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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Well there it is then. No complaining about what is said there from me.
  2. (Here's an effort to throw some logs on the fire) Drastically cutting spending in a time of depression doesn't IMO. My biggest gripe w/ the GOP. It's a question of timing, not staunch philosophy.
  3. IDK know anything about meazza (how old he is what he does etc) and good for him he has a nice car he's proud of. But isn't the question the opportunity to move up that is there for the current children, in significant numbers? I don't think anyone questions the opportunity that has existed in the past.
  4. Blah blah blah...continue to project your own image of me at me. Tell me what is I think. Single payer fan. OWS supporter. "Government has the answers." Blah blah. Some people actually want better government and don't think it's an all or nothing proposition. For certain things not for others etc. I know...it's crazy apparently. Anyway, to the point Obama is doing better than anticipated in States he normally would not have a chance in. So as for Romney connecting with the independent voter...not likely they'll turn out big for him.
  5. The majority of all topics on this board are summed up this way: If you defend Obama on any point, you are the idiot left. And it's really the right wing nuts here that view the moderates as left. I know a moderate when I see one, they aren't here. Partisan hackery all around. That is this board and this topic. I actually tend to support the President in office (against attacks) generally and have for my entire life. But I'm sure that makes me a fool.
  6. Laughed at yourself 3 times in 1 post? Are you that funny?
  7. Well we'll just have to agree to disagree about how radical the Affordable Care Act is. I think you are straight up wrong and trying to connect dots that aren't there but I'm sure you think I'm somehow naive and don't see some grand scheme to impose radical socialism on us all. The truth is a lot of good reform in the bill and there are compromises in there (Mandate) that were once Republican ideas (now demonized by the Right). But whatever there's a separate thread on that. OWS is retarded. That's my opinion. It's not anywhere close to being incorporated into the Democratic party in the same way the tea party/religious right is. Tea Party is in Congress giving Boehner a heart attack. Crazy religious right people get elected also introducing Bills "defending marraige" lol and still fighting the abortion battle. The most anyone does for OWS is say that they like the spirit of people getting involved. Also, profit/wealth/corporation and etc are no associated w/ evil by any sane people. At least not any people I've met in actual reality. They may say that on right wing radio but...I don't know where they get that from. If you put a mic in front of a hippy throwing a rock through a bank window in the name of OWS of course they'll say that. Then they'll go to jail.
  8. Don't even worry about it. B-Man keeps ranting about the narrative of the left that the Romney campaign forced him out. It's just his personal narrative that claims that narrative actually exists. I don't think anybody has said that once in this topic.
  9. Successfully waged class warfare? What are you even talking about when you say that honestly? It's a retarded talking point that means nothing. The top tax rate as we all know has been higher in the past...if that is what you were talking about. Also what are you calling the "mother of all wealth redistribution bills?" Just so I'm clear on that.
  10. Or ya know...unless you are a gay foreign policy guy. And what are the victories the crazy left has scored? Enlighten me.
  11. Great news. I didn't want him but now that I know someone else wanted him and we stole him I love him!
  12. Haha, the Republicans have their house in order and Obama is the extreme left. WOW. Just WOW.
  13. But he does. Though they say the undecideds never go for incumbents. I'm in Florida so assuming we count our votes this election I guess I should do some soul searching haha
  14. Do a bunch of you guys think he will actually win? (not trying to be facetious)
  15. Also I can't help but think if Romney didn't have to justify his Mormon faith to the truly extreme right who don't consider him a Christian and would not vote for a false-god worshiping demon-spawn 2 generations removed from a Mexican polygamist commune...he would have more balls on the gay issue.
  16. Well there is an equal protection clause in the federal constitution ... and even if they don't extend the highest level of scrutiny all it takes is a few retirements at the right time and all the sudden it won't even pass a rational basis anlaysis (which IMO it really doesn't anyway...but that's just me).
  17. hehe Honestly I think homosexuals have a better chance going the legal route with a hypothetically more liberal court (assuming Obama gets another appointment). I mean, they're historically discriminated against...the public seems more ready to call being gay an immutable trait....politically it's pretty obvious they have the short end of the stick and on and on...probably will never happen politically on the federal level.
  18. All I was asking is if, having experience with this, you were subject to some sort requirement to offer a certain percentage of units for people using this program. If for example, you would be subject to liability if someone brought a suit alleging some sort of section 8 discrimination of sorts...
  19. So do you have to rent to these people? Can you just no to section 8 all the time?
  20. I'm sure it comes under some sort of insurance? Also this guy is hilarious haha.
  21. Honestly this is the thing that kills Republicans. Yes, there is clearly and extreme right. And yes, there is clearly and extreme left. I don't think the majority of Americans identify with either. The thing is...it's easier to delineate the extreme left from the Democratic majority than it is the extreme right from the GOP majority. I mean, having Obama v. Romney is a pretty good example. Obama basically does what he does and the extreme left is fairly quiet (even though he really isn't that liberal on a number of issues though a lot of the right refuse to admit this)...the "extreme right" though? Romney has to bow down at their feet. Boehner has no control. The Republicans need to get their own camp in order.
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