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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Yeah I bought the audio book and listened to that it was FREAKING HILARIOUS. Anyway Alison is way better than T imo. I see what you mean about the voice, but IMO Alison is funny. Funnier than T and meshes w/ Adam well. Took a few weeks but that's it, I like Alison even MORE. Also hilarious you entered the tournament of Rosen. Awesome.
  2. It's both of their teams and when Shaq won w/ Kobe and Wade it was a dual team too. Period. This isn't "Wade's team." That's stupid. It's the Heat. And the Heat's main stars are LeBron and Wade, equally. If you want to say the team belongs to the main thrust of it, that's fine...but that still means they share the title to the team. It matters not who came where from where. These guys are freaking great personal friends btw...that's why LeBron came to Miami anyway. Nothing boils my blood more than that argument. Yeah, it was Wade's team, until LeBron came. Now it's both of theirs. Like I said they're good friends and LeBron had talked with Wade before coming and even planned to have the contract expire with him ahead of time after they played together on the Olympics. If you don't think Wade wanted LeBron to come, every bit as bad as LeBron wanted to come (actually more), after the last few playoffs he's had, you are an idiot.
  3. I love that he didn't take it b/c I love the podcast and it's perfect for me. I just sticher it up at my convenience almost every day....I have Sirius on my iphone and usually don't work my way to stern or espn until the podcast is done...it's first in my car listening line up. Lets not kid ourselves these days there are quite a few ads but I know what you mean not ANYTHING like any other type of ads and they're almost all live reads it's more bearable. Anyway LONG LIVE CAROLLA! I'm a loyal fan I think he's freaking hilarious. I must say though, I have nothing against Larry Miller but I'm not a huge fan of him on the podcast as a guest host or whatever every 2 weeks or so. He sucks the life out of the show sometimes. Adam/Bald Brian/Alison is the A team.
  4. Yea! Get it on! Got to get it on! No choice..but to get it on. Yeah I had to wikipedia him after the interview I was like "wtf"...but dude was a pretty bad ass British soldier. And he's seems like a nice guy. Said he tries the wings everywhere he goes (he obviously travels a lot he tours playing music) and Duffs was the best. Did in fact have a freaking picture on his phone of Duffs wings lol. B/c the point is the podcast is his. Obviously if he took the deal he would work for someone else.
  5. All I know is check page one and see I called the Heat beating Boston easily and everyone realizing at that point they were the real deal! (to pump my own prediction)...also...I will probably have called the final 4 as well 100% correct.
  6. Except it's one collective ego, they are friends, and they all just want to show together they are the best. It's not Wade's team anymore, it's Wade and LeBron's team. All this BS the media drums up parroted by haters. Sounds ridiculous.
  7. If you like his stand up, here it is. He's got a simple site that just releases 3 little bits a day that he chooses. For instance today the cigarette smoker bit was great. Worth a look. www.jerryseinfeld.com http://www.popeater.com/2011/05/06/jerry-seinfeld-website/
  8. Non story. You can't control words. People need to get over it, if it's hurtful to someone that's sad but it's too bad that person lives in the real world whether they are retarded or not. The world doesn't change for people, whether you are gay, retarded, black, or anything else that has a negative word that has become generic over time. Words are used in a variety of ways and over time hurtful words become less taboo and used for a less specific purpose. It happens with all hurtful words. It will happen with every knew hurtful words that gains power...it will rise...and fall. People mean retard in a less hurtful way now most of the time, if you want to continue to be hurt by it as if they mean it in the most hurtful way, then ok be hurt. If you have a problem with it, have a problem with it. If you want to say Lebron is wrong for doing that, say Lebron is wrong. That's all allowed too. Doesn't change anything though. Lebron doesn't hate retarded people. To suggest that is retarded. And almost everyone uses that word in that way sometimes. And Lebron is constantly on TV and in the public eye, (and often being asked tough questions about his career and personal life in times of stress) so it's nothing like me going on TV and being super up tight b/c I'm on tv. You asked for my response...and you got...that...
  9. Was Kobe not rumored to have been involved in some way with the Shaq divorce? Like he implied something that set Shaq's little wife off on a tear turning up all his affairs?
  10. I doubt the "rumors" are true (Lebron's "mommy" rumors weren't)...but if they are Kobe's wife has a lot of room to talk.
  11. You could..maybe..ingest info and not assume it must brainwash you?
  12. Some people are just ridiculous. Worth watching. All you need to know.
  13. Obama's thoughts and experience as to the deal mainly. I mean...have to watch really. It was a while in the making (August of last year)...2 months of intense planning recently...crazy few days...they got a lot...he rolled the dice significantly and it paid off, he's glad he's dead, Pakistan is nuts. That's the gist. Main thing was cool to hear if from him personally, and to hear him be surprisingly candid. Not too candid now, as to some sort of secret info...but as far as his feelings..and the reality of the risk...he talked.
  14. More than ego boost...people want to know. Period. If you don't, whatever. I do. A lot of others do. What happened here is a story.
  15. Obama is coming off well in this interview I wasn't sure it was necessary given the slam dunk this already is for all of us and him professionally but this is going well.
  16. I think she probably knew. I agree. Just saying...
  17. Just a heads up if you don't usually watch you may want to tonight. It's on now on east coast. 7pm. CBS.
  18. This will never happen. At least IMO, no way. It won't come to this but if there is a contingent of owners that want it...there will be some who refuse and there will not be unity to completely shut down.
  19. He's 1) Not Slow. 2) Not big. 3) Can't block people in the box. No. No way. This is laughable.
  20. Sticking w/ the "Asian's are insane" theme:
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