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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Hey I'm fine with it I just don't like it when the story is re-written. What that story says is not fair to the Bills IMO and it straight up lies about Maybin. Also, I don't understand the end of your post.
  2. Agreed he's good on MNF IMO. Could care less about his personality or how it is to play for him.
  3. Being praised personally and professionally in NY. Meh. Personally I still think he sucks but I guess we'll see. IMO no matter what the Jets think he is too small. Did not know about his personal struggles, however I do believe this article glosses over some immaturity and work ethic problems early on (and IMO regardless of what anyone else says existed to the moment he checked in at 228 this summer). Bottom line is the guy was given every chance, over $14M, and 3 years to figure it out here. In the end he still didn't have a clue and was 228lbs. He's a glorified blitzing CB now basically. Congratulations. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/jets/ny-jets-aaron-maybin-turns-painting-poetry-deal-tragedies-including-death-son-article-1.969039
  4. Win this week at home against the turrible Jets and IMO we are all but a wildcard lock at 10 wins in a down East. Lose and we're in trouble.
  5. Keep him until we have two solid OLB rushing the passer. In other words keep him forever. I like him personally.
  6. didn't read the entire thread but just popped in to say I liked the signing day 1 and still do
  7. Bills 33 Redskins - 20 Next week will be the season IMO. If the Jets beat us at home, we ain't making it. If we win, we probably make it. (it=playoff)
  8. Ouch, that is all I have to say for this.
  9. Decent list. Not sure about #3 at the moment but hopefully one day.
  10. Maybin had to go. That's a fact. But all you "Maybin is crap" guys...let us not fool ourselves. This is cause for a raised eye brow and if he somehow gets another 5 of these this year then it's a disaster.
  11. We definitely still have personnel that could run a 4-3. We basically have personnel that can run a crap 4-3 base or a crap 3-4 base...either or.
  12. To be honest though he's not being used very much and his "high first invested" is under the old (ridiculous) contracts. The Bills I know would consider it absent any ego blow it may provide.
  13. ya brah, 2 concussions real quick he may need to just chill for the rest of the season...fried brain right now
  14. Detroit's 2nd will be late. If they wanted him they would have to give us at least a 1 which they would not do. Also, we would probably not do that certainly not until Fred is resigned. Anyway Fred is old we would be wise to hang on to CJ.
  15. God Marv Levy should not have been running this team at age 200 and having been out of the league for a 100 years.
  16. I say just sit him for game after game until he's the old KW again. He's really no help to us unless he's near 100% anyway no use in preventing it from getting better. Give the man a month.
  17. I literally think of White Russians as manly b/c of the Dude. I'm pretty sure most of my friends do as well. I also like them from time to time they are good. Also....Bushwacker made right is a good "girly" drink
  18. Good card. I would probably be a little more neutral towards Fitzy, Chan and Dareus but overall that's about right.
  19. Just look at the way Fred runs. IMO he can do that for another 3 years. Give the man a 4 year contract for substantial sum. He is this team.
  20. I don't review the guy play for play but he's been in on some plays this year. He makes tackles from time to time.
  21. I agree we are fortunate to have Fitz a lot of teams would take what we have working on offense right now. That said, you always want to look to get better and there are guys around the league that make "all the throws" fairly easily. Like I said I support Fitzy (although he did piss me off yesterday), but there are QBs who throw it better. Miss read the D, get hit, get pressured all day, have to push it b/c you are down....there are a million reasons I can accept to get over INTs but I HATE when guys just throw it crappy and Fitzy does that as much as anyone that is a legit starting QB. It's annoying, that's all.
  22. Haha, well that's debatable but trying out Ocho for free wouldn't be a bad idea. We need one more WR we can go to for serious work. If we're complacent we'll let the one thing we have going falter down the line.
  23. Well a pass rusher basically cannot be had. Only two ways to get one of those is to draft and develop one or pay a gazillion dollars and beat out 10 other teams on a FA market. Corners are in demand to say the least as well...WRs/Rbs much easier to nab. I mean, this is COMPLETELY out of left field and not reality but let's just say we could get Bowe for a first or a second and 6th...something like that...if we did that and resigned Stevie/Fitzy/Freddy....the way our line is playing...we basically finish off the offense. It's one thing to say "oh well the defense is SOOOO bad" but it can't really be fixed quickly. IMO part of it is just coaching/scheming but regardless of the cause it will likely be bad for at least another year after this one mercifully ends. To cement the offense for the next 3 or so years would give us an opportunity to CONTINUE to be a team a that can score enough to never be out of the game, and to basically draft defense exclusively and perhaps go after a choice FA on that side of the ball as well. Just for discussions sake, but I think the defense is a long ways away and I think a fuse in the offense would help us hold out and stay competitive while we figure out what is going on w/ the D (which may take a while).
  24. The Rams made out great here. Part of it might have been w/ McDaneils there he was willing to sign and stay. Hard to believe we wouldn't have offered a 6th/5th conditional. We would be stupid if we didn't. Anyway Broncos seem to be sabotaging themselves. I get that he wanted out and they were going to get nothing, but they also were basically willing to do the same thing w/ Eddie Royal who is in the same position. It's almost like they just completely tanking, and throwing Tebow out to fail once (and for all) and are fine w/ bottoming out.
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