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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Pretty much anything is worth it there if it's a really really good player. Obviously things like Kickers won't be...interior OL probably not either...but anything else yes. Personally if my team is so bad to pick top 5 I want to take something that has an easy transition...something that's more physical. QBs/Safeties are risky b/c you have a hard time figuring out how they will pick up on the NFL passing schemes...but there are risks w/ every position and player taken. So basically...I agree w/ this if it's the right safety but all in all I would try my best to take a DL or OT or something like that...given that if I'm drafting that high I could probably use one of those pretty bad and it would be easier to assess the transition (easIER not easy).
  2. Yes we are twins in many ways and I think they end up staying put. I have no real reason to say that. I know that Al moving on will INCREASE the stability of that franchise both in terms of personnel employed and city of residence. I mean they have good tradition and sell out everything so...unless a buyer doesn't like the stadium it's hard to see why he would move the team...given the extreme relocation fees that go along w/ that.
  3. It's just that if he were at DE he would be able to use his full array of skills on each and every play. There are certain responsibilities w/ being the NT in a 3/4...while all DLmen must occupy the OLmen and control the gaps (so the LBs can wreck havoc) the NT is particularly important and can't just being shooting gaps or penetrating like a made man. Seeing as KW can penetrate and control the line extremely well...he would be free to do either depending on the circumstances of a given play at DE more so than NT....at least that's what I think. Say you get a lesser man but a bigger man who can control the line but not shoot the backfield so much you can put him at NT and KW at DE and we get better...see? It doesn't matter where he plays or in what system though he's a beast. We simply need more beasts on the DL to help take some of the focus off of him. Dareus at end and KW in the middle means we are one man away (theoretically) from having an all star front...of course we don't have a single LB haha...
  4. Front 7 is our need for 1-infinity as of now. Specific positions w/ in that are interchangeable just get to a point we can hit our run fit. We need LBs the most though.
  5. What did he do to Donahoe? Are you just referring to when he said we have no talent early this year?
  6. In that picture he looks like he was just in a fire and his face almost melted off. He is "head turning" ugly now. Hopefully I live to be that ugly.
  7. He's just a surly, impersonal guy. He seems to feel awkward talking about himself or being teh center of attention or going on and on about himself on certain plays and stuff...he likes playing QB. He doesn't like being an NFL QB. Simple enough I can relate to it. He's clearly decided that he is happy w/ the money he can make playing football...doesn't need endorsements...and could care less about burning calories being someone he's not. Good for him. Obviously he's a dick, but it's fine. He can be one. There's a lot of pressure to win in his line of work...if it's a toll on him to be pressured into playing the role of QB off the field then JUST DON'T! I totally relate to Cutler. He likely does have some slight social disorder...he's just not that social. He's not the only one. There's nothing wrong w/ him.
  8. Reporter (after a game): What happened on that first interception, Jay? Cutler: I threw the ball. Reporter: Right, but what did you see developing there? Take us through it. Cutler (archly): It seemed like a good place to throw the ball. ...hilarious...I actually like Cutler based on that...
  9. This guy is on a roll. I love it. Every coach should let their team just go out of control in the media it's more entertaining.
  10. Simply put...a franchise guy is a guy who you KNOW can get it done. So much so that if he doesn't get it done, it was not to be. If he has a terrible game in the playoffs you say "we'll get them next year" as opposed to "IDK about this guy in the playoffs." In short, a guy that wins the job for life. A guy who once he comes into his own...will not be challenged in a city until he falls off b/c of extreme old age or retires. That's the way I think of it and it's impossible to put stats or common qualities to it b/c that is different w/ every city and every team.
  11. I agree and I find the "GOOD DAY!" to be hilarious. I mean seriously back in the day that was the meanest thing someone could say....just basically telling you to have a nice day in a snarky way. Haha...my how far our society has come since then.
  12. What is lame is that he can't just come take it over. That he has to deal w/ Edwards and his staff. If he wants to that's fine...but those people IMO should be working with him (should he come to buffalo) not the other way around. Basically I'm saying...if Wanny wants to come he should be the man. Plain and simple. Anything else is lame. What he'll be subordinate to some 1 year DC that had the worst Buffalo D of my life? That literally looked nonsensical at times? Hogwash.
  13. That's what I'm saying...Chan keeps saying it will matter what happens when he meets w/ our D-staff? WTF? That's lame Chan...the D sucks...shake the staff up. Upgrade dammit your HC job will be at stake if we suck again on D.
  14. It would behoove us to not be so glued to this DC we have now...Ryan, Wanny, Wade...ect...
  15. I'd take him as a back up in Rd 3 no sooner than that.
  16. WTF Brandi Favre. Brett that cheap that you can't afford a classier drug addiction?
  17. LOL, BravinSeattle. I actually like Cams personality I don't think he's really a bad guy but I love when people defend the things he's done saying they didn't happen and they need what they call "proof." Can't prove what Cam knew at a given time (but you can use your common sense). UF doesn't release private academic info (but you can trust sources and look at the student hearing set for him). The police were there but I suppose you can't prove he stole that lap top (but he admitted he knew it was stolen). It goes on and on. But yeah this all came from Dan Mullen's wife. That and Urban controlling the NY Times. :wallbash: (c'mon that is bull **** you'll say anything...you must be from Alabama). It's all moot b/c the kid can't play NFL QB anyway.
  18. First off I'm in COMPLETE agreement that the time out against the Jets was absolutely retarded. It was their last TO anyway...it did nothing but HELP the Jets and could not have helped the Colts as far as I'm concerned. BUT this was the SECOND TIME he called a TO to save time with less than 2 minutes left when the OPPONENT HAD THE BALL DRIVING FOR THE WIN! BOTH TIMES HE DID IT HE LOST AT THE VERY END!!! He did this against the Jaguars @ Jacksonville and it was the most retarded thing ever, and sure enough the Jags kick a FG to win with 0 seconds left (had 3 seconds left when they set up the FG unit and had no TOs). As far as I'm concerned this guy is THE dumbest most insignificant coach in the NFL. He's one of the worst there is right now. I don't care if they win that shows how good they could be. The D is better than most think and the O will always be dangerous w/ Peyton. Fire the coach hire a better one and they get better.
  19. Newton is Big Ben/Franchise Man and Fitz is not an "impactful player?" Man...good thing we don't have beers and watch the games together. I don't think we see the game the same at all.
  20. Hey c'mon guys easy on the Florida bashing. But yeah, you are right...Urban gave a lot of people second chances but he, the AD, and the dean all worked together with Cam to get the transfer done.
  21. Lot's of posters here. Can't read every topic. Some posters are more vocal than others. Here is the Cam poll. Vote for how you feel about Cam for the Bills. This isn't anything about Cam personally or in college. This is about the draft and future of the Bills. This poll is public. Everyone will see how you voted. Click the "view" button next to the results in the poll to see who voted how if you are interested. Obviously feel free to post in here further thoughts on why or whatever you feel the way you do...if nothing else that can keep it quasi-bumped just to get solid poll results.
  22. Wow I just feel in love with a poster on the board. Seriously...thank you. I'm glad I'm not the only non-blind man on this board.
  23. We need character? No we don't we need better players. Unfortunately Cam Newton provides neither a better player or more character for this team.
  24. Well sorry you guys refuse to see what is right before your eyes. Dude was out of shape and backed down when things got tough.
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