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Everything posted by dayman

  1. This just has Alabama written all over it IMO. This is hilarious. Here he admits to poisoning the tree on a radio show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hm8AqL9FV-o I think this lead the police to investigate and sure enough he was telling the truth. Tree was poisoned and now he is arrested! LOL http://www.cnn.com/2011/CRIME/02/17/alabama.auburn.trees/index.html
  2. Tom, I probably couldn't have been more clear my stand is to hold the region accountable, period. The representation being that this sort of thing happens, which is not in dispute. Bottom line is, you are the largest a-hole on this board. But no, a stance that a 200+ mob inflicting a "sustained and brutal beating and sexual assault" on a white women while screaming "Jew! Jew!" is unacceptable is clearly not a rational one. It was just an isolated incident not representative of any cultural or societal ills...she was just around the wrong random 200 people lol. Anyway the main thing about this story is the cryptic language they used to describe it. You know they must have thought about how to phrase this (given they sort of held it close to the vest for a while)...and this is what they came up with? I mean...the worst part of this is the mental gymnastics the description causes...I mean WTF...talk about imagination inducing language centered on something you don't want to imagine...
  3. Together they combine to be a representation and that's my point.
  4. What pisses me off is everyone is so quick to defend this stuff over there. Not specifically the acts, but the region. Always saying "oh it's not all like that" and "oh, it's their culture" ect....as if there is no wrong or right in this world everything is just "out there in the ether" and "who are we to judge." LOL Mark my words, there will be people defending Egypt on this...not the individuals who did it...but talking about how that isn't a fair representation of Egypt and all this. It's hilarious. I wish for once in our country a leader would come out and call out the entire region and RELIGION that consistently allows this to happen. I don't care what anyone says the "culture" and "religion" if not sanctioning this in certain instances certainly creates the atmosphere that induces this behavior. A western leader needs to call the whole thing out and do so in a candid and meaningful way. Let them know...the ENTIRE CIVILIZED WORLD THINKS YOU PEOPLE ARE SAVAGES. AND THOSE WHO AREN'T BUT LIVE BY THE OTHER SAVAGES...DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
  5. Yeah...I'm talking about on the way home after the work day. There's people EVERYWHERE it's packed...in fact the people that do this are "racing" towards backed up traffic anyway and there's people in all of the lanes everywhere. No joke I see at least one accident every day, if I don't...it's the exception. And it's b/c of people like this. I'm not talking about being on open highway blocking someone. I'm talking about people not realizing there's insane traffic and riding your ass at 75 b/c they want to go 90 at freaking rush hour. I'm talking about insane drivers.
  6. Man I heard on the news last night that as the mob of 200+ crazy Egyptions turned on her they were chanting "Jew! Jew!"....wtf...apparently they don't know what a freaking Jew looks like. It doesn't look like a that. http://www.sistertoldjah.com/archives/2011/02/16/lara-logan-attacked-because-she-was-jewish/ This picture was taken moments before her attack: Someone should hunt these bastards down.
  7. When you do please dangerously ride their ass while you both go 75...
  8. She was admitted to a US hospital upon returning home.
  9. It should be the law than when you are cruising at a speed that is significantly faster than the limit and appropriate for the fast lane and a car comes up on you quickly and rides your ass while you are both going 70...you can pull out a gun and kill the other driver.
  10. I doubt they would call it a brutal and sustained beating if it was a knock on the head and a boob grab...I also doubt it would take her days in the hospital to recover. I don't care what western culture thinks about equality we can't dump hot white women into a mass of mid-eastern misogynistic maniacs and expect nothing to happen.
  11. As an general rule our organization does not prefer to do anything that is plainly in our best interest. We must be tricked into it if we are ever to amass talent.
  12. That was freaking great. Keep in mind I once saw Vinny Testivertie (sp?) duel Letterman on his show trying to hit a star on a Christmas tree....5 throws later Letterman hits it first. I believe the Jets went to the playoffs that year.
  13. I JUST !@#$ING GOT A NEW JERSEY GOD DAMMIT! (I admit it's ugly though haha)
  14. I agree with everyone no way. But at the same time we all know it's possible in a small hidden part of our crazy minds.
  15. I think Texas Pete is better than Frank's.
  16. Ok I'm interested to hear what hot sauces you guys are into. Both regular hot sauce, and wing sauce, and barbecue sauce. Whatever it may be. I love hot sauce and fancy myself a bit of a warrior when it comes to taking down the hottest of the hot. However this stuff I recently tried humbled me. And it was actually great tasting stuff! I mixed it in with some gumbo, it tasted great. I knew it was hot but I guzzled it down anyway. The heat built and built and right about the time I finished I realized I was in some real trouble. Never has my mouth been such a strange combination of numb and hell-fire. Basically my entire mouth/lower face was hurting...my entire tongue was tingling with pain. Eventually it passed, but I have to say this Mad Dog Ghost Pepper hot sauce is damn hot. And damn good. 9/10 IMO. A bit too hot so that's why I won't give it a 10 but it has a great taste to it something some hot sauces can't say.
  17. Would our children not riddle our schools with bullets?
  18. I've said it all along...it will be and should be the Chargers.
  19. It's not bad, it fails to reflect the dynamic whereby you wait until a later round to take a guy you want simply b/c you anticipate nobody else will take him though...the scaling down (or up depending on the way you look at it) skews that but it's not bad the way you have it.
  20. Anyone browse this site with an iphone? If so how do u bring up the chat box?
  21. For anyone that says he needs the money I don't think he does. I'm pretty sure in the MMA piece espn did on him (which showed him to be a freak athlete even now) it was said that he is financially ok. And is just a competitor who thinks he can still compete with the best athletes in the world. And the conclusion of the piece was he might be right...
  22. We should make him an LB. I think we all know he would be better than what we have now. I'm being serious too (more than half serious....like 60% serious).
  23. No. That's not unusual in football nor is it appropriate for out team next year.
  24. Aikmen and Deion went that year...and of course the great Don Beebe...haha...just saying...
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