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Everything posted by dayman

  1. We beat the struggling Eagles who are (as of now) in complete meltdown. We won by 7 after getting 5 turn overs. Last week we melted to an Cinci team who basically had a young child playing QB for the first half. What I'm saying is not that we aren't perfect, but that we are further from perfect than a good team would be. Other teams w/ our record or with good records period are playing better 60 minute football than us right now. That's what I believe. We have problems.
  2. Let it go there's no reason to talk football w/ people that don't want to. We're all Bills fans and we're all happy we won. Let those who basically would be fine reading the paper to find out if we won to themselves...the rest of us will discuss the team which has a truck load of problems at the moment.
  3. We need some WR help quick. Our D needs something but I'm not smart enough to know what it is. Maybe just new players. But ya the bunker mentality is hurting us.
  4. I'm positive about the team but I'm a football fan. I like to talk about the football that went on not just the Win or Loss. I don't think it's being a negative nancy to basically be discouraged at this point about our ability to sustain any sort of form long term based on what we've seen so far.
  5. This Bills team won. I am happy about that. But turnovers or no turnovers, our defense is simply trash. The offense played not to lose in the second half and the defense played to lose. We still pulled it out, but seriously we are not a good football team right now. We have got to find a way to stop someone at some point or we won't make the playoffs. I know people will probably pour in here and talk about how I'm overly negative and as a Bills fan should be happy we aren't 0-5 but you guys can save your finger strength. I am happy. That said...this defense is utter trash and I was honestly confused about the play calling down the line. How many screens were we going to throw? Anyway, just had to vent. We tried to give it away but failed. Thank God for that offsides b/c even w/ no time outs that Eagles team may have gotten a TD there. Cinci did came back on us last week, Eagles did the same this week they just shot themselves in the foot.
  6. We should crush them. They suck. And they are baby quitters. We aren't.
  7. He didn't play great but that happens to anyone. I'm not saying he's some Tom Brady....but we can have the best season in football...and then be plenty capable of winning 3 or 4 post season games with the Fitz we have now as is. He's shown it. Just protect him and drop a run in from time to time. Also...defense should try defending.
  8. Well thanks Raiderfan....I would trade your nice post for a Pats loss last week though. Unfortunately I must root for you to lose you are a prime wildcard opponent.
  9. Here's a more full video. He seems drunk to me. But then again he is wearing a 'bama hat so.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eF6vCv13bw&feature=player_embedded
  10. Have to agree. No way we actually win more games than NE this year. We need the Jets to tank. Luckily, they probably will.
  11. idk man...idk if you come back from a "heart ailment"
  12. We also need to stop the run. I don't think there's that much wrong Fitzy either. We could be elite with him as is.
  13. Just posting to agree with those who say he basically got a freebie. He was dominated on the very play he had his strip.
  14. Only time will tell. Right now it would seem that our defense it awful and may need to be blown up schematically. The way we play now, the worst of the worst can score all over us. No way we can count on maintaining the level of offense we've had. Cinci took it too us all day long and Cinci sucks. We have found a "way" to win though with what we have. So I don't mean to be so negative. I think we are a pretty good football team if healthy. We have depth problems though, and we basically don't know what the hell we're doing on defense AGAIN. The worst of the worst can abuse our defense. It's scary.
  15. If we can just keep contain w/ the picket pressure and then get our hands up we should bat a lot of balls and hopefully keep turning it over. A few turnovers and our O (assuming it comes to play) should put up some big points on them. If Vick feels pressure and can't see or is scared of batted passes and he scrambles out for 10 yards here and there for a first then so be it. They won't beat us that way. Don't give up the big play, frustrate Vick, dominate their weak D, and we will win. Mess around w/ crazy blitzs, don't run the ball, and don't protect FItzy and we'll lose again. As much as I hate the conservative style D that's what we need this week, and most weeks honestly. We're just going to give up yards we don't have the players to not, we need to be opportunistic w/ turnovers and we need to make them sustain long drives.
  16. I have two modes as a fan. I root to win every game and expect the team to not be retarded. Then when all is definitely lost I go into film study mode and watch the young guys and do some rewinding etc...if I'm completely honest the second life is an easier one and I still enjoy it a lot. But I think we've hit a point now, with our play, where I expect to be in mode 1 the entire season. Saying "oh well we're still *insert record* here" is no way to get over a loss like to me right now.
  17. 1) We played like crap and deserved to lose. That said, lots of teams deserve to lose/get manhandled and still win. 2) If that call is correct, and it wasn't even difficult, we win. I'm fairly certain. 3) Teams absolutely back their ass into the playoffs it happens every year. 4) One call absolutely can make a change to who wins. 5) "Lucky" teams make the playoffs every year. Some of them win a game once their there as well.
  18. I knew their D was a top 10 D. Maybe they are top 5 IDK hard to say. That's all I can say though. I really don't think they are all that different than the quasi-garbage I thought they were. Basically they are who we thought they were, and in letting a rookie go Montana on us we let them off the hook. Green is good but over-rated. McKelvin gets beaten like a drum b/c he's a drum, not b/c of Green. Look at that guy from Oakland last week he did us worse than Green. We played like crap and still should have won IMO. Cinci sucks.
  19. Meh next two games NFC...so long as we win one they aren't all that crucial.
  20. Let's not be ridiculous. The Jets aren't winning tonight. We are still in front but NE WILL pass us eventually. Just a fact. We HAVE to root against SD, Oakland, the Jets, and the Titans. The way I see it those (plus us) are the wildcard teams (with SD or Oakland winning the division and the other being a wildcard contender). 5 teams, 2 spots.
  21. I just want to stay .500 and healthy till the end and hopefully steal one and sneak in. That's the best case scenario IMO. We MUST beat the Jets both times. We simply won't keep up w/ NE no matter how bad their D is, they'll win more than us. Also, it's def. time to start rooting against the Jets, Titans, Chargers, and Raiders.
  22. Whatever it is hopefully he throws it if two Bills are wide open this time.
  23. Personally, I stand from time to time. But I wish everyone would just sit down. I get excited sometimes and stand up in the middle of a play or during a kickoff (certainly the opening) but I would gladly just sit down and have everyone sit down. That said the Buffalo leap would look lame if everyone sat down.
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