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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Rodger has that unique ball flight and the wheels and the mind etc...the cold veins....the desire...they could easily be our forever overloards come the end of the season. BUT we've ween this before. Hell it would be ironic for the Pats D to get to average and beat them in the bowl
  2. I'm sure he won't get anything ridiculous but we need to keep him. Who cares how much money he gets. Stop being so concerned about money. Keep the players that are good. Draft good ones instead of ones that don't develop. Keep them too. Repeat. It's the only way.
  3. Well our D has been bad from day 1. Dareus isn't anything to rail against but he's not some all-world all the time impact guy. The fact that you say Moats, Shepp, and Batten aren't anybody to fear...that's a problem. Those are our guys. The guys we draft aren't really getting better. I know they're young but when you do get a lot of playing time by the end of your first you start to show more signs than we've seen if you end being an impact guy. As for the second year for last years class by the end of this year it would be surprising to see any gigantic change in momentum. Now I'm not saying no young guys we have are any good at all. But I am saying they aren't "good" and you turn from young to just crappy pretty quickly in this league. Not sure I agree on the Merriman deal but I would like to and Kyle Williams is a legit huge blow for us but you have to go w/ what you have. This is one of the biggest problems I have w/ the coaching staff. I don't believe there are some holes in our scheme itself I'm sure the guy knows football. And I can even understand if the playcalling has to be limited b/c we get our teeth kicked in if we try and do anything too fancy. But the ability to develop, coordinate, and motivate our mix of young and old is completely lacking. Our secondary is a joke. LBs don't really make too many big plays. Dline probably plays better than last year even w/ out Kyle but still gets pushed around. There is no pass rush. You get the point. I'm not trying to pile on. I'm really not trying to have a negative tone either. But reading it, it is negative. That's just the way it is IMO. Yes if everyone were healthy the D probably would play a little better but it would still have the problems listed above...guys don't develop/step up consistently. Talent. Coaching. A mix of those two. Whatever the reason there is no real indication of turning the corner on that side of the ball. I like to think a good draft, a new bill of health, a new coach, and maybe JUST MAYBE we get lucky and one or two existing players actually play better and we could start to stop people. I hope that's true but honestly looking at that list that is a lot of things we don't do well...draft...hire coaches...get lucky...stay healthy...etc... ...not to mention we need OL and WR help on offense too. All that said...we're better than last year for what that's worth. Maybe if we escape Miami and get at least normal on the Oline even if we lose to NY we can put together a run. That's saying a lot. It's enough to hold onto for now to avoid crashing on the team.
  4. Ya we're a joke team. Had a gimmick offense to be honest. They figured it out. Fitz is very average and we're hurt. Bad WRs. Defense is worst it's been ever. Special teams a non-factor. Coaching sucks. Can't block. Can't get off a block. Can't catch. Can't throw. Can't tackle. Can't kick. Can't throw. Etc
  5. Ya but even the Broncos aren't completely out of it yet. Any team at this point can be happy w/ the right focus...maybe there are 5 or so that can't but the point remains.
  6. Dallas can be beat at home and we don't hold onto the ball long enough to get sacked anyway. Fitz hardly even looks.
  7. But Fitz isn't a great scrambler and he can't throw it deep anyway.
  8. You guys are funny about the ego thing. HE'S A SPORTS TALK GUY. They all have egos. You literally can't get up every day and go sit in front of a microphone assuming people want to hear what you have to say about sports unless you have a giant ego. They all do.
  9. For the record guys I turned on Cowherd when I saw this thread...he actually is interviewing multiple people about this Sunday and the Bills are a game he keeps asking about. It's the guests that say we won't win. He actually picks us to upset Dallas this weekend. Also, regardless of what I think about Collin at a given moment his show is entertaining IMO. He's basically the Bill O'Rielly of sports and that is a good thing whether you realize it or not. He certainly does. Scott Van Pelt Show >>>>> all other sports talk btw
  10. Well he's right but it's funny b/c I think most of us would have agreed even while we were overrated and said that we were average but winning. Cowherd on the other hand thought we were great earlier in the year. He was loving us. Now he doesn't like us.
  11. Ya honestly I think we beat Dallas. So so team. They could easily beat us they are "one of those" teams where you don't know what you get until you show up. But...not great at stopping the run...lacking the two shut down guys Jets had...our D IMO is playing better than they were b4 the bye even w/ the Jets holding the ball. We should win. Go Bills! I'm over the loss but I'll not forget it. Back to the grind. We shouldn't have had all that national respect anyway. I like it better like this.
  12. Ditto on the McKelvin not so terrible yesterday. Really he's been somewhat average since his meltdown so here's hoping in keeps it up.
  13. 31 one teams do not do that. We should still aspire to be one of the teams that does.
  14. Fred deserves the money for past services anyway. He would never stop playing. Fitz just got his money.
  15. If he could play the ball he would be very good. That said he really, really can't play the ball for some reason.
  16. How is our "leader" that would say that though? Fred is the only one I can think of but I mean c'mon that guy leads by example everyday anyway. Fitz will never say anything like that. Dude is academic in his approach and demeanor. Good when we're awesome but it doesn't do a lot to lift us when we need it.
  17. Everything I've heard seems to suggest Williams is done for the year so I would honestly be surprised if he wasn't IR'd eventually. No point in waiting if it's going to happen.
  18. Gotta take it. It's low of them to act like they need to put the Bills in their place to validate themselves but they did dominate us. That said...let's face it they just beat us. It's laughable they are so confident having beat Buffalo after the start they had. Jets can still look pathetic and they will again.
  19. Jets are clearly better. Ultimately though, despite that if we could have looked less like a flash in the pan gimmicky passing game and more like something that at least could have gotten something going we would have been in it. D did ok even though they couldn't get off the field and we even ran the ball ok. Eventually the run game and D gave out b/c of the utter dominance but if someone would have made just a play, just any play in the passing game b4 it got pathetic we could have been different. We have a gimmicky passing game that's the truth at least it was yesterday. Must adjust moving forward.
  20. Spiller needs to basically turn himself into a WR for us full time and a good one to be useful until Fred drops off which could be years. Jones, IMO, is a failure. He can't play #2. It's a huge liability one of our 2 starting WRs is not an option we work from a hole constantly. If Evans could do more than just run fast I wish we had him back. Or if Fitz could throw a bomb I wish we had him back. We need a deep threat bad from that other side.
  21. True. Say what you will, I think it ****s up the team dynamic when there get to be too many crap draft picks making huge money and guys like Fred, Stevie, and Fitzy are out there being the real team.
  22. Ya haha...it's looks like a giant rock too. "Yall wana rock or what?" *giant rock hits head* "peace out." lol
  23. Watch this video this is hilarious: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7F3O6WYfHQ
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