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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Disagree with topic. The main reason is the take on the players is off. But also, Whaley's drafts have been consistently above average. The flaw in this analysis is assuming that drafts are something other teams hit out of the park. Whaley has been a good drafter (and FA signer) and for the Bills to sour on a guy like him would be dumb. He would be a GM for another team within 3 years (at most) and we would be in the tank. Let him keep going. We've only gotten more talented each year under his reign.
  2. Marrone, as much of a maniac as he is, is actually a decent coach. I felt like we were fairly well coached while he was here and Jacksonville credits him as an asset where he is now. He works hard and is a smart football guy.
  3. Huge success on the college level while I was in college. Multiple championships in both football and basketball. Honestly, it was glorious, but it sets you up to be entitled and unrealistic afterwords...there's always a fall. Nonetheless, it sure beats sucking.
  4. In fairness to Tyrod he would probably have played better if he got to face the Bills defense...
  5. Winston is better than Tyrod already. Marriota is similar. Carr has been struggling lately..but most of that list is, in fact, better than Tyrod.
  6. Fan the flames baby. Kitchen fires can burn the entire house to the ground if you give them space to breathe!
  7. Going to be a tough sell to "give" Rex anything. At most, Rex is given the benefit of the doubt for 1 year. If the D sucks again next year and we miss the playoffs he's gone.
  8. 1 and done coaching stint for Rex would be fine with me. I won't hang myself if he's back next year though, it can get better with him.
  9. Honestly Cousins was the best QB on the field today.
  10. Will I be as livid as I was last week? No, of course not. Will I be happier if we take care of business as opposed to spiral further into chaos? Yes.
  11. Oh man, Finn was the best new character IMO. Rey was also good. How can you say Poe > Finn when Poe was barely even fleshed out. We don't even know Poe.
  12. Not happening. Steerers are too good to drop 2 in a row. And it's the Steelers who are most likely to go to the Superbowl if they make the playoffs.
  13. Robert Woods is not holding steady IMO (clear decline) I would characterize the OLine as on the rise from a group perspective. McCoy is holding steady to me. I'm not really sure what you want from him that he isn't giving you. Also, I would give Bradham aand Brown a decline, and Gilmore a rise on the year.
  14. Whalty is, and has always been, our only hope. If we are going to correct anything it will be b/c of him.
  15. post-mortem report: QB: Good at best. Probably average. Bad in spots. No depth at all. Rex: Bad. Gets another year. Defense: Bad. Now needs offseason work to expect anything better next year with Rex at the helm. Offense: Needs a #2 WR...hopefully a big guy. Some OL depth. Special Teams: Kicking game sucked. It's all a Rex/Tyrod dynamic. I think it's a better mix than we typically have but not one that will inevitably make and win in the playoffs.
  16. I don't support firing Rex just to fire Rex. But it may be true that there are some guys out there that would be more exciting. I mean, something like a McDaneils/Schwartz pairing would be more exciting than Rex/Roman to me. But Rex/Roman is fine for another year to see what happens.
  17. Snap reaction is to say it is ridiculous to fire Ryan at this point. When I think about it more, I wouldn't necessarily care if we replaced him this offseason. There are a few options/candidates that could be more exciting than a Ryan year-2 Bills. Something about this team doesn't seem like it's a building thing...there's a quality there that makes you think this is what you are going to get forever...
  18. Steelers are the one team that could easily miss the playoffs or win the superbowl. With that said...they need only lose 1!
  19. Honestly, this thing is glorifying a guy who proved that repeated head knocking leads to a ****ed up head. So that guy is probably going to say..."duh."
  20. I'm a skinny-fat white dude with no speed or strength and my wife is of similar athletic ability in women-terms. My kid has no real reason to play football unless he really wants to...when the time comes...he'll be playing baseball/basketball/tennis/golf/[insert-other-sport]...and he'll enjoy watching football on the weekends with me. If he asks to play football...he can play. But it won't be presented to him as something he necessarily aught to try. (I played btw...all through childhood...it was fun and an experience that shaped me in part but there are plenty of substitutes for what I got out of it).
  21. How about: "Can we get Rivers in FA (again)" "Who is the best "big target" WR to go alongside Sammy in the draft?" "If Mike Pettine comes back will our defense be better next year?"
  22. I like Tyrod (considering other options and past QBs)...but he needs to lead. Tyrod is too sterile. The idea a QB needs to be level-headed or not get too high or two down is false. Tons of QBs are firey and emotional when they see they need to be. Sure...don't freak out when things go bad...but when you need a boost give it. Most good QBs in the league do something like that.
  23. I'm as unhappy as anyone about the way the team has played (it's not just the record). But Rex is obviously fine and I'll hold off at least until the end of next year before I eat him alive. We've had a ton of injuries and, of course, his scheme and methods will take some time to implement. There were articles about this when he was hired, and I was a not the only one a bit worried at the hire. But once it was done it was done. Give him time. His defensive reputation is earned (if nothing else).
  24. I really like Coldplay but you are right, absolutely wrong venue. If there were going to go international they should have put the Arctic Monkeys up there.
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