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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'd probably jump off the top if there was a net down there it sounds like it could be fun.
  2. I'm telling you guys I am not against meat on Pizza but honestly you would be shocked how much it ruins "truly good pizza" all too often. Not good. Good meat is good meat and reasonable amounts of good meant well matched on a pizza is fine. But 99.9% of the time it's not good meat you get on pizza. Various veggie pizza's are worth a shot...also...go thin crust.
  3. The reason they are worked so hard and paid so little is because their government doesn't provide legislative safeguards empowering people to bargain over working conditions and mandating a certain level of workers rights...and the reason the government doesn't do so is b/c these people are poor and unskilled laborers anyway and they really have no value other than being used like this at this point...make no mistake the Chinese are leveraging their own. I'm not defending anything btw before you flip out...it would be fantastic if American companies kept it at home and had more of a sense of patriotism (and yes I guess corporate humanism if you want to go there). But it's ridiculous to just sit there and act like this is all the big fat American public abusing the poor little Chinese so they can thumb through facebook. The Chinese as a whole love that they attract foreign manufacturing business. They would do anything (including just putting up nets as opposed to change the conditions) to keep it...they'll take suicides before they are forced to compete on a level playing field...b/c then they can't compete.
  4. Thing is though, if we refuse to go to say...60M...then signing him could potentially preclude us signing someone else good. But...I don't see that happening.
  5. I'm not sure whether or not the guy a few posts up said it, or at least said it clearly...but Donte actually tweet simply "people hated Jesus." Then some guy responded "if only they knew the power he possessed." Then Donte RT the convo. For what it's worth. And hell....I may not be reading it right. Just saying...you have to sort of know how to read twitter.
  6. I gargle with DDT and shoot pesticide for fun.
  7. Yeah it's toxic that's why we're all dead. Any article that wants to talk about chemicals and health scares and studies I don't give any credence to anyway aught not have a "...WTF?" at one point in it.
  8. I don't even like tomato sauce give me an alternative base w/ sliced tomatoes any day. Pesto for instance. Nice thin crust, w/ pesto base, cooked onion, garlic, and maybe some red pepper. MMMM. Spinach dip base can be great too. And honestly, and I know this may be controversial...but a lot of the meat people put on pizza ****s it up.
  9. Keep on keepin' on Chef. I haven't been disgusted by my Buffalo food experiences don't get me wrong (I do love food though so it's not hard to please me) but by no means has been better than other places...and the pizza IMO is below average. Hell...even the wings I've had at various places were comparable to a good wing place anywhere else. Food is food, it can be good or bad based on the place you eat at no matter the area of the country. The "food in Buffalo" is...just food. If you ask me you really need to be by the beach to have "great food." But that's me...seafood is about the only thing IMO that simply must be fresh...and can only be fresh in certain areas.
  10. just b/c young people have a different level of expectation for the level of communication and the accessibility/ease/method of doing so....he is dead
  11. Update After Round One...could still have them all good for the conference finals if the Lakers go down and OKC pulls it out. IN THE EAST Round 1 Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown) Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly Round 2 Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series. Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them Round 3 Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not) IN THE WEST Round 1 San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver Dallas beats Portland New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard) Round 2 Oklahoma beats San Antonio Dallas beats New Orleans Round 3 Oklahoma beats Dallas NBA Championship Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come
  12. It depends on how old you are but you basically at least need some type of account if you are a young person. Also, I do a lot of deals that go through facebook. Free this...free that...ect...resisting facebook is like resisting google or the internet in general. It's connected to everything and just using it in a limited sense even if you oppose it makes sense. But anyway...this thread is about Bin Laden. Not politics though just the "fact that he is dead" lol. So I guess we should type "he is dead" over and over.
