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Everything posted by dayman

  1. What the hell are you talking about? The X-rays were negative reported by sportscenter. The rest of the proof is just watching the damn game. Quite down now troll.
  2. Well...espn reporting x-rays were negative. He was, as I predicted simply hurt. Not injured. And he was out of shape that game IMO he was gassed even in the first half. This kid showed me he wasn't in the best shape possible going into the biggest game, he showed me he'll duck his head when he's hurt (not injured) and sulk and have terrible body language and not lead the team when they need it the most, and he basically showed me if he was on a team with a lesser D he would have folded and they would have lost. Make no mistake. Cam did not want to be out there in the 4th...and there was nothing wrong with him other than his bleeding vagina.
  3. Guys just b/c he's going unblocked does not mean the play is designed for him to blow it up. They've done this all year, they've done this for years. This is their scheme. It's their unique wrinkle and frankly...that puts the big man in space where he dominated. And when he wasn't is space he dominated. And by the way they don't ALWAYS leave the backside 3 tech unblocked only sometimes as a switch up from the backside DE or OLB in order to keep everyone honest and prevent EVEN THE DT form crashing strong-side thus keeping everyone "extra honest"...(at least until they play Fairley the beast...) For a great look into what Oregon actually was trying to do w/ their inside zone read go here (worth reading if you are interested in x's and o's): http://trojanfootballanalysis.com/?p=263
  4. He looked gassed all game even before he was hurt. And when he was hurt, he acted like a baby. He was out there, he was running and throwing...IDK what the story is going to be but he acted like he had a sword his back.
  5. Might as well join late. Bears over Seahawks Packers over Falcons Pats (way) over Jets (again) Steelers over Ravens Packers over Bears Pats over Steelers Pats 42 Packers 33
  6. 49ers lost a fifth and switched 3rd round pick for punishment. If you tamper an get a guy like Nnamdi it's well worth it.
  7. Man, that's Stevie Johnson right there is what that is.
  8. Great show. Gota love Tebow. It's debatable but I think this confirms we were not trying to make a run at him later on in the 1st. It seems Denver was the only team ever really going to take him that high.
  9. Look I don't know what has gone on or if I'm crazy or what. But all the talk of the cap and Luck risking this money I've heard some people on the radio talk about b/c of the rookie cap is strange considering the commish. made a comment in season that whatever the agreement no college player should base a decision to come out early on it as it would not be in play for two drafts at least. Does anyone else remember hearing that?
  10. It's stupid. It's all stupid. The guy won a bcs bowl. Nobody even remembers those. He didn't even win his conference. He had Andre Luck. I'm sure he's a great coach and he's done well but the level of "hotness" this guy has right now is insane. Good for him, bad for teams like Miami. I hope he takes it, they refuse to fire him, and he's mediocre at best for years.
  11. If you care about academics it's not uncommon to graduate in 3 years if you play football. They get private help, they can make up stuff later if they're on trips, they are enrolled in whatever they want whenever they want, they are there during summers and often enroll the spring semester of their freshman year in college. So when you think about it that's an extra spring semester to start with and some summer classes each year. If you are a guy like Luck who was valedictorian in high school he's coming in with good amount of AP credits already. Remember Lienheart took only ballroom dancing his last year? Tebow was on his graduate degree.
  12. Thank God! I don't know why, but this makes me feel better about this season.
  13. Who cares what next years QB class looks like? That doesn't have any effect on the guys this year. ...and other than Luck nobody you listed there is "the answer" any more than Fitz. But we should waste a top 5 pick on one of them just because? Because why? We are the Bills? They are more hyped than we anticipate other guys will be next year? I'll pass thanks.
  14. It's simple. Stop playing the 3-4. We would then have talented lineman across the board starting in positions where they can destroy people and we would have some real bulk for depth. We really have 0 proven good LBers any how regardless of how you think certain people can play in certain schemes so this would also eliminate one position of need there.
  15. Take Bowers. Dude could be special. He has the most potential to electrify our defense and that's what we need. He can rush the passer with power and speed and he plays the run well to he holds the gap and plays with strength and discipline. Also, trade of Albert Haynesworthless and make him good again.
  16. Davis played great for us in spots this year. My opinion.
  17. Here's a good break down of Bowers against a good Fla. St. line that controlled both Florida and South Carolina (two SEC teams/defensive fronts). Florida state has ponder out so you can see Bowers control his guy and contain rush well, as opposed to just flying out of control. He lines up in all different spots too. He makes a few great plays including an insane interception.
  18. Well I don't know what's up with the 3-4 if it's for sure our only thing or what but we still have no LBers so I don't understand insisting on running it exclusively. But Williams would be a beast of a 3-4 DT if Dareus or Fairley went in the middle. Bowers would be a MUCH MUCH welcome addition to our pass rush and would play the run hard opposite Merriman also. We have to stop the run which Dareus may help us the most with. But we need to rush the passer which is Bowers forte. Fairley seems to be able to help out w/ both... The more I think about it though we may have to hope Troup and Carrington get more stout and go w/ them and Williams and S. Johnson inside and take Bowers. This guy has speed and power, and is a possible 10 sack a year guy who could also play a mean OLB opposite Merriman. If we want to become the next blitzing 3-4 team...putting Bowers next to Merriman and hoping the bulk we got last draft pans out seems to be the way to go correct?
  19. In terms of actual production this year: Fairely (has yet to play bowl game) TOT SOLO AST SACK 55 31 24 11 Bowers TOT SOLO AST SACK 67 41 26 16 Dareus TOT SOLO AST SACK 33 20 13 5 Ndamukong Suh (last year in college) TOT SOLO AST SACK 82 47 35 12 Mario Williams (in 2005 coming out of college) TOT SOLO AST SACK 57 28 29 14 Bowers seems to be incredibly productive from the DE spot and Fairly has an impressive amount of sacks and tackles from the DT spot working in the SEC... Bowers is had a better season in the ACC than Mario Williams ever did...
  20. Yeah, Quinn looks like someone we need to stay away from. Wide loops to the QB speed rushing the likes of Duke and Virginia...Maybin 2.0 if you ask me. Not as much stuff on Dareus as I'd like there to watch...Fairley looks great. I could get excited about him. He looks the best to me. Bowers looks better than Quinn but I wouldn't say I'm completely sold. Fairley looks like he could have an impact immediately. Stick him next to Kyle Williams....then w/ the second and third round continue to take LBs...
  21. Good Survey Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoTunLl9nJ4
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