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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'm not saying he's good, I'm just saying he's the victim of a media and internet snowball. He's very average with some explosive upside yet people act like he's bottom-end QB...he's not...he's a middle tier QB. Same tier as Tyrod honestly (although Tyrod is ahead of him in that tier ATM IMO).
  2. There are many teams that could be better with Cutler--Cleveland, Houston, NYJ, Cinci, SF, LA, Minnesota, Denver, and Washington (yea, I said it, Cousins is way overrated) would all be better with a healthy Cutler.
  3. Cutler is slightly above average and vastly underrated by most football fans. I agree, we should acquire Cutler if we can. Tyrod, Cutler, and a (hopefully) developing Cardale Jones would be the best QB roster we've had in a long time. Plus, if Sammy ever stays healthy and you add another real threat at WR Cutler could be very good with us. I know people knock his leadership and lack of elite play, but if you take an honest look at Cutler and what he has had in Chicago you realize he's worthy of a starting spot in the NFL. He would be an excellent addition to the team as a 1.b backup...get him and have Tyrod run more with the security.
  4. I would trade Clay for Gronk tomorrow--whatever that says as a response.
  5. Given that you can and may do anything with numbers, we might as well use them against Tom Brady (in the very few circumstances where that is possible).
  6. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2016/12/patriots-tom-brady-stats-without-rob-gronkowski-not-good-ryan-fitzpatrick-went-to-Harvard I didn't read the whole thread, sorry if this was posted already, but this is a hilarious article. Stats show that Brady is worse than Fitzpatrick without Gronk.
  7. His results have been to have a talented team that I'm excited about, therefore, greater results than any GM since Polian. I have no doubt that with Whaley, eventually, a few playoff births will come. Deep runs or Superbowl IDK, hope so, but Whaley will at least take us to the playoffs eventually. I truly believe that. If we get rid of Whaley maybe we do maybe we don't, I have no idea who we would replace him with. All I know is if we replaced Whaley with a GM similar to those we have had before him in recent times--we would be making a huge mistake. We have a lot of good players and it's obvious we act with urgency in the talent acquisition department. It's not perfect, and the Rex hire set us back in that department (creating defensive needs out of thin air), but we've gotten better and will be in the playoffs eventually at this pace.
  8. Road rage killings are insane. Probably the best example of our society breaking down (I don't believe it is breaking down just saying that would be Exhibit A for the case that it is). ​Get out of your car with your loaded weapon (that you just so happen to have on you b/c, you know, you're driving around), and kill somone you've never met before, over nothing, in a matter of seconds/minutes. Pretty sad and discouraging.
  9. Whaley is the best GM we've had since Polian. He's not perfect, no GM is, so yes, a lot of hindsight bias can be used to tear him apart. Remember who we are guys, always remember. Whaley is, and has been, great for us. God bless Whaley, may he forever run our talent office.
  10. Jordan Mills on playing in the NFL: "God please help me."
  11. I also believe this, good point Dr. House. That said, we are never healthy and sometimes just b/c we can play good we decide not to anyway, but we can play damn good. We all know that. We never used to have these kind of discussions--at least not seriously.
  12. Would you support the following change? Pass interference is now a 15 yard penalty, or half the distance from the spot foul, whichever is greater. Additionally, refs my make it a spot foul if they call it intentional and/or flagarant.
  13. He would easily fetch a 1st right now if we were willing to go there. We're not stupid, so we aren't. If he comes back in condition to seriously play we have a shot. If he can't play we will lose at least 2 more games...
