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Everything posted by dayman

  1. It's basically true. There are about 3 WRs that I would probably exempt from this but the top 3 or so TE's compared to the 4-10 guys when thinking about Fitz's arm? IDK man
  2. Yup. That hit/fumble on the goal line was boarder-line orgasmic really is representative of this 49ers team. That second half was ugly and let's be honest he single handedly and RIDICULOUSLY lost the game for the entire team in some strange ninja jump. Only the suddenly great Alex Smith to Vernon Gholston combo saved him. If that last drive had not worked out, it would literally be Donte Whitner who is blamed and hated in San Fran. It's oddly satisfying to say this. He did make some physical plays though and that's what they place a premium on and it has worked so for with them.
  3. Yup. Welcome to the sanity club in this thread. Not that I can really knock other posters for praising a guy that I also like as a Bill. He is solid and gave better production this year than we have seen an a while. But in the scheme of things he isn't anything special by league standards. He's kind of the Trent Edwards of TE's. It's one thing to look good following JP. It's another to look good compared to winning football teams.
  4. Draft basketball players. /topic
  5. What? Who the hell would biatch about getting the ball on this team? That's the last concern I would have for us. And as for just using those two teams...there are many other teams. Basically any time a top tier TE comes around he finds a way to be his QBs greatest asset. I mean I'm thinking of the top TE's today (Gronk, Witten, Davis (today anyway...but he is inconsistent), Gonzalez for years, Gates when healthy (and he has a good WR on his team)...etc Basically Dallas Clark is one of the few top guys that merely plays his role when the time comes and that's just b/c Peyton sees the entire field like nobody else. If you have a super all-star QB than can see the D before they even move then it's not so huge but for all mortal QBs there is NOTHING better. Certainly not a WR
  6. TE's carry teams w/ out WRs. Pats. 49ers. That's just today. It's well known a QB's best friend is a dominate TE. And Chandler is not a dominate TE. He is average. It's the truth. Average gets TDs/first downs form time to time and that's what Chandler does.
  7. In order: DeSean Vincent Colston ...no matter what we need a new QB
  8. I'd rather win w/ stevie not sure how good the other guy is i know he's good
  9. IDK why you all are suddenly acting like my problems w/ SOPA mean I am against IP at all. I am not. I think we need some updates to the way the law works, and this bill isn't it.
  10. Everyone knows that it's a question of to what degree and the bottom line is our IP laws a whole should probably be revised to fit with the scheme the future will force on them one way or another. Note: revised =/= abolished. I'm sorry there is uncertainty in your field and change loomning. Don't label me a pirate b/c I don't support extreme protectionism for you.
  11. I know just saying the conversation as a whole started leaning towards weather IP is legit (an idea Thomas Jefferson was iffy about and initially against)as opposed to the fact that this bill right now is terrible for people who use the internet.
  12. http://www.extremetech.com/computing/111543-google-amazon-facebook-and-twitter-considering-nuclear-option-to-protest-sopa ^^google may go nuclear^^
  13. Why? Canada? http://avaaz.org/en/save_the_internet/?fp ...sign there...
  14. http://www.engadget.com/2011/12/20/sopa-hearing-delayed-until-the-new-year-as-petition-signatures-t/ C'mon now guys...if you ever asked for a damn link in the shout box or watched tape on a draft prospect on youtube you need to sign this petition
  15. We should have never cut Maybin that's the bottom line. We have no idea how to use anybody on defense. We suck. We need new coaches BADLY
  16. Of course he doesn't know it for a fact. The only thing everyone in this topic can agree on is that he is explosive and talented as hell, is just about what we need on field across from Stevie, and would vastly improve our offense. That is what he knows for a fact. DeSean isn't the player you see out there right now regularly or we wouldn't be talking about him. I could care less about his personal life. It's dreaming to think we would even make a play, the team that cut Hangartner and never makes a play on anyone (that costs money). But I would feel better if I thought we would if he would consider it. Instead I know we wouldn't consider it. Ya I thought about that too but at this point I doubt they would be shy to franchise him and trade him.
  17. Man I hate when Bills fans always focus on the negative of every little thing on a player and say "he's not worth ____ money." DeSean on this offense would be ridiculous.
  18. Extend him or trade him IMO. I also truly believe that good GMs consider past services of certain guys in certain situations (even though I know you can poke holes in that all you want). Just treat him fair.
  19. The Eagles were never going to extend him this season that much was clear. I understand that no matter what he did take home about 1.5M over the last 3 years, and that many people don't like it when they think a player mails it in on the field. I can't sit here and COMPLETELY defend everything the guy does but I think I've made my point pretty well in this thread. There is no greater contract FU in the history of the league IMO. And as for other rookies drafted in his position, let's face it they aren't 175lbs carrying the team on their back getting multiple concussions. DeSean is a freaking BEAST. And like the other guys said a few posts up, he is EXACTLY what our offense needs.
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