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Everything posted by dayman

  1. One of those guys is not as good as the others...(hint: he's the guy with the largest value per Sportrac)
  2. If you run cover 2 he's got to be able to get back and play centerfield it's pretty rough ... need a smaller guy
  3. Been feeling that way for the last few years. Not sure why people advocate to blow it up. Rex had us doing crazy things and was hurting the team. We should stay the course (including Tyrod) and add a little beef at WR and OL see what happens. Anyone really think--if you actually think about it--that our team is not good enough to make the playoffs?
  4. IDK man from what it sounds like Teddy went flat forward with his leg crimpled the wrong way and tore everything. Nobody really talks about it and there is no video but the bottom line is he was tripped while taking a snap and dropping back and somehow his body fell forward and the leg didn't move. It was dangling and people were freaking out...had to go to hospital immediately to avoid amputation...real rough. IDK if I've ever heard of an injury like this one before. Lots of nasty tears and compound fractures and stuff...real bad stuff...but this was like...some sort of super freaky **** nobody has ever seen before.
  5. ...except he sucks...it's not about his drinking/attitude/work ethic problems...he's not talented enough to make it. He ran around in college and throw jump balls to Mike Evans. He can't do that in the NFL
  6. Guys we have to be careful with topics like this. Doug may do something crazy if he sees this.
  7. Alcohol, coke, whatever it may be. The dude sucks, sober or not. Hope he gets his **** together but he isn't good.
  8. Agree that developing QB is most important. Jim Bob Cooter, a crazy trade for Peyton, or McDaniels all check this box (even though McDaniels 1 example is Tebow lol).
  9. Lynn is a great running back coach and a ground and pound offensive guy. He also has special teams experience. He's professional, and well liked by coaches and players. He's been coaching professional football for 16 years. He has experience as an assistant HC, and (as of this year) OC (nobody really cares about the "HC" experience he got this year it doesn't count and its good for him it doesn't count). He should be called. But this many calls is stunning. The answer is obvious...people credit Lynn as the only good thing Buffalo had going. They're probably right. Bottom line is if you don't have a QB he's decent option. He'll be cheap and he'll be subordinate to F.O. personnel (likely forever).
  10. This board is reading too much into this nonsense, the majority of which is reported by local guys driving local clicks and being circulated by lazy national guys b/c it's Rex and thus the sexiest of all firings. There is absolutely nothing scandalous or hard to believe about the story we have been provided. They didn't specifically talk about firing or retaining Rex and were planning to do so after the season. Rex had enough of the fire and demanded some frank speaking from Pegs...Pegs knew he wasn't keeping him and had to level with him and fired him on the spot (I'm sure Rex said something along the lines of "if you know you are going to fire me now, please let me know"). It's VERY easy to believe that story given what I know about all three men...Whaley was sticking to the schedule and process and had not specifically advised on Rex's future (although certainly advised as to why he thought the Bills sucked), Rex pulled a move and said as a man he needed to know if Pegs knew...Pegs as a man listened to Rex and realized he knew and told him it was over. WHY IS THIS DISFUNCTIONAL? We were terrible this year and it was b/c of the defense. All of this makes absolute perfect sense.
  11. There is no correct way. If I owned a team I would end up like Jerry Jones.
  12. Call me crazy but I would like someone specifically qualified to oversee QB development. We don't need any more defensive guys running the show.
  13. We know that the Pegulas hired Rex and Whaley likely disagreed. The Pegulas fired Rex without consulting Whaley. And Whaley is now in charge of coaches.
  14. Stupid article. I would fire someone if they worked for me a published articles like that.
  15. He gave (in so many words) the clearest answer we have been given yet that Rex was not his guy. He then clearly said Lynn was installed by the Pegulas based on Rex's recommendation. I assume, based on these two truths, that reports of Lynn being a shoe-in are misinformed. He also said, point blank, that it is an open search. Obviously he didn't say "I will not hire Anthony Lynn" but based on what we know it is safe to assume that if we do hire Lynn something went wrong in the search and we missed on 1 or more candidates we liked better.
  16. How? The bottom line is he didn't fire or hire Rex, it's obvious the Pegs did, and now he's in charge moving forward.
  17. Whaley didn't hire Rex. Whaley wouldn't have hired Rex. The Pegula's hired Rex. Rex reported to the Pegulas. The Pegulas fired Rex. The Pegulas have now instructed Whaley to hire the next coach of the team and he will do so (Pegulas will need to sign off of course, but they will sign the line for whoever Whaley picks this time). Pretty brutal presser where almost all the questions were about Whaley's job and what he does and doesn't do...but it's obvious he works for Terry and does whatever the hell Terry tells him to do! IDK what more the reporters in the room needed to hear lol. Granted, they did eventually push Whaley so far in the corner he had to just say "yes" when asked if he approved of the Rex hire ("yes, it was a Bills hire, so yes"), but it couldn't be more clear that it wasn't his hire and the next coach will be his hire. What is the one conclusion I can reach based on the only information I gained from that presser? Lynn is not likely to be our next HC.
  18. Dareus is a giant sack of puss who isn't even that good.
  19. Allow me to say them for Sammy: Dareus, Hughes, both Browns, whoever the hell plays safety for us at this point
  20. Q: Tyrod do you know if you'll be back? Tyrod: No Q: Tyrod do you think you earned it? That you deserve to be back? Tyrod: Yes, but that's for management to decide. Q: Tyrod, do you suck? Tyrod: No. Q: Hey Tyrod, do you think the Bills will cut you? Tyrod: IDK ....damn...we missed a really great interview by him not talking to the press today
  21. It's not really anyone's business but his. He can play again if he wants to play.
  22. "We will sit back and evaluate the season as a whole"
  23. Last I heard Pegs saved the franchise. Not sure how anyone can hate the man who lives in Buffalo.
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