  14. Bengals suck and Bills are rested and angry. I feel real good about today, even on the road. Bengals - 17 Bills - 34
  15. (Yes, I know this is not exactly halfway) So what are your overall organizational ups and downs through the first half of season...in terms of future optimism? Here's where my head is at: UP Shady. He took it to the next level this year and, IMO, will sustain this level of play next year and hopefully one or two more. Kyle Williams. I think he's got 2 more year in him. May need to start limiting snaps in the future, but I don't think he's done just yet. LorAx. No explanation necessary. Hughes. Not declining, what we payed for, looking good. Incognito and Wood. I'll list them together. IDK why, but I think of them as brothers now. They've been great. Terrible that Wood is hurt but had a rough season not long ago, has been good so far. Incognito is a star. The Browns. I think they surprised everyone. Whaley and Rex. We'll see how it works out, but through this point both have my support. Team looks talented and plays really hard IMO. We're not perfect and we play too much man when we clearly can't cover...but I'm satisfied thus far. DOWN Darby. I think he belongs on the team and should start but this has been a back to earth year compared to where he left off last year. Gilmore. No explanation necessary. He's not a Bill much longer. Aaron Williams. Injuries suck. He's done. Tyrod. He played great last game, truly great IMO. And he has time to do more of that and end the season a huge up. However, I put him down as of now. He's probably the most controversial on the down list, and he's the best on the down list--but I put him here. Watkins. Fair or not, he's been unavailable. Again. Dareus. Also unavailable. He's kind of like Tyrod to me, I think he'll be ok moving forward once he gets healthy. Can't say for sure this won't happen again, but lets not give up on him yet. Could be great for many years for us. Charles Clay. IDK how much is his fault but he's not had the impact we're paying for...for the second year in a row. John Mills. Not good. Seantrel Henderson. I really wanted him to be great for us, thought he could be, and still think he can. He needs to supplant Mills and step it up. We'll see if he can turn it around. Goodwin and Woods. They've had the opportunity, and they've done nothing with it. Both played great last game. Lets see what they can do moving forward. So yea, lot of secondary and WR disappointments for me. What do you think?
  16. Anyone seen this echoed through the media not just by liberals, but also conservatives and republicans? I get it, it's a complicated law and it's vast web of bureaucracy. With that said, the GOP has advanced and passed through the House dozens of bills to repeal the law already and done an incredible amount of talking about it for 8ish years. I'm curious to see what happens here and how fast it happens. Like or dislike Obamacare, they have the power to do what they obsessed about for years...if they don't do something it should be extremely embarrassing.
  17. I have to admit I am very surprised at how this has gone so far. Part of me can't even believe Trump can close the deal here but I'll be damned if he didn't prove everyone wrong...tonight is hilarious and kind of exciting even though I don't particularly care for a Trump presidency.
  18. Virginia just went Clinton, probably the late night start to a Clinton wave.
  19. Media appears to be overplaying Trump's performance thus far. Doing better than expected, but they are playing up the drama making it seem as though he's got it in the bag almost! I will say, he did better than Romney already...Romney was dead by like 9pm when he ran.
  20. We need the defense and offense to play good at the same time. We do not need more penalities.
  21. I would go as far as to say it's likely we win. Dareus out is the one thing holding us back b/c if they run on us we will lose. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  22. Bills 17 Seahawks 14 Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  23. The Pats with a few guys playing but banged up were shut out by Rex at home just a few weeks ago. Brady and Bill are GOAT QB, Coach, and GM combined....but lets no pretend that their situation isn't unique. Without one the other is merely good and entirely beatable. We need to be realistic and positive. It's hard enough to take pleasure in being a Bills fan. Lets not kill our own when it is to no end. Dareus is a great player, will be a Bills player for many years no matter what, and has never had 8 weeks like this in his life. He'll a big bright spot for us moving forward. Lets move on from the suspension...every time he bumps his funny bone we don't need to remember that he smoked pot or took adderall or missed a test or whatever he's bee doing. When he does it again we can light the pitchforks. The last incident is over. Injuries happen, especially to guys not in game shape that are thrown into the fire and expected to dominate right away.
  24. Do we have Tom Brady at QB and 15+ years of history of Darth Vader running the show?
  25. The MR. Fatso is funny. You want a fatso, he is a fatso, and it's great. Oh, it's fine, my only point is, without being overly worked up about it--this nonsense confirms a good portion of this board to be self-aggrandizing idiots. "I put in a hard days work every day." Dareus deserves to be cut. He's one of our best players and it's not even a huge pattern of being a problem (like Sammy for injury reasons). He got suspended. It is stupid and there is no excuse. It's over. Just putting out the other point of view is all...maybe you guys should just let it go and appreciate that when Dareus is in the game (including last week) it is noticeable...in a good way. Maybe you shouldn't hate a guy that makes a big difference when playing, has played most his games, and will be on the team for many more years.
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