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Everything posted by dayman

  1. 1. Newton 2. Dareus 3. Miller 4. Gabbert 5. Peterson
  2. Anyone actually know where they stand now? Have a link to what the key differences are and what each side wants?
  3. LOL. That's true. Haha. On both counts w/ regards to the owners. But that doesn't mean they weren't voting right. The mere fact that we are where we are suggests the last CBA was less than optimal.
  4. Well I stand corrected I supposed. They were always going to opt out after they rushed to have the ****ty deal as far as I'm concerned that was the end no matter what. Had literally been the end for years anyway. More so than in the past Goddell has thrown away the illusion of his role as serving both management and labor...being a kind of buffer between the two in areas of dispute...seeking to represent the interests of both tor each mutual benefit....but c'mon now...all commissioners are selected, paid and retained by management. When **** hits the fan any other commissioner would be fighting for the owners position just as much. Truth is 1) Tagliabue had the luxury of dealing w/ Upshaw and 2) Goodell was involved big time in the last CBA anyway. Besides the last CBA went off like Hitler being appointed chancellor. Nobody really gave a **** at the time (except good old "crazy" Ralph and Mike Brown). Nobody had to sell the owners on much on anything, at least not remotely close to the way it is now. It's not fair to sit there and blast Goodell when the situation is completely different.
  5. God, somehow I don't think Nix is going to know what to do.
  6. I agree it can be saved long term if these guys show up. But as bad as we were it was rough to not have them make a bigger impact. And Spiller will be something man, have faith. Jesus...Spiller didn't blow up but he didn't look terrible give him time. Bush is a good player in the league and he struggled. The idea backs just come in and explode right away is not true. A lot of them take time. Freddy himself took a long time, and had a long time, to get to where he is. Spiller is talented. More so than Fred.
  7. I can knock the leadership b/c it's their fault too. Collectively bargaining is a two part process (in reality it's even more complicated than that considering how fractured the owners really are). Walking out of meetings and failing to negotiate in good faith is certainly reason to fault the NFLPA. Make no mistake, they had their eye on desertification the entire time, they had limited interest in labor negotiation once they saw the initial position the league took. Anti-trust law has not been kind to the NFL and the stakes are UNGODLY high if they were to lose one w/ regards these player issues that strike the core of the league structure as we know it. They knew from the very start that if they didn't get major concessions...it was going to court. Basically I can fault the NFLPA leadership for being every bit as dirty, hard headed, propaganda prone, and posture-heavy as that article would have you believe Goodell has been. I'm not here to defend Goodell. But to me that article is basically saying (in a nutshell): "Goodell looks and acts like 'the man' and it has been part of the problem here...it might have been better if he came off like a bumbling idiot like Selig." I don't buy it. Goodell is the man. Have the owners been hard in negotiation? Of course. Have the players? Yes. Have either acted like anything they aren't when it comes to that issue? To me...the answer is not really...and neither should they be.
  8. Goodell is no more a tool than the NFLPA leadership. They've handled the situation as ridiculously as they could have at every turn and Selig, for all his tenure...has never delt with anything like this and things he has delt with (or avoided dealing with) he's bungled. ...and comparing Selig to LBJ (the "master of the senate") is laughable.
  9. Tonight it takes them like 20 seconds to score when they get the advantage.
  10. Not that I have anything shocking to predict but just to go ahead and throw something out there. 1. Panthers - Newton 2. Broncos - Dareus 3. Bills - Miller 4. Bungles - Gabbert 5. Cardinals - Petterson
  11. There are other "sources" from the official nfl war room twitter that claim Dereus is 2 and Miller is 3. It's a Miller/Dareus either/or for us.
  12. Blah blah. As if I present that as some dispositive factor. Point is his mindset seems to be more swag and improve and less work and humble. Mayock seems to agree. I agree w/ Mayock's "gut" feeling. If you don't fine. Get over it. Whine about Cam some more why don't you. I've seen more Cam than anyone here. I've watched him at practice from 10 ft. away for an entire fall of college football. Nobody has any idea how he'll work in the NFL, but IMO there are guys who will outwork him and it will make all the difference.
  13. The guy has never played anything remotely like NFL QB, he breaks down on "swag," and he's generally a guy that has done things in the past that while not terrible show he is not fully committed to football. The question about if he will work as hard as he needs to, in order to make up for his short comings is valid. Might he? Maybe. But I agree w/ Mayock. He's got the tools, more than say a Tebow...but Tebow literally (I can produce the link if someone MUST have it won't look for it now) has been working 6-7 hours a day (7 days a week) taking nothing but snaps from under center and throwing from the pocket this offseason. He says himself he's gotten WAY better just during this offseason.
  14. Totally agree. Von MIller first, then Dareus. If we can't get either, then we are screwed.
  15. ...he finds out his wife has been in a bad car accident. He rushes to the hospital in a frantic and emotional state having no idea what her condition is or what to expect. The doctor approaches him in the waiting area and says: DOCTOR: "Look...it's always tough to say this....I've got bad news, it was a VERY bad accident. I'm so sorry but your wife will be crippled from the neck down. You'll have to feed her. You'll have to bath her. You'll have to clear out every passage for her. You'll even have to change her because she has no control over her bladder or bowels." MAN : (crying hysterically) "THIS IS TERRIBLE" DOCTOR: "Awe jesus christ man, pull yourself together. I'm sorry, I was just ****ing with you SHE'S DEAD!" (got any more?)
  16. Best series in round 1 resumes tonight. NY/Boston. Who you guys got?
  17. Hard for me to say it's AS likely to he'll "come back to earth" considering he was sort of thrust in last year. He's had an entire year w/ these guys and Chan now, it sucks the off season and potentially part of training camp will be taken away from him but...I'd expect him to at least stay the same. That would be a failure in my mind though. I actually expect him to improve. In my mind Fitz rises up, it's impossible for me to sit here and predict stats...they may even be down a bit if our D improves (I'm crossing my fingers)...but what hope and expect is that the D improves and we're less prone to have to throw it all over the place (particularly at the end of games) and he cuts down on the number of bad picks and crazy things like the ball slipping out of his hands ect...I also think he's really smart and will improve against the defenses in our division. I like Fitz. He's gona be good.
  18. LOL **** the script and people doubting it. Why don't we talk NBA playoffs? Predictions for this year ect...? Anyway I put down Lakers go down round 1. Thoughts?
  19. Miami is under the "no chance at all" category. I understood just right. I don't give a **** about next years playoffs. I'm not talking about that.
  20. I read it I know. I'm saying IMO they win this year.
  21. What!!!! Miami has no chance? Insanity. I'm saying it right now, Miami for the win. At this point here's the way I see it shaking out: IN THE EAST Round 1 Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown) Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly Round 2 Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series. Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them Round 3 Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not) IN THE WEST Round 1 San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver Dallas beats Portland New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard) Round 2 Oklahoma beats San Antonio Dallas beats New Orleans Round 3 Oklahoma beats Dallas NBA Championship Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come Can't wait to see how wrong I was! lol
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