of late). We're trending upwards. Rex seems to really be !@#$ing up the defense, but with the season in the tank at this point might as well give him a year to see if he can mesh with the talent and look forward to returning to defense glory next year with renewed offensive health and no EJ.
  13. Today will likely be remembered as the worst day of this season. I watched every minute of it. I was dying (engaged) throughout most of the second half. If you can't be entertained watching your team, even when they lose, then you aught not be a fan. It makes no sense. Personally, as disgusted as I am at the team, I still don't understand how someone could say they truly don't want to watch. No matter how bad it gets.
  14. EJ is a classic case of what coddling does to a player. Hopefully he's in shock, as the other guy said, b/c his career just ended. But there is a chance he is so out of it he doesn't even understand what happened.
  15. We're 3-4. A lot of football left, but we probably have about 2 (maybe 3) losses to give for the entire rest of the season now if we want to compete for playoffs. We've got a much improved Dolphins team and the Pats again, and a good Jets team twice. Plus a Cowboys team that will be healed by the time we play them, as well as a slew of other games we could potentially drop. Best case scenario I can realistically forecast would be: W - Dolphins (use the bye as an excuse to do this) L - @Jets (best case scenario we split and win the home game) L - @Pats (can't beat them, never do) W - @Chiefs (fair to say we win) W - Texans (who really knows but this is best case scenario) W - @ Eagles (again, best case scenario here) W - @ 'Skins L - Cowboys (really don't think we're winning this one, at least not this one and the next one v. the jets) W - Jets That would put us at 9-7. I doubt we make the playoffs with that, and this was me being about as optimistic as possible. Rex lasted 7 games. This season is over.
  16. Worked fantastic for me. Worked WAY better than streaming Sunday Ticket online. I wish everything was on Yahoo!
  17. No quicker way to step away from a ledge than stepping off the ledge
  18. I don't know why we need to wait until the end of season. There is a bye to get another back up ready. We cannot have EJ touch teh football ever again.
  19. I think we should just go ahead and cut his ass immediately after this game if he doesn't come back and win. Down 17 to the Jags w/ a half to go...win and you can continue to collect checks on bench...lose and career is over.
  20. EJ is playing for his career tomorrow. The Jags defense isn't good. It'll be known, one way or another, if this cat is a #2 or done in Buffalo by noon tomorrow.
  21. Injuries are an excuse for Greg Roman. The offense has been decimated. They do not excuse Rex Ryan. Not a problem this week. But when you are a part of the decision making circle and lose out on some decisions that later don't work....over time it has an effect.
  22. What!? Harvin is way more dangerous and puts way more stress on defense than Hogan. I'm glad we have Hogan for exactly the situation we are in, and there is an argument about durability that can be made against Percy (especially in Macro terms considering the cumulative durability of Percy, Sammy, and Goodwin combines is terrible) but that doesn't mean Percy should be gone for Hogan. It mean Percy should be gone for someone better than Hogan who can stay healthy more. If we absolutely had to choose between Woods or Percy I would choose Woods (entirely b/c of durability)...but if it's Hogan v. Percy the choice is easy. TLDR: Hogan is not better than Percy Harvin.
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