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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Look props for nailing it. Fact remains it wasn't that far out there, and it doesn't prove a conspiracy. This entire exercise, even if less likely and 100% correct, wouldn't prove anything. And that's my overall point. Also, I was much more specific and fairly accurate in this very thread about this year...lol...and I don't allege it's b/c of conspiracy just b/c basketball is predictable more so. Less moving parts. Anyway, I'm not here to convince you all basketball isn't fixed. Conspiracy theorists will be conspiracy theorists. I don't agree. As you can see...for reasons stated throughout and summed up decently in the one post w/ the emboldened text a few posts above this.
  2. Sometimes in basketball (and football and any other sport) if you start getting D'd up you can lose your will. Anyway like I said it's ridiculous even if accurate. It's not hard to be accurate. Wow the big 3 won w/ the Celtics, Kobe got another, LeBron gets one eventually...real groundbreaking stuff. I can't see how it could have happened w/ out cheating...
  3. The only thing remotely surprising there is having allegedly predicted the Magic would make the finals, which you didn't do outright. Saying the Garnet injury is fake (and Buffex saying Lebron "laid down") expands the typical "ref conspiracy" to include players? That's insane. They have absolutely NO interest in doing anything but trying to win for themselves. Saying "an unusual team" for this year is completely bogus. And the Mavs will lose anyway! Oh Lebron wins in 2012? Really going out on a limb there. There is no script. The games are not fixed. The stars win, b/c there's only 5 players on the court. If the damn league was fixed why the hell would the Spurs have won anything? Nobody cared about their boring team from their nowhere town. Donaghey is a lying, cheating, mob-involved, parole violating repeat offender. If what he said was true, it would have exploded. If the league fixed playoffs for ratings, the Spurs would not have won so much. The Celtics got a good team together that's why they came back. The Lakers had Kobe and took years to recoup after the first team fell apart. The Heat have good players that play great D and 3 potentially great offensive players. The Mavs have Dirk one of the best ever and probably the most difficult to match up with ever from a defensive stand-point (and as I said they'll lose). I'm not fixing anything...I just look at the teams. I'm not even bragging and I didn't get it exactly right but look at my team to team predictions this year. Fairly accurate. It's not that hard. It's basketball. It's 5 on 5. It's not that complex. Who is good? Who is old? Who is hot? It's that simple. IF they were fixing btw...there would be no "script" that planned out years of drama. It would simply fix things in the short term. It would make NO sense to do fix things in the long term. The idea there's an exec in some office saying "in 2011 we need an unusual team, then give it to LeBron the next year" is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. And as evidenced by the new CBA rumors for NBA the players moving like they do to join up isn't liked by the NBA anyway! They're likely going to drastically increase the amount a team can pay to keep a player. And the FA trends CLEARLY (Celtics...Heat) are determining the championships NOT SOME SCRIPT! Stupid. I rest my case.
  4. LOL c'mon not only is it totally absurd on it's face it's not even stated specifically enough to ever shut him up. It's all the most stupid crap posted on this board in history.
  5. hopefully it's exciting and no kicks to decide it
  6. Whatever I just think it's stupid your "script" and saying "an unusual team" then having the 3 strongest candidates in the West isn't much of a reach. It's all moot anyway, the Heat are winning this year. And I looked at the individual teams and did a fairly good job predicting how it would go based not on a script but on matchups and talent. I mean, my point is, it isn't scripted. Your point is, it is. So what now? Are the heat playing for the integrity of the NBA? lol
  7. You were completely wrong this year... Where as I looked at the actual teams and was fairly accurate...an OKC meltdown short of being very accurate And Miami will win this year btw...and the idea LeBron could be traded is insane.
  8. I'm so sick of this "the series is rigged" deal. Cry me a river you crazies. Go get abducted by aliens or B word about 911.
  9. aLL YOU HEAT HATING MAVS FANS HEAR ME KNOW...$50? %15)? PAYPAL TIME !! LET'S GO] edit: I'm a bit drunk but what I'm saying is I'm ready to one on one bet via paypal over this final season I'd love to find someone going against teh Head eitehr overall or in certain games with spreads...I'm a young man in school so the wages will be from 50 to 200 max. Anyone down?
  10. I remedy to talk with a man wanting money on Mavs....lets' go get a paypal and let's start talking! THE TIME IS NOW"!
