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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Saw this kids trick shots a while ago. He's a good trick shot QB.
  2. This story makes Around the Horn. All support Kelsay except Page who says give it up.
  3. Jesus dude. C'mon now. Head trauma or not...your brain has something wrong with it if you are killing yourself.
  4. Football will not exist as we know it 15 years from now IMO. Brain research will basically end hitting.
  5. It's always sad when people commit suicide man. Your pretty much always mentally ill if you actually get to that point and do it. Seau was sick, presumably b/c of head trauma....but we won't know for sure unless they do look at his brain and stuff. People care about the suicide of our veterans too btw.
  6. It must be wonderful living in your little bubble thinking that it's merely the right wing crazies that are focused on. The crazies are focused on period. I do agree w/ your first paragraph though. I also think honestly that if he did stand up in spite of the storm it could create...it could rehab his image as a slimy politician just trying to morph to whatever will get him elected...it's not like he's going to lose "the heartland" anyway. I'm not so sure politically it wouldn't have been a better move for him to do that.
  7. The left has to create the war on gays? The war on gays is pretty well established.
  8. Pathetic story. This SHOULD be something the entire party is ashamed about. Literally losing (allegedly) talented people over nonsense.
  9. I was wondering how it was I remembered that name. Great news. Makes ya feel good on the inside.
  10. Of course, and I know. The problem is leadership regarding the politics of the party.
  11. I can't read through this topic so I apologize if this is off base as far as what is actually being discussed at this point. One of the things I dislike about the conservative politics most is their use of socially conservatives issues in a way that I view as a bait-and-switch (and that puts it kindly). I'm not socially conservative but I feel bad for them, I feel they are the most abused voters in America. Abortion is never outlawed, school prayer never returns, the "culture industry" is never forced to clean up its act. The Republicans rely on social issues to keep a large portion of their base, then when they're in office they turn to economically conservative issues benefiting the wealthy (whom are NOT the same as most social conservatives). Now, I don't have a problem with economically conservative policy and people advocating it...but why does it have to be mixed with social conservatism? Then the very capitalist system the economic conservatives strive to strengthen and deregulate often promotes and commercially markets the perceived assault on traditional values. Basically I see people voting against their own interest in order to vote jesus, to vote anti-gay, etc. Not a big fan of that. Not a big fan of pandering to those issues. As someone who considers himself in "the middle" and *gasp* votes each election for the PERSON I decide I want...this is the biggest thing the conservative movement could STOP DOING that would sway me their way. But then again, they would risk losing the strangle hold on "the heartland" so it won't happen anytime soon.
  12. Hillary has provided great leadership for the a global effort to combat hunger issues over time (as opposed to just combating critical shortages) and women's issues. She's been instrumental in our role in responding to, and operating amongst, the unprecedented turmoil in the middle east in a way that is not an idiotic knee-jerk reaction. I'm curious to here specifics on what gripes you have with this administrations foreign policy DC Tom. And also what extensions of Bush policy you feel account for Obama's "damned few" foreign policy victories. (not saying there aren't any btw just would like to here the ones you are referring to) Also, Hillary is largely responsible for us maintaining order (to the extent we have) in Afghanistan as she has been one of the foremost leaders within the administration supporting our continued active involvement there. I'm sure this point will get a reaction but IMO it could be much worse. Also, as secretary of state I've read that many foreign leaders have found her easier to work with given her first hand experience as a high level elected official...something others in her position have not experienced. However the basic short of it is I don't feel foreign policy has been a shortfall of Obama's run as president, but rather a solid aspect to his reign. And much of that is due to her competence. Most of you probably disagree...I'd like to here why (hell maybe you'll swing me).
  13. In terms of foreign policy I feel Obama has better people working for him. I also feel Hilary has done an excellent job (though I realize this is a right wing board).
  14. IMO it's the exact opposite. We can debate the internal decision making of the Bush administration all day and what Rummy or specific people "really thought" but the general consensus from what I've seen is that Bush's advisers delivered him one blunder after another in terms of advice. Bush will NEVER turn into an openly bitter and vindictive person b/c in all honesty I do believe he is above that personally but as far as I'm aware based on the things I've watched/read since he left office...the people he surrounded himself with failed miserably. DC Tom is correct here.
  15. Either way Bush certainly had some intelligence problems. No pun intended. As an executive you are only as good as the people around you...
  16. Without "the authorization law?" W/ out a Congressional Declaration or without UN Authorization? W/ out UN Authorization we arguably did (though I don't think it's clear) and nothing happened. W/ out Congressional Declaration of War it depends who you ask. If you ask Ron Paul, no. If you ask virtually all people who have actually been President then the answer is either "yes" or "probably depending on how bad I thought I needed to."
  17. I think a lot of people in conversation confuse the fact that we often do engage in military action in ways the Constitution doesn't authorize, with the claims that the Iraq war was illegal under international agreements for lack of a UN Resolution authorizing it. I don't really know all the arguments and honestly it's moot b/c the UN won't do **** but the "illegality" of the Iraq war argument centers on the UN and our agreements with them and not having whatever clearance we need from them or something...and then we would point to something that either says we did somehow have clearance (based on some broad interpretation) or that we never signed away our ability to defend ourselves and that's what we're doing and blah blah blah. Long story short, something about the UN and international law not domestic law.
  18. I prefer to just think of us as a true team playing by committee and seeing how far that can take us. I honestly doubt we'll have a guy that can carry us alone...ever again..
  19. I know. 600% increase since the '80s. Tuition is out of control regardless of political affiliation most agree. Don't forget not just buildings but skate parks and other amenities to attract applicants with fat dollar signs above their heads.
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