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Everything posted by dayman

  1. To me if we win 9 games again and the defense is real good and we miss it, Rex gets another chance. If we have injuries and/or it's just kind of a bad year (e.g., Pats win a million games and the WC spots go to team with 10+ wins) then we would be fools to fire him. If, on the other hand, he suck and win 7 or 8 games having not been that injured then he's gone. It's stupid to just say "win or you're out."
  2. Damn, these clips have me ready for next season.
  3. Shady's value is still huge. Don't forget what he's like (and how he was for us last season) when he's healthy and we're getting him some room. Shady has at least this year and next (if healthy) to be a big advantage every game for us. He's far better than Karlos and crew...don't make the mistake of forgetting that.
  4. If he was really hell bent on making it he would have moved from FB to LB a long time ago. Like...in high school.
  5. Freeny could do whatever we need b/c we don't really need a permanent fixture. The concern is whether our pass rush will be what it needs to be the first half of the season (and to some extent all next season). He can still help with that.
  6. Get him on a one year deal with the promise that Rex will put him in a position to nab 1 more 3 year contract after (with or without the Bills being the paying party).
  7. IMO Woods is nothing special. Needed to get better there.
  8. Without Sammy at 100% our passing attack was weak as hell last year. We don't need a "knicked up" Watkins out there "not missing starts." He's all the downfield explosion we have and Tyrod was in sync with him at the end of last year.
  9. I know our cap space isn't big and Fitz wants to start but this is a great year to grab him on a one-year deal as security.
  10. May take: Bad news any way you slice it. I get the people in here saying it's ok b/c he's a great player and it'll be fine. I get that. But dude is about to miss half the season in all probability. Coupled w/ Sammy's foot we got really bad news right now.
  11. NE week 4 (if the suspension holds we need to steal that one) Cinci week 11 (coming off a bye for the home stretch playing a good wildcard/division winner candidate) Jets week 16 (see: last season)
  12. Not that technique isn't important but no QB ever failed or succeeded b/c of a drop back. In the end you can feel the game and throw guys open or not.
  13. OP....too much text. I assume--without reading--you are saying the right side was weak and we didn't take any OL to fill it. With that assumption, I agree. Good post. Kind of.
  14. "Having surgery is not in my question right now" -Shaq ....well...there you have it....
  15. I just don't see Jones working out in the NFL. I picture Vince Young at his worst.
  16. No, but he'll be the best QB on the board and he'll be somewhat high on the list.
  17. LOL. Jeff Driskel is terrible. He can't play. Ask any Gator fan.
  18. I say we go ahead and take him at 19 if he's there. He can sit behind Tyrod next year and we'll go from there. Need to keep on trucking and acquiring QBs constantly IMO.
  19. Honestly Flash should be front and center. They should have basically used him as an Iron-Man-like foundation. Then contrast him with Batman. Superman just needs to be relegated at this point. They can't reliably hit with him on-screen so they should mitigate his ability to drag everything else down. I watched a few comic movies recently and in Age of Ultron there is a scene where they are all just drinking and joking around and trying to lift Thor's hammer. That scene (basically about nothing...nothing plot oriented anyway) is better than any scene DC has put out. They just can't seem to have any scenes where the characters are together and it's just working. There's just nothing easy or human in their movies.
  20. Alright, I saw Batman v. Superman. Here is my short spoiler-free review: Believe the hate--this movie is as bad as people are saying. The plot makes absolutely no sense at all. Eisenberg does a hideous job (probably the worst I've seen in any movie in a long time) and the Lex Luthor character (as written) was laughable. In retrospect, it is Eisenberg/Lex that hurt the movie the most. Superman's whole situation is as soulless and "meh" as it was in his last movie, and towards the end the entire movie goes way off the rails and ends up in parody mode. The one positive is in fact Batman. Batman and Affleck are both pretty good. But it isn't nearly enough to save the movie. Also, even though Batman/Affleck is good...even Batman gets infected with the nonsense plot and ends up making little sense. Also, I wouldn't say it was like an Avengers flick. The Avengers movies were at least entertaining and internally coherent. This was neither of those things. This was utter garbage.
  21. Measured against optimal draft picks with the benefit of hindsight? No. Measured against almost anything else? Yes.
  22. God I hope Fitz leaves the Jets. That will almost certainly knock off a contender for our desired wildcard spot in and of itself.
  23. We dumped Fitz not the other way around. And if he goes to Denver there's a good chance he'll at least be in the AFC championship next year.
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