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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Fajita burrito w/ barbacoa, sour cream, extra hot sauce, letus (no beans)...that's my jam at Chipotle.
  2. I'll bet Toney didn't realize that through the TV.
  3. James Toney better pay his electric bill b/c Marcellus is about to shut out his lights!
  4. I've read horror stories on these things. Maybe I should wire ajzepp money and have him do it for me.
  5. LOL, first time getting one of those calls? They're never "sales calls." If someone cold calls you and starts off with "this is a sales call" they will be unemployed soon. Not saying that guy won't be. (but he probably won't lol). Anyway...the question "Is on Demand available for major TV networks" is actually a super loaded question and no matter who the service provider is the answer is always "sort of, kind of, sometimes, what shows?" The licensing for the On Demand material is far from static.
  6. We also have super bad ass laser beams in the near future that will just shoot any missile out of the sky. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/02/18/navy-breaks-world-record-futuristic-laser-getting-real/
  7. We almost literally haven't had a tight end for a decade though. Why not bring him in? If he's washed up so what...and we might as well wait until he opens his notorious mouth about being above us before we start to resent him for it.
  8. I'll take that as a concession. Please Tom send your daughter over there. It's no different than Central Park.
  9. Ok Dank ok. LOL yeah your right my bad. Before I condemn open public gang bang rape by mobs of men I better take a look in my own backyard. Spontaneous women beating is fairly common here. Seriously Yusuf al-Qaradawi has been ranked #3rd most influential academic living. Guy has a reach of influence that extends into the 10s if not 100s of millions. He says it's ok to beat your wife and encourages female circumcision. Not to get into it (since we aren't discussing it) but also if you are gay you get the death penalty, and suicide bombs on Israel are just great, the more the merrier. Now I'm not saying this man is like every man over there, or even most. I'm saying, he's #3 on that list and his audience isn't exactly Orange County. A quick wikipedia search shows 40 million people watch his broadcast show.
  10. I still don't see how you continue to put words in my mouth. My stance is simple, accountability. That was and is the unifying theme of my posts and my opinion. The "culture" over there (and yes it includes what a significant amount of radicals teach as Islam) is terrible when it comes to women. They are also crazy antisemitic. That's why you have a mass of 200+ people reportedly participating in stripping a white women, and beating her with a flag pole while yelling that she was a Jew and doing God knows what sexually to her. Your "position" that it's all individuals committing criminal acts is nice. But over here if an individual does this the 199 guys standing next to him don't join in. There's a CULTURE of civility that permeates our society. It's taboo to harm women. It's taboo to be racist. Ect....I still don't see why (other than digging in after having attacking me for what I'm pretty sure was originally just based on other arguments) you continue to hold such a ludicrous position. I mean...you are basically denying the culture problem in that region as it relates to women. It's insanity.
  11. Also I love how, just like every other idiot like yourself, you say nothing. You start talking about he Koran and things off the wall. The issue is simple. What is your stance? Are you seriously sitting there arguing over the course of 3 pages to reject the idea there's problems over there with this. This was just an isolated incident, not representative of societal ills over there. That's your stance? You expect to be taken seriously? What you need to do is just admit you are wrong and you started off in the first place simply b/c you don't like me so yo figured you say whatever and there was a nice little retarded PC argument for you to make. It was retaliation for the dumb cellphone driving debate in the chat box...a debate btw that everyone against me at least came to understand my point by the end (except you).
  12. Wrong. And, irrelevant I'm sorry I even went there. I don't even care about the Koran or religion. It's the region period...there are a million reasons people are the way they are over there. The macro-culture has massive room for improvement. Sorry you beat your wife.
  13. Keep typing enlightened one. Reading the Koran is going to change what? History? It's going to somehow undue the events of the past 1000 years in the middle east regarding women?
  14. Some people actually deserve to be Bills fans and you are one of them.
  15. The most recent 60 minutes had a cool story on "The Spark" (the dude in Tunisia that lit himself on fire in front of the government building that corruptly took his fruit weighing scale and demanded a bride to give tit back). Not saying that's why it happened just saying it was a cool story. I would say these uprisings would have happened anyway, independent of our action in Iraq and Afghanistan. No way to know though.
  16. B/c you don't listen to what people say. You don't think. You don't try to understand what or why someone thinks the way they do. It's pretty much pointless to communicate with you. You have an impression of what I think and say, and that's all you need. Yes, I stereotype all of the middle east as a result of the isolated incident that happened here and I believe that stereotype is absolutely true. This is what I said and still say. [note: massive sarcasm] EDIT: BTW if you reject the generalization that the middle east has major problems [in general] with the way they view and treat women then you are a fool who is either so PC he's blinded himself or just a crazy misogynist yourself. I don't see how you know anything about "the subject" certainly not more than me. If you reject the use of generalization to begin with you are impossible to talk with. Yes, there are Americans who are crazy conservatives and would like to propagate Muslim hate. Congratulations for pointing that out. That has nothing to do with anything. Certainly not the FACT that these things happen...multiple times...with publicity...and it's not stopping. It's ingrained in the culture. If you feel different you are wrong. Think what you will, I'm not a crazy radical. I don't hate Muslims. I feel the way I feel. And you are wrong. But you can sit there just reflexively call anyone with negative things to say about Muslim men ignorant. That's a quick little thing people like to do with all subjects...assume someone is not reasonable before listening to them and just act like some elitist. Makes you look ridiculous to me.
  17. This is exactly why you can't be talked to.
  18. Anyone notice David Nelson is tweeting out of control about Sanders? 40 minutes ago he tweets: "#SanderstoBuffalo #SanderstoBuffalo"
  19. Of course it can and it will. It's ingrained in the culture it will not die. The women will rise up eventually. I don't know if it's going to be soon as a result of the various revolutions but one day they will. And then even extremists will be forced to publicly denounce the various female oppressions. I just wish they would have a secular revolution. Worry about this life. Take a little more responsibility. Try and build a better region.
  20. People are just ridiculous and Tom is no exception. You can't say anything to people like that. Everything's a racist remark or a sign of xenophobia or it's ignorant or hateful if it's negative coming from an American's mouth. There's no judging allowed...what gives us the right? LOL Of course you are right. Of course the culture allows this to go on over there. It's a fact. It happens. It's reported. And even Tom must be aware of it. But NO NO NO...can't judge it! That would cast a negative light on them! Then every Egyption is a terrible person b/c apparently you can't make any form of generalization without implying you believe it to be absolute truth! This is the way people are now! It's great! When it comes to most people...you simply can't discuss things!
  21. I have absolutely no idea how credible this is. But this article says that apparently the details may have been beyond horrific. I won't even quote it but the link is there. Shocking claims I hope it's totally wrong. http://wizbangpop.com/2011/02/18/the-controversial-and-shocking-details-about-the-lara-logan-attack/
  22. Wow this is kind of surprising. And dissapointing. ...oh i see it's still on Melo...saga not over yet
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