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Everything posted by dayman

  1. It would be nice to have 11 players on the field for critical plays. To not see guys running on the field at the last moment. To not challenge ridiculous plays. To not have Dareus drop into zone. To not waste timeouts because we are not organized. To not give incoherent explanations when asked if there is a particular person responsible for a given bit of hilarious dysfunction. To not explain that Brady passing is cheating. And generally, to just appear somewhat professional whether we win or lose.
  2. I would trade him away if someone offered a 1st and 3rd. Nobody will do that. He stays.
  3. In a lot of ways I see this issue as not so different than education, healthcare, and a lot of other issues where costs are skyrocketing. The argument for some public assistance is ok until you see the bill. It's just too damn expensive that's the problem. ~2B is insane. Kick in ... say ... $300B total including land and some infrastructure...fine. Kick in almost $1B? Insane. And of course, the stadium wouldn't be $2B if the public funny money was not there. We can help pay for stadiums every now and then, it's ok. We should not go into 30 years of public debt to build lavish temples to the football gods.
  4. I'm sure it's floating somewhere but I can't find it. Sorry for the post, feel free to close once someone posts. Thanks in advance.
  5. Truth is Whaley was good. It was a mistake to fire him.
  6. I like this pick a lot. I love that we finally have a QB on the roster that is known for distributing the ball quickly, accurately, and in tight spots. His arm can get stronger and he showed some mobility. Also seems to be a gamer. Seems like a great pick.
  7. ESPN guys absolutely love Peterman...they are gushing you would think Peterman is the greatest QB in the whole draft.
  8. Pretty awful performance by Matt in that game, wow. Looks terrible.
  9. Pick it up. If we lose Sammy after sinking all this time/money/picks into him it would be a trajedy. He is a great player and will be great one day...it sucks he hasn't been for us but it would suck worse to have it happen only once he's gone.
  10. Clay is one of the highest paid player on the team... Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  11. Sign Fitzpatrick to be our backup. He's a good backup.
  12. He's had a million chances, but you have to believe there will come a point where the dude gets it together. At least, you should want to believe that as a reasonably good person. If he wasn't serious about turning it around and staying straight for long enough to make a living then he would have pissed off into nowhereland already (the way Justin Blackmon did).
  13. You get 2 challenges. It shouldn't matter what you challenge.
  14. I know the risk but I would go hard at this ... the upside is just way too big. A 1 year prove it deal would be a mistake also...you've got to lock it up for at least 2 maybe 3 years ... just put outs in the contract and defer the bonus until year 3 and only release it if he is eligible the length of the contract. Sounds crazy but he's only 26 and he WILL be a top 10 WR in the league for the next 3 years if healthy and eligible. The upside is enormous. He's a better WR than Sammy.
  15. I just want to remind everyone that I was just about the only one on this board to rail against the pick the moment it happened. Something along the lines of "I live in Florida, watch a lot of Florida college ball, and EJ was always 'meh' even FSU fans agree...he's a terrible pick." It takes years to be vindicated and even now the EJ-blind will just say "well, it didn't work out and that happens"...but the bottom line is the pick itself was terrible at the time. I. Told. You. So.
  16. These are beaten down guys that need money and have only 1 shot left. These aren't guys that got in some trouble and may or may not have learned their lesson...these are guys that will or will not have a life depending on what they do next. Sure, they may still blow it...but the lesson has been hammered in and they should be desperate. I would happily give up some decent draft picks now for both of them and sign each to low salary 3 year deals (keep 'em cheap if they work out). They're both more talented than any WR in this year's draft. They're basically both Sammy-level talent. If you could unload a 3 and 4 and guarantee 10 million a piece for 3 years each....you have the very high reward situation at moderate risk. If they bust...then guess what...we have no WR but Sammy which is what we've always had.
  17. Honestly I would give up a 3 and 4 to get both those guys if they were both reinstated. Sure ... sounds crazy. If we can get 32 games out of them combined it would be well worth it.
  18. Just reach for another damn Clemson WR and hope it all works out.
  19. So w will get a 2nd round comp pick for this next year?
  20. In favor. I have always believed that we can make the playoffs with this "iteration" of the Bills. If we bailed on Tyrod the windown would close and we would be in full rebuild before long. Maybe we won't make it, and if we do we will almost certainly be 1 and done and then miss it the next year lol ... but I just want a playoff game.
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