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Everything posted by dayman

  1. LMFAO. That is ****ing classic. I've had a few beers I will admit. And I have spelled Sabres correctly in the past, though I've probably spelled it wrong a million times too. I cannot edit the title and I definitely salute for calling me out AND quoting me to make sure it's on record I did that the entire post! Seriously, I can laugh about it so bring it on board...BUT...I would like to hop on the SABRES bandwagon so I would appreciate some guidance as well. LOL. Hey man...you have to admit when something is hilarious.
  2. Contrary to popular belief not every Bills fan follows the Sabres closely. I want to jump on the Sabres bandwagon for the playoffs. BUT...I'm lazy and I don't know anything about them (I know VERY little about he current team...). If anyone (or multiple people) would care to put together a little "how to" guide for watching the Sabres this playoff I would appreciate. This could include anything of players to watch, trends, expectations...anything. You do the math. Also, I really know nothing about the other teams or the playoff landscape in general so that would be appreciated as well (although Sabres first and foremost obviously). Thanks to all willing to educate me. I'm sure there are a few others in my shoes.
  3. I have to agree. Playoff beards are an act of omission...not shaving....it isn't an affirmative act...a purposeful growing of a beard. That's just me though. I would start with what you have.
  4. Well I have to admit I have an iphone. So, it's natural I don't spend a lot of time using the droid system. Only a bit....perhaps I'm just turned off at the way I see some of my friends actually GET their apps...seems like more of a hassle looking for them. Also, I do remember when my buddy first got his 'droid there were a few apps he got that were not working well...this was a while ago but it stuck with me. It's just the same old give-take you always get w/ apple...it's locked down...their way or the highway...but their way is guaranteed to work and work well. I do not know the specifics but that one phone that had the commercial where everyone is in the car and he makes a hotspot...my friend got that exact phone and told me there was an extra monthly fee to have the ability to create that hotspot therefore he cannot do it b/c it wasn't worth it to him. That's all I know. Not an app but one function that to me is clearly better is simply the touch tech. I mean, the Iphone scrolls and responds better than the android models I've used...then again that's a hardware thing and I havne't tried every phone that uses the droid system. PLUS, one thing worth noting is the "droid" market-share is actually a grouping of many different operating systems. So often times when you compare the iphone OS to the "droid" you are actually comparing it to multiple different versions/types of systems...which is a little unfair in that all the positives of various droid OS are being imputed with against the single apple OS. The idea that these apps have this ability to sort of "always be on" as you said sounds good but honestly the aps load so quickly it's a non-issue to have to load up the app to me. Any important things I want to know give me push notifications anyway so the things I care about most aren't hiding inside a dormant app anyway. Most apps I have were free anyway on iphone too. I do have a few mac daddy apps that were expensive (for instance I have a $10 app! Lol...it's by far my greatest app though it's for guitar (and every other stringed instrument) it has chord charts, a tuner, metronome, scales ect...it's the exception not the rule though). But anyway I admit no phone expert. Like most I haven't used my friends phones constantly I just messed with them a bit usually when they first get them. There's something intimate about a person's relationship w/ their phone lol...I don't just go asking for people's phone and scrolling through like crazy all the time. Most of what I know is from a few google news articles I've read and just talking to friends as opposed to using their phone myself.
  5. I don't have netflix and have no idea if these are on it but these are series that are great. LOST - tough to lead w/ this one b/c it's polarizing and even IMO didn't end great but it's a good series. Battlestar Galactica - name may be a turn off but this may be one of if not the best series of all time Dexter - everyone knows about Dexter it's awesome Mad Men - simply amazing Breaking Bad - a bit slow but very cool show John Adams - mini-series on HBO VERY VERY good
  6. Well the apps are everything b/c that's what the interface is. Apps. Iphone has the best working apps. And the Itunes store is vastly superior to the Droid alternative. I know those are fighting words, but it's true. I'm not even an Apple guy I love PCs and would never get a Mac but when it comes to MP3 players and Phones Apple is the way to go. Plus the machine just looks and feels better to me. The actual hardware is always good looking w/ Apple. The wifi hotspot 1) drains battery and 2) requires a special additional fee to be able to do it!!! I thought that was just the absolute coolest feature I had ever seen in my life...until my friend said he got one and doesn't even have that ability b/c it would be more money each month to do it! Lame. Anyway it's all my opinion but I think the Iphone is better. About half my friends have Iphone, half have Droid or some other smart phone. Most agree the Iphone is the best, even those w/ out it. Bottom line though, they all work great.
  7. "Better Together" Jack Johnson.
  8. My checking account would keep me from buying a house.
  9. To which she should respond: "I am awesome now let me make you a sandwich....that'll be $7.50"
  10. The real question is how did this dog not get thirsty, drink seawater, and dehydrate?
  11. To which she responds: "take me home now." LOL. If your bill is $13 for the both of you, AND you have a coupon...IDK....
