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Everything posted by dayman

  1. They need to just make 4 or 6 16 team mega conferences....w/ divisions in them...kick 40-60 teams out of D1 haha
  2. Poz hater reporting. He still sucks but a few more games like that I'll reconsider.
  3. Never Maybin is a highly paid practice squad guy.
  4. Yup, and there is comp. Picks and franchise tags to protect a team. It isn't unfair. It's been like this for ages.
  5. You know I doubt it'll be true but they're investigating his Auburn recruitment saying he took $200K. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=5765214
  6. The mind game of time outs w/ the kicker is great. Ever since Chris B. threw a fit early on everyone hates on it. Guess what.....when we iced Adam "the ice man" Vinetari (sp?) I enjoyed the hell out of it. And when Baltimore beat us they did too. Make the kick bums...
  7. IDK that one thread w/ the link to the charger board many think if he gets healthy he's got some left. Those are fans that have watched him for years. Now the organization on the other hand.....they were done w/ him. He held out, he's always hurt, and his production is shot. The truth is though, he played through that knee injury (that killed him) for this organization. So...
  8. So all the Bills live in Buffalo? I legitimately think if the culture is getting better, we win a few, he is embraced and finds a role where he can succeed, and then we offer competitive contract....well we would at least be in the running. That's what I think. The idea "Shawne will never stay in Buffalo" is over blown. Guys play in lots of "bad" places and on a lot of bad teams...if he feels he can have a good career here and get paid what he's owed after a year that will weigh heavy on his mind come FA. Plus, if he tried to leave and had a big contract coming (unlikely) we could franchise him, then keep him or trade him (if you can trade a franchised player...probably not). But like the article said, no point in this discuss until we see if he's good.
  9. Let's be honest..those guys are personnel guys reporting on the flow of players in the league...yet they failed to realize a potentially valuable LB would be picked up by the team w/ the worst LBs in the league who just so happens to also have the first priority in waivers. The obvious happens, and they go all "Mel Kiper" on us b/c they were wrong. They have no idea wtf they are talking about, and when they say there is no way Merriman is on the Bills at years end...they are full of ****. Everyone loves us. Everyone that pays attention to the actual football that happens on Sunday anyway.
  10. Now, yes I acknowledge from the outset this is not a popularity contest and nobody wants to be "lovable losers." That said, I don't think we are "lovable losers" and I don't think we are getting "pity" (although there are traces of both of those). Bottom line, every single time I here ANY media personality talk about the Bills now, they LOVE us. No kidding. Mike and Mike, they love us. Shlereth...loves us. Cowherd, loves us. Analysts on NFL Live, they all love us. Just this mourning listening to ESPN radio while in the car...all I hear is love. Not ONE person on the station today picked the Bears. Not one...(not sure if that's a good thing btw...). Hell...literally 10 minutes ago Cowherd and Schlereth were doing the "nobody circles the wagons" chant. Cowherd cited the way our team plays hard and called Gaiely "unfireable." Mike and Mike heavy with the praise, "The Bills will not go 0-16, in fact they will win quite a few games this year." People have noticed the way we play. The way our team has, instead of falling apart, insulated itself and continued to get better and play HARDER each week. So yeah, not much of a point in here other than to say that, every single thing I hear about the Bills now is overwhelmingly positive. Have you all noticed this? What do you think? Post various thoughts you hear media guys say about the Bills when you hear them in here, I'm telling you right now...we are "media darlings" right now. It's insane. I love it.
  11. 1) She's Tila...and yes reports are that she was drunk...she was probably on drugs...she's a wreck... 2) She had to straight up drop the charges 3) Merriman actually WON a default judgment (shortly after this incident) against her for tortuous interference w/ contract and trademark infringement...Tila owes Merriman $2 million dollars right now...she sabotaged some deal w/ Walmart involving the "Lights Out" brand...lol...
  12. We'll have all combos in at different times...we'll have 4 backers like we've been a lot...our main advantage (if there is one) is that we DON'T have an identity...at least form the offenses perspective preparing...then again we don't have one b/c we don't have players so....
  13. Oh I meant 275 btw. He literally weighs 275. I think Cowherd reported it...maybe Mike and Mike.
  14. He weighed in at 375lbs. No joke. I'm not lying. That's how much weighs right now. Heard it on espn radio have no link.
  15. Anyone who says there no chance he's here next year is retarded.
  16. Looks this has happened. Multiple sources starting to chatter...
  17. Davis is safe as can be. He's miles ahead of some of the other guys who get on the field...Gailey said some guys would miss some days this week (but that everyone looks good for game).
  18. Hmm...a private pay for fantasy football service...one that I've never heard of breaks waiver news that everyone is talking about first? We'll have to wait on this one...
  19. Well we've been on the cusp quite literally against two winning teams the last two weeks
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