  11. Time to wager on these finals is what I say. Amongst us. come in here adn set up paypals and lets go
  12. Finals coming. All you haters. Send me an post in here when you register I'll send you something if win (you wont') (PM me you email to be "in the game".) Basic game? Gambling on the finals. Whats up who is down?
  13. Updated to current. I'm !@#$ing SICK that OKC went down the way they did but such is youth. So be it. Expect a domination by Miami. Mavs get one, probably early, but end up lucky to lose 2-4. Miami roll. Miami clicking. IN THE EAST Round 1 Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown) Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly Round 2 Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series. Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them Round 3 Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not) IN THE WEST Round 1 San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver Dallas beats Portland New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard) Round 2 Oklahoma beats San Antonio Dallas beats New Orleans Round 3 Oklahoma beats Dallas NBA Championship Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come Revised final prediction: Heat roll the Mavs in 5 games max. Wade gets his mojo back for 60 minutes. Lebanon dominates Dirk on D, roll players on heat step up...it's over. It's over. Heat win the championship in 4 (mayb 5) games. Thath's it.
  14. Ah I see, haha....obviously I stopped reading. Interesting...to say the least.
  15. All it says is: "they forced their way in." Was this a no-knock warrant? Did they "knock?" Did they identify themselves? WTF...why would a Marine w/ nothing to hide grab a gun? WTF is this? Arizona is basically the craziest state in the nation. People rail against Florida and California...even Texas...but Arizona is insane these days.
  16. I think the NBA playoffs are the best in sports. I don't really follow closely either regular season. I know nothing about hockey really, never played, and don't watch anything but Sabres playoffs so hockey didn't stand a chance in this poll to me. But I post only to go one further and say that NBA is typically better than NFL to me (playoffs that is....of course if the Bills ever actually made it that could change but we live in reality). I love series, I know the top teams in the NBA pretty well. It's easy to be familiar with NBA players on good teams. Watch them grow and see their careers. It's like a drama almost, X-amount of "superstars" playing with their supporting cast (typically damn good ballers themselves) all looking for that ring(s) to be immortalized in that next level...only one ring a year...it's great to me. IDK...I just love watching NBA playoffs. There's no college basketball during NBA playoffs, no football at all...often times the Sabres are out...so it also has less competition. For these reasons, to me, the NBA playoffs are great. Some people just don't like to (or know how to) sit down and watch a basketball game though, I understand that.
  17. The fast pouring is godly. It's not a gimmick but an improvement on the design of beer. Everything else is just stupid.
  18. Honestly jerseys are crap. They don't fit well, and they make you look like a goofball/loser. If you get a real jersey, that fits better and is authentic that's find. That's cool. Replica jersey's...are not for grown men.
  19. Bob Dylan currently has the worst voice in music. His Grammy's things was terrible.
  20. Updated to current. No changes needed. Haha. Although both my predicted finals teams down 1-0 at the moment. IN THE EAST Round 1 Chicago beats down Indiana easily from now on (Indana is not going to recover from that meltdown) Orlando recovers and squeaks by Atlanta Boston manages to get by New York but it takes a lot out of them...too much actually Miami, despite the close game, rolls Philly Round 2 Chicago beats Orlando in what will be a close and fantastic series. Miami shuts everyone up about the regular season and beats Boston surprisingly handily...the mojo official appears and now everyone talks about them Round 3 Miami D's up Rose and sends the Bulls packing...so sorry Chitown maybe next year? (eh...probably not) IN THE WEST Round 1 San Antonio will recover and beat Memphis, gotta assume that Oklahoma easily dispatches with Denver Dallas beats Portland New Orleans beast the Los Angles and that whole thing falls about out there for LA (ya heard) Round 2 Oklahoma beats San Antonio Dallas beats New Orleans Round 3 Oklahoma beats Dallas NBA Championship Miami Heat win it all and send home a hungry young Oklahoma team that looks to take the West for years to come
  21. He had some pot to keep him entertained. http://blogs.laweekly.com/informer/2011/05/osama_marijuana_pakistan.php
  22. All of that is ok w/ me....a hoard of crazy bugs is fine too...anything semi constant...birds chirping is sporadic and penetrates the mind. Impossible to do anything w/ those damn birds around.
  23. Birds suck. They're fine if you are in the pool or doing nothing...if you are trying to sleep or read or anything that requires use of the mind (or peace of it)...the chirping destroys you and you have to go inside. Sometimes I want to go buy a beebee gun.
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