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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Rams have the right idea here. Buffalo's depth is killing us alone, and on top of that IMO we need an extra infusion of talent (even if Jones is healthy) to carry the offense the rest of the way b/c we can't stretch the field and right now we simply have to play better than our offense has been b/c our defense is arguably at the legit bottom spot in the league. I've heard there are other guys out there...I know Eddie Royal can be had and there are at least some (Shefter) who talk craziness about Wayne and Bowe. Anyway...all I'm saying here is we need a boost and I hope we at least consider strongly all options. Not sure what they are and I know we have almost no time...but I hope to God we can find something.
  2. You are your record, which is good for us b/c we actually play like a 2-4 team right now w/ worst-of-the-worst defense and offense that is starting to dip.
  3. Today is on Fitz it's simple. There are a lot of reasons we play average football but for some reason we are always in it and Fitzy has to finish it off. Today he didn't. In the past he has. In the future he will I'm sure.
  4. RIP ...that crash was the most insane thing I've ever seen...
  5. The fact that we're in it on the road while hurt (even though they were hurt and are an average football team) is decent take away. Fitzy better throw 500 deep sideline passes a day over the next 2 weeks b/c if we can't stretch the field we won't win
  6. I can't stand watching this defense and at the moment I'm rather pissed at Fitzy but all in all I guess if we are going to drop one...this one hurts LESS than some others. 4-2 is fine going into the bye, we seriously need a come to jesus talk on defense and basically MUST at least try and bring in a new WR before the second session (post-bye)...but all in all I guess we overachieved here so I'm happy. We're a very average football team but we won 4 games so let's regroup, heal, and go .500 after the bye and sneak into the playoffs. Go Bills.
  7. defense is trash defense is trash
  8. I still vividly remember what that looked like haha. That was as classic and pure of a dominating bull rush as I've ever seen. He hasn't been letting that happen anymore.
  9. I would trade the 4th we got for Evans in a heart beat. Hell, I'd trade the 4th back to the Ravens for Evans and let them trade a 3 to Denver for him. How about that? EH? I would like to see us make some move here, Jones getting healthy doesn't do it for me. I like Jones enough, but to bring in someone at this point would infuse new life in what is starting to fizzle a little. We are thin, a big play maker dropped in could be the fire to keep us going and get those 10/11 wins we need.
  10. NY Giants L Sun. Oct. 23 BYE WASHINGTON* W NY JETS L at Dallas L at Miami W at NY Jets L TENNESSEE W at San Diego W MIAMI W DENVER W at New England L 10 wins should have us in
  11. At this point it clearly Fred Jackson. While I would obviously vote Fitz he's probably border line if it happened today. I'm not sure about Kyle Williams but since he now has a reputation maybe. George Wilson would be the opposite of KW probably
  12. The only real saving grace we have is that we've played some of the better offenses through 5 games so far. We can say that. Maybe we'll get to play some worse offenses and our guys will get healthy and young guys better and it comes together, I hope so. Any talk of anything else though isn't really saying much. We haven't been good any way you slice it. You can look at football a million different ways but nobody that knows what they're talking about would say our defense is even average. You can call them scrappy and you can say they find a way to win but you can't call them good or even middle of the pack. I know I'm a hater etc....
  13. IMO that Dog Fish 90 may be the greatest beer of all time.
  14. It's one of those super personal things (so I don't think there is any info on it) but when you have a heart illness IDK if you come back. I do know that an enlarged heart is a symptom though (as opposed to just the way your heart is), and it can go back down. Then again, I'm an idiot not a doctor. And I don't even know if his heart is enlarged IDK what his illness is.
  15. Ya I don't have an article either but most people know CAm was #1 overall on our draft board. And as it turns out, for good reason.