  12. Solid I have to admit. Ignore Buffalotone (no offense to him) but "being a man" is not what you should probably be going for. Granted IDK you or the girl...but finding something to do to take pressure off forced conversation...but something that can still generate conversation (unlike a movie) AND something that she will likely enjoy that involves you is really the best possible balance. Dinner is just lame. Thank God it's an option and always there but it's not what you want to run towards right out of the gate.
  13. IDK. I can't really explain why I said that or feel that way. I do feel like it's basically and individual sport in disguise as a team sport though. But I'm sure baseball purists will reject that.
  14. I just do not find the little "games within games" all that interesting. Yeah, nice pitching battle...so what. Yeah, quick hitting play in the field...so what. There are games within games in ALL sports...football has more of them than does baseball and they are more entertaining...AND the entire game as a whole is entertaining. But that is why football is king. Thing is...basketball has more too. And guess what...wait...wait for it...so does soccer. All it is games within games...guys moving...guys putting the ball in space and being creative...baseball is just flat out boring. Even the games within games are boring. Baseball is the ultimate man-crush sport. It's hilarious to me. That said...I would love it if I could get into it and make my summer better.
  15. As you know (I hope) the refs hit their timer and add extra time for the amount of celebration, injury, and otherwise wasted game time running off the clock. In many ways it is better than stopping the clock all the time...helps keep the game moving. Soccer is about the only sport that cares about that anymore. As for baseball, yeah if you have the bases loaded in a the bottom of the 9th in a playoff game then there's some drama. But that's rare. If you have penalty kicks in the World Cup final that's also drama. Not as rare.
  16. Youtube? (undue spaces yourself...b/c this site is beyond retarded about posting media) http://www.youtube.c'>http://www.youtube.c om/watch? v=ww8-OSzqELI http://www.yout ube.c om/w atch?v=11d 5mbWEi84&feature=related
  17. It's not just scoring opportunities. It's opportunities to generate scoring opportunities ect...c'mon now football games can be end 14-10 and have been a great game with amazing defense, strategic field position strategy and so on...in terms of entertainment scoring is over-rated. Think about how big a deal a world cup goal can be? If you miss a shot or mishit a pass to a streaking striker then that's a huge deal b/c of how big a deal the goal itself would have been. If a defender makes a great play destroying an opportunity that's a huge deal. Soccer has drama, 1-0 or not...more than baseball.
  18. Good wine. Funny friends. Watching kids or significant others do things they like. Did I mention funny friends? Got to be funny. Funny or die.
  19. Soccer is not something I watch all the time, but come World Cup time it's WILDLY entertaining. How you Buffalonians who love Hockey can bash soccer the way you have is beyond me. Hitting professional pitching is long considered the toughest thing in sports...but that's a niche skill. Making plays in the infield or diving the outfield is NOTHING compared to what the world class soccer players do. The best athletes in the world play in the NBA, beyond that they play world class soccer. PERIOD. Football has unbelievable athletes too but there are a lot of guys in football that are overly specialized like baseball (football is still full of far better athletes than baseball...as is hockey). Bottom line in terms of athletes to me it goes: NBA > Top Soccer > Football > Hockey > Baseball That's the team sports rankings. Like it or not, baseball players are in no way superior athletes to soccer players (as only a few have said here) and to me soccer is more entertaining. I have no interest really in a baseball or soccer team...to me a neutral observer...soccer is better.
  20. I guess I may try to get into baseball yet again this summer. What I would give to be able to have meaningful sports in the summer.
  21. Yeah I can see the background deal. Kind of like golf. Only when a good golf tourney is on golf is even better than baseball. Certainly w/ the majors.
  22. I also hate baseball. I try to watch sometimes, just don't like it. I played it when I was young. I know about it in enough detail to appreciate it. Just don't like it. No football next fall would be a disaster. I will say I always enjoy being AT the baseball games though. Where as if I'm completely honest I like football more on tv (but I also like being at football so I like both w/ football).
  23. I saw this on google news today and this sucks. WTF man, this is like the lockout. If you are in entertainment...think of the fans for Chris' sake! You could easily get ride of Cooper btw.
  24. I'm telling you, it almost always catches up with you b/c of the nature of it...but you can coast doing almost ANYTHING as a severe drug addict. And I'm talking for a long time too. People that are drug addicts...certainly the way Ange was where he was a straight up "drug addict" (no particular drug though he was clearly into painkillers)...they have "tiger blood" (for lack of a better term). It's what ALLOWS them to be drug addicts. These people can do everyday things (work ect) feeling in such a way the normal person would be unable to continue on. Drug addicts would not exist if you couldn't function w/ severe problems. You become an expert at hiding it. You can be a drug addict in the NFL! Ange was!
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