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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Like it or not our team IS Shady & TT. Not just Shady--certainly not just TT. The only damn thing going is Shady and TT together. It's not the best, but it will make the playoffs if we get a good season out of a coach and stay relatively healthy (ahem, Sammy).
  2. This I truly believe. It makes no sense for Whaley to cut Tyrod. Whaley has to win now. A new GM would come in and start over...Pegs didn't bring a new GM b/c he's not ready to do that yet.
  3. I think you are probably right, but you don't have to be. It is entirely possible Whaley sits back, evaluates everything together with a mind toward next year and keeps him. Sitting him today was guaranteeing the option to cut him, not actually making the choice to cut him.
  4. Just think about that for a little bit. Sure, you can claim the guys didn't play hard or mailed it in--but that isn't what it looked like to me. What I saw was defense that couldn't hang on the entire game and an offense that never got anything going. In fact, if you listen to Lynn's postgame and read between the lines he basically told you as much (pretty good defense, we couldn't do anything, defense couldn't hold on...the only thing he didn't say is we might have gotten something going and changed the game w/ Tyrod in there). Honor the contract. It's complete absurdity to think we can get better by cutting him. We aren't in blow up mode (we aren't built for that either...it would be a 4 year project starting now to do that). This is an easy decision. Why am I wrong? We should all be hopeful for a good draft, a tiny bit of FA help, and some new coaching to break the streak next year with substantially the same roster. That is clearly our best hope--we are a decent football team.
  5. Tyrod: "You know amazon prime gets you access to videos? Like...same thing as Netflix basically." Lynn: " ... "
  6. Lynn is the most overrated candidate I can remember. Don't get me wrong, he's done a pretty good job as OC--but the dude started the season as an RB coach for Rex and now the best teams/franchises in football are dying to have him run the whole show?
  7. Right now getting blown out in a wildcard game would be absolutely amazing. The bottom line is our next step--our first step in almost 20 years--is to lose a wildcard game. I can't wait until we do, then I start talking about how to win one, and then...how to win out. The simple truth is you need something root for and when you don't even make the playoffs you have completely and utterly failed. We need a season that we can look back on that makes us also look forward. Nobody has really ever looked forward to December games in July....you have to make the playoffs to do that.
  8. The hard truth is we just didn't have the players. They aren't smart enough, hard working enough, or (frankly) good enough to do what Rex was asking them to do. IDK why I feel this way, but I still believe that Rex has the chops to be lights on defense if he has the players, but he needs the players to be exactly right. That's a problem. It's also a problem that the execution of his own scheme is a problem for him (10 men on the field, late calls, confusion, etc.).
  9. I agree that we were a few plays away from making the playoffs. If we can stay reasonably healthy, replace Aaron Williams, add a new WR2 that can play, and upgrade LBs we will make the playoffs next year. Tyrod is average at best but he's our best shot to break the streak. Go Bills! I still think we make the playoffs with this line-up...and that is the main credit I give to Doug Whaley.
  10. What Dareus said is exactly what we all know from watching. They're were doing way too much. Guys running the field late, guys checking all the time and missing checks, guys with backs to the ball not knowing what they are doing. It was too complicated. It sucked.
  11. ​Whaley leading the search mean, in all likelihood, that it'll be Lynn or someone like Lynn (a first time HC). If we were going after a big dog they would not want to report to Whaley.
  12. We are last in passing, first in sacks, and cannot convert in clutch time (terrible 2 minute drill ability). Offense is not good.
  13. Now that we've made the move, we should go ahead and overhaul the QB and Lynn as well. They did ok, and Lynn stuck with a run game that worked well...but there is no confidence in a 2 minute drill with those 2 at the helm. We simply can't come through in the clutch with these guys. Total blow-up is in order. I didn't really want to do this, but now that the chips are falling lets make sure all of them fall. We do not need a Lynn-run team next year.
  14. Play the starters for the first half and get Shady the yards he needs to break his record.
  15. Agreed on the safety front. Once Aaron Williams went down we got no plays from that position--ever.
  16. Going into 2015 we had a 3 way QB competition with no incumbent starter. Not sure how that was "built to win."
  17. Agreed that if you don't give a guy 3 years your haven't really given him a fair shot. Hell...I would argue if you don't give a guy a QB you haven't given him a fair shot (but then again, most coaches do not get a fair shot).
  18. As someone who does not live in Western New York, I find it shocking that it take public hearings and government approval to have a Chik-Fil-A open up.
  19. C'mon it's never truly more of the same. The "same" for him is better than the average for the length of the drought. The odds of improving are greater with him, and the evidence for a total flame out is not yet there for a truly undisputed firing. He should get another year. The goal, at this point, is clearly to make the playoffs...it's not to have the perfect team that looks/plays/acts like we all want. Rex is the best answer to making a real push to hit our goal next year.
  20. Poll taken with 2 weeks left in the season. We are 7-7. We are not mathmatically eliminated from the playoffs, but we are practically eliminated in most people's minds. We have, by all accounts, had a disappointing season and defense is widely seen as more to blame for that than offense (even if expectations are the deciding factor in that analysis). However, I say **** it! You've got to let him take 1 more crack at it IMO. We're on pace for another 8 or 9 win season (which is significantly better than we are used to), most players seem to like him, and we've seen signs of how this could work well (even if we can't put it all together consistently against good teams). I vote to keep him. I'm not in love with it, and I'm not inclined to defend it aggressively in an internet argument, but I honestly think Rex next year is a better Bill's season than the kind of coach we are likely to get. Also, I kind of like Rex. One more year. Lets see what happens.
  21. I agree that it looked great, but other than that what made you enjoy it? I'm genuinely curious b/c to me this was almost beyond the pale. They somehow made a Star Wars movie, which had more action than any other Star Wars movie, that was more boring than I could have ever imagined a Star Wars movie being.
  22. Knowing St. Doug he's been whispering in Khan's ear for over a year.
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