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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Agreed and it isn't even controversial. Tyrod is afraid to throw over the middle. Roman allows him to hand it off and throw short and to the sidelines all day and have ESPN randomly crown him depending on the week. It's a great situation for Tyrod.
  2. Just played around with it. Initial slicing and dicing suggests the obvious....we need to beat the Chiefs, Texans, Jets....
  3. Oh don't get me wrong if Fitz were available it would be no-brainer. I'm talking about RG as a flyer guy who is brought in along with another guy to basically both push Tyrod and battle for the #2 between the two of them. Hell...as we all know from following Fitz's career...he doesn't go places and back people up. Fitz will always start wherever he goes and if he came here next year he would as well. I would actually kind of like Fitz as our starter next year w/ Tyrod backing him up. Hell if we could bring in a Fitz-level QB, a big WR that is good and can start at #2, and draft 1 or 2 oline guys for depth in the draft I'll be good on offense--frankly.
  4. Your probably right (although I'm no sure it is actually "worse"..EJ is about as bad as it gets). I'm just not sure what else we'll end up having in camp. I also know that I would prefer if...for instance...Tyrod went down 1st quarter next week to have an RGII that has been with the team for months and gone through camp and preseason to go out and play than for EJ to be out there. I never want to see EJ on the field again for the Bills.
  5. My God this place is becoming almost unbearable. I'm an RGIII lover for asking what people think about possibly bringing him in as a freaking back-up after he is inevitably cut? You guys do realize EJ Manuel is our current back-up, correct? I get it...RGIII has been a disaster but I was asking what you guys thought right now about having him in camp...nothing more. Jesus. I've been saying EJ is terrible and shouldn't be in the league since the moment we drafted him and I am flamed...up until the Jags game basically. I mention possibly giving RGIII a chance to win the back-up job and this? No winning here lol
  6. In my opinion, if we had kept Fitz this entire time we probably would have made the playoffs at some point. Not b/c Fitz is great, but b/c he's alright. Tyrod is kind of alright...we definitely shouldn't give up on him until we actually have someone on the roster that proves to be better in games.
  7. If there is some sort of great break where a good looking guy drops to us then sure...but that usually isn't the case. I know I don't want a completely green, mediocre rookie in a place to play games for us next year. We're too good to start a rookie IMO (even in spots as a back up). I really don't want to see entire games lost solely b/c the back up is terrible next year.
  8. I don't watch much of Washington and I know he's been pretty bad for them in recent times...but he has talent. You think him and Tyrod would be a good combo? Tyrod and some other mystery QB will both start a good number of games for us next year (based on the way this year went w/ injury). Would you want a Roman-coached RGIII on deck for when Tyrod can't go? Not really sure who else will be available next year.
  9. Thankful for still being in the hunt/playing games that matter? I guess? Maybe thankful that the defense is starting to come around? Maybe too soon for that one?
  10. Agreed. But I would much prefer a young guy going out there and slinging it to make big plays and terrible plays (like Bortles) than I would a play-it-safe guy. Tyrod does chuck it deep down the sideline pretty often and with some success so that is good...but he's afraid to go over the middle and generally afraid to take a game over w/ his arm.
  11. Tyrod looks like a career back up. A damn good back up...but not a starter by any means. I wouldn't even draft a QB early unless it was a stud. I would (obviously) take any quality guy available in rd. 4 and beyond...but I would primarily try to grab an existing "pro" via trade or FA (Rivers, Cutler, any of those type of guys). They won't be great but the window is now we don't have time for a rookie.
  12. Chefs are this week's ... "SOVIET OF THE WEEK!!!" Last week it was the Jets...eventually it will probably turn into the Texans and then maybe even the Jets again by the end.
  13. Pretty sure only the mentally ill are capable of mastering chess...
  14. Lol. I have to justify watching football now? Yea, sure, it's dangerous and guys get hurt including head injuries. I don't justify it, I just enjoy the game. To put it bluntly--rumors of the NFL's inhumanity are greatly overstated.
  15. Agreed. If we can make a point to get Sammy as many touches as possible in the first half and hit Clay down the seam a few times it could open things up and have us controlling the game.
  16. The Bills are currently 6th in the AFC. 6. Bills 5-4 7. Chiefs 5-5 8. Texans 5-5 9. Jets 5-5 We play all 3 of the 5-5 teams in games to come. We also have a tough game against the Cowboys and Pats, and hopefully two likely wins against the Eagles and Racial Slurs. The way I see it: L Pats (5-5) L Chiefs (5-6) W Texans W Eagles W Skins W Cowboys W Jets (10-6) If that happens I think we get the 6th seed with KC getting the 5 (their schedule is cakewalk from here on out provided they can beat the Raiders). Steers end up first man out due to playing a tough schedule (Broncos, Seahawks, Bengals, etc)
  17. What kind of topic is this? Of course we want every 4 and 5 win AFC team to lose.
  18. They are human number producers. They must produce high numbers lest they be scorned.
  19. Most thinking people understand that QBR is a joke.
  20. Agreed. I actually hate that I have to watch what I consider to be too many commercials. Deal with the modern state of officiating. And watch games all over the place constantly seeking them out and paying money for them ... including NFL ticket online to stream Bills games out of market in a place where direct tv doesn't work well. It's terrible quality. That said...I love the NFL and watch a ton of games including every Bills game even if I do pay $250 for a spinning/loading circle, commercials, and flags. That's why I love this. The Yahoo! game in London was far superior to the normal Direct TV internet service. And it makes sense, Yahoo! is an online company that would be better at streaming, and it's their primary service--not something they begrudgingly do b/c of a contract provision. If this is a short step towards someone other than Direct TV offering out of market streaming packages...this is the greatest thing of all time. Hell, in the mean time direct tv might try to get a little more serious about this to respond who knows (joking, joking). The NFL direct tv streaming package is the biggest crime there is. If there is one single thing they should be ashamed of it is that. Lets bid not only Thursday but all non-home-market games out to companies that can actually deliver. Please.
  21. Saban has continued to do so and has destroyed the SEC regularly b/c of it.
  22. NFL already controls headsets and clock.
  23. Actually quite pathetic for this place to hope Edleman is hurt seriously. I want to win as much as anyone and I'm far from some white-knight...but seriously...lets let this topic die. Bad form.
  24. Good point. With Big Ben out today there is a chance the Steelers drop a bad one to the Browns and further **** themselves. Also, Oakland has a tough matchup at home against a good Vikings team. We could end up getting a game on all 3 of our main wildcard rivals this week.
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