  13. blasphemy (though I will try it one day)...throw them on the grill a bit (just a bit) after you fry them is also a nice little trick
  14. Hmmm...I actually like that. Facebook is gratuitous. There's a narcissism it can satisfy for some, but for the most part...why give this info? LOL. Nice. I mean I have a facebook, to me you must to be relevant and it's a great way to keep in contact w/ people I otherwise wouldn't...but I don't exactly give a bunch of info that most do. Never been completely comfortable with it, but ya gotta have one...which brings me to my next point...it's anything but "trendy."
  15. I think it's so cool our president watches live while this goes on. BTW we got our info. that led to the site through waterboarding. Just so you guys know....(says Peter King NY Rep on Homeland Security Committee...not the sports writer lol)
  16. Every Buffalo pizza I've had has that sweet sauce. In other words, Buffalo doesn't know how to do Pizza IMO. Then again, I prefer a "fancier" pizza anyway. But if I'm going tomato base, it ain't sweet!
  17. Through ballistics there is a way to figure out what guy shot him. There is a guy somewhere...that put a bullet in Bin Laden. sick.
  18. Hill's twitter is insane and he's sort of overrated as a player but Janoris is worth a mid round.
  19. Luck is a potential Peyton type. Guy has a VERY real potential to be the face of the NFL down the line for 10 years. We absolutely would sell the farm for him. Nix was in love with him early this year the few times he talked about him anyway before he decided to stay. Guy is smart, has all the tools, plays pro-style, runs, throws, leads...guy is a stud. He's twice as valuable as any QB taken this year. You almost can't place a value on him.
  20. Janoris Jenkins, DB out of UF is the most valuable UDFA there is. He was booted form the team at UF a mere week or so by a new coach looking to make a stand. He was booted for drugs, but it was just weed. It was like his second weed violation and then he got in a little fight 2 entire years ago. Yeah he's no saint, but that's why he's available and he didn't kill anyone or have a cocaine problem (like a certain QB people wanted to draft). The kid was the second CB to start day one as a freshman in school history. He was a freshman all-american. He WAS without a doubt the best player on UF's defense until he was booted, once again by a new coach who looked to crack the whip and establish discipline. Plain and simple if Urban were still at UF he would not have been kicked off (since it wasn't that serious and he was one of Urban's guys), he would be the best player on the D next season, and he would have been a 1st round pick in next years draft (2 at the latest). Keep in mind I'm saying he was poised to be that next year, not that he would have been this year. He needed another year to blow up but he would have been up there. Same player. Worth bringing in. http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/player/profile?playerId=378601 Stats Overview Tackles Misc Interceptions YEAR TOT SOLO AST SACK STF STFY FF BK INT YDS AVG LNG TD PD 2008 34 24 10 1 0 0 1 0 3 19 6.3 16 0 0 2009 29 24 5 0 0 0 1 0 2 4 2.0 4 0 0 2010 43 33 10 1 0 0 0 0 3 68 22.7 67 1 0
  21. 1st born...second and third born as well...rights to unborn 4-7.
  22. All I can say is if he's there and we pass it will as bad as when we weren't even interested in Mike Vick.
  23. If this hits I'm a multimillionaire. I've already dropped out of school. All eggs in Bug Light basket. 1. Newton, Cam 2. Dareus, Marcell 3. Miller, Von 4. Gabbert, Blaine 5. Peterson, Patrick 6. Green, A.J. 7. Locker, Jake 8. Fairley, Nick 9. Smith, Troy 10. Amukamara, Prince 11. Quinn, Robert 12. Bowers, Da'Quan 13. Castonzo, Anthony 14. Liuget, Corey 15. Kaepernick, Colin 16. Smith, Aldon 17. Kerrigan, Ryan 18. Jordan, Cameron 19. Ingram, Mark 20. Watt, J.J. 21. Watkins, Danny 22. Solder, Nate 23. Carimi, Gabe 24. Taylor, Phil 25. Austin, Marvin 26. Smith, Jimmy 27. Clayborn, Adrian 28. Dalton, Andy 29. Baldwin, Doug 30. Ayers, Akeem 31. Williams, Aaron 32. Mallett, Ryan
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