  16. Look, if we disagree that's ok. I like our team, I think we've overachieved. What I'm talking about is the clear cause for concern that we won't continue to do so unless we play significantly better on defense. The defense IS trash right now. It's terrible. Every player in the league is an elite player in the world, nobody you listed is an elite player in the league. "Elite football player in the world." LOL Now, we do have some good players, I'm not down on everyone individually, but the D as a unit has been terrible. Our D is BAD. KC doesn't matter, nobody cares about that game it was clearly an anomaly even for terrible KC to play like they did. Credit to us in that game, but nobody is going to say "week 1 @KC makes us a good 60 minute football team." I am happy w/ Sheppard and optimistic about his future, I've loved Batten on special teams hopefully he continues to get better. Moats kind of is what he is I know there's a sort of cult following on this board w/ him but he's not overly impressive to me (that said it's not like he's incapable of making a play). Bottom line though, a team with a good defense (certainly w/ our WR corps going down the way they are) can work us b/c if we don't score we're done. On defense we can't stop anyone. And I guess where we differ is you see something that makes you think we're getting better. I don't. We can hang our hat on youth and injuries in the secondary but McGee is old and Williams is a rookie, let's not pretend we'll be fine back there just b/c we get them back. We are also only VERY slightly better at stopping people from hitting us in the mouth...teams run the ball on us almost the same as last year. We aren't significantly improved there (despite it seemingly like we should be). I know people blame the offense and with good reason (certainly knowing that our D is what it is they can't shut it down like that), but the defense is a huge problem and will be so down the line. As for being confused by the offense play calling being a good thing...just no. LOL, we were not willing to do anything in the second half the entire stadium knew we would continue to throw screens and they were all over it. We simply wouldn't even try to throw the ball downfield once Jones went out and it was killing us.
  17. Well it's a good point it's all highly situational. That said, it really isn't that hard to see when you watch the game. When people stop marching right down the field w/ guys running wide open, when Cinci stops pounding us physically, we will be improved. Right now we can be beat either way. It is disturbing to me. The D has been beat in most situations that exist. They've been bullied. They've been finessed. They've taken the ball away in a majority of the games so far but when they don't we'll be in trouble. I mean I hear what you are saying we play however the game goes, but we are one half of that formula. The game is going how it's going in large part due to the way we're playing. Right? It would be one thing to have an identity one way or the other. Something we do well consistently. We don't really do anything well except take the ball away which is not something that we can sustain on the level we've been, and we've needed every bit of what we've gotten.
  18. We have to get better over the course of the season b/c right now they are IMO. Nice turnovers if those somehow continue that's fine I jsut don't think they will and w/ out them we need to improve or this will be another non-playoff team.
  19. Wildcard loss. Good season. Happy? I know I will be if we are fortunate enough to have it go that way.
  20. Just want to point out that I (topic creator) and many others in here don't consider themselves to be of a pessimistic brand. Just a "we need to get better" brand.
  21. I really could care less about defending myself, but I'll do it anyway. I'm not a naysayer and the firs thing I said was I was happy with 4-1. I love the team. There are clearly a lot of reasonable posters here that agree w/ the jist of what I said. I could care less about "expectations before the season" even my own....certainly since I am happy anyway which is what I've said. My expectations from before the season have no bearing on the team. I want to make the playoffs. And comparing us the Pats is ridiculous. The Pats don't nurse a 40 point lead, they peddle to the metal the entire game. They crush you if they can. Anyway go Bills, we're all Bills fans and we're all happy even if we disagree and some (somehow) think we have a good defense. I really like the one guys post on how the turnovers won't continue, b/c I agree. We have to play differently long term to sustain wins. We certainly will have to play better than we have to beat good teams down the line. God knows, if we are so fortunate to make the playoffs (and I hesitate to get into this) we will have to play better (lol can't wait for that line to be emboldened and railed against). Anyway, I don't like the way we played w/ the lead. I don't think we've played consistant for 60 minutes. I think we're played good enough to win. I don't think we've been a good football team (although we've been a winning football team). I know a good and winning football team are indistinguishable to some, and I would agree if we just won the superbowl, but 5 games in it isn't to me. That's all I'm saying. Get on me if you will (the few that have) but I'm not alone in my thoughts. Go Bills...we're 4-1. I hope we continue to improve in both our performance and our coaching. And I hope we can get healthy b/c as we all know...it's close to becoming an issue. I think the Giants are beatable...and then the bye. Win or lose let's just play good next week and get to the bye.
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