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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Franken was a former comedian/actor? OMG I had no idea. What talent he must have been...
  2. Haha, grammar police. If you post on this board sober you have issues.
  3. Needs to get bigger. Great depth for our LBs though and love the experience/school he comes from. Love the way we draft now. Big boy football.
  4. That's the other thing. For younger fan raised up as Bills like myself by Bills-crazy fathers who always had the ticket...I mean...it's not like the old days. I've watched every game my entire football-life (which started real early)...and in the WAY early days I would be taken to bars to watch which I would love it was like a special event as a kid to go to sports bars every Sunday.
  5. I can tell you this I'm a bigger Bills fan than my extended family that lives in Buffalo. I eat sleep and breath Buffalo Bills football and have since I was born (not born and never been anywhere close to NY or the NE in general). The short answer is HELL YES. I've been to many home games and MANY away games. Follow the team obsessively. The truth is though, I can never be a "Buffalo" guy...but when it comes to the Bills...I'm a true fan in every sense of the word. So it's the difference between true fan of the football team....and "one of the locals." If it takes both in your mind to be a Bills fan then ... the answer is no. Also I'll just add (something I'm sure other people who don't live in Buffalo would agree with) there's a tight link when you find other Bills fans out there. We're a tight group and IMO tighter than most other displaced fans. And while you don't run into them every day...they're out there in decent numbers. License plates. Hats. Etc...and we always say something. ALWAYS say something.
  6. Will Hill!!! OMG haha...we're ending this now...once Will Hill gets dropped we've exhausted the discussion.
  7. What part of any student loan policy is unfair the "strivers" though? I don't really understand what you are saying? If they have loans, they can choose whether or not they would benefit from the program and take advantage...are you just saying you are against the federal government funding education in general? I mean...I just don't understand what your saying...
  8. They questioned his maturity, that's fair. They question him being a thug that would be shooting up stuff and going to jail? SHame on the media. He got a raw deal form the jokers on TV. That is what I typed. I still feel the same way. Comparing him to Pac Man is what I said is unfair.
  9. Haha get out of here w/ that I'm not "the pot culture" come to defend anyone. I don't smoke.
  10. First off, UF grads might as well be some master race of academic achievement so don't question our collective brilliance. Second off, my "legitimate points" are this: 1) He fell out of 1st round 2) He didn't go to Bills so 3) It is weird for you to be so passionately against him and 4) have some perspective for God's sake. Anyway I think we've both said spoke our minds. I don't even understand what it is your getting at anyway b/c as I said before he's not a Bill and I said I was fine with that so you are literally just arguing that a guy who has nothing to do with anything as far as you are concerned is a bad person based on pot and sex.
  11. What is your deal? Why are you such a social warrior against this kid? He dropped out of the first and went to a team not named the Bills. You should probably get a life if you hate this man you never met so much. And yes btw...I am a gayturd haha...for real though if you aren't a FSU and UGA fan then this is weird behavior by you.
  12. I never played on a team? I can tell you this, if I'm on a team I want Jenoris Jenkins on my team, b/c he's a fantastic player. Agreed he let his team down, that's why he was booted. The idea he can't stay in the league, is insane. IDK what NFL you watch but it isn't the one I do. Great pick for Rams. Go ahead football fan, judge away. I'm not drafting a husband for my daughter idk how you would build a team. I'm fine with the Bills passing on him, but he went where he should have gone. And you'll always hate him and I get that (I guess) but he'll prove you wrong if you somehow think it's a mistake to draft him for the Rams. That much I know. Only time will tell. Kid shut down AJ Green.
  13. It's true. I smoked pot one time, and shot my friend in the spine.
  14. John smashing a young dude he's never met who smoked pot and got in one fight in college and paid for it all dearly. Internet champion.
  15. Topic Creator thinks a 7 is actually trading up. And apparently hates drafting total beasts to play OL.
  16. It's not even known what that kids final punishment will be. He did that weeks ago
  17. Your post would mean something if you realized that he was kicked off by the Gators NEW coach and not Urban. I'm assuming you don't understand that based on the emboldened portion.
  18. Jenkins will crush the NFL. It's the truth. He's a great leader among players and doesn't do anything "thugish" just smokes weed and made bad decisions as a kid. Good for him. If I were him I would flip everyone off and go dominate. Wish him the best. He's a fantastic football player and no where near the bad guy people think he is. They questioned his maturity, that's fair. They question him being a thug that would be shooting up stuff and going to jail? SHame on the media. He got a raw deal form the jokers on TV. I hope to God he dominates and I bet he does.
  19. Let me ask you this. When do you expect to replace him on the same level that he played at SC?
  20. Couldn't agree more with the first paragraph, except for the idea that some majors are worthless. Womens Studies actually applies well to various public service groups..girls groups etc. And as for the last sentence couldn't agree more either. I guess what I'm thinking is just about many of the nonprofits around me. There's Second Harvest (I think the Lutherans do it), Wounded Warrior Project (IDK who does that but I know they don't take any government money...pretty sure they remain 100% private), a slew of Catholic operations. A lot are religious (which I am not) but they would pick up a lot of the slack I guess as well as the other non-religious operations such as Wounded Warrior project. Also, I suppose some government programs could stick around like maybe Teach For America (but now 5 years instead of 2). Perhaps some form of domestic peace corps sending some (very brave souls) to the southside of Chicago...idk...(that area seem hopeless)...other trouble spots in big cities and rural Mississippi and place like that. There are a few government programs that may be capable of being saved assuming that we somehow channeled a lot more of our "better" people in there. Anyway I aim to be mainly talking about the privately run public service programs such as those run by religious institutions and other private organizations. ..... Also...the best part of this plan (assuming some real smart people could figure out a way to make it operational) is that it would be capable of securing bipartisan support. No Dems are gona vote against more help for education and increasing efficiency of programs helping the public...and most Repubs would love the idea that these efforts are privatized and government gets out of the plethora of areas it's trying to get into (even if they continue to pump money in education...I'm not saying this idea necessarily "saves" money...but it might and hopefully we would at least be getting value for a change).
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