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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Also saw a stat saying the majority of black districts supported the Amendment. Kind of ironic if you ask me but...that's just me....
  2. Which they should do. If only people in North Carolina circa 1 week ago took this advice eh?
  3. Let's rewrite our most fundamental of laws, the framework of our state government, over a dispute on where people's penis goes. P in the V only thing recognized yay or nay!? ....yay... ... oh North Carolina. It's ok though let's face though any state where this gets a vote, the vote will almost always go yay...or it wouldn't be getting a vote to begin with.
  4. Haha, probably not the fairest statement but what can I say...this place is...changing..me...
  5. You are literally the only poster here I have never seen a single non-troll post from. Literally the worst offender in a sea of attacks.
  6. LOL ya. I still laugh at Palin thinking she's rogue. Only thing she went Rogue on was McCain.
  7. haha zing! I'm sure those guys handled their own money fine though
  8. I second this. Many athletes are just fine. Harvard Economics degree? Fitz doesn't know how to handle money...
  9. I know and all topped off w/ a leader doing Nazi salutes
  10. LOL France? Lol Greece and their Neo-Nazi influence in government... http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2012/05/06/greek-neo-nazis-warn-the-time-for-fear-has-come/
  11. Yup. I agree Adam will let Teresa talk more and that has a lot to do with their time together previously but at the same time she just breathes life into the show. It's better with her talking. Alison...I like her and she's fine compared to nothing...but compared to Teresa...she's bad. Adam basically carries the show all by himself now. BRING BACK TERESA!
  12. Love that there are some fellow Carolla fans on this board. I've been a daily listener for basically his entire podcast reign. Great show. Kind of sad when Teresa comes back on though b/c it reminds me how much better than Alison she is. Alison sucks.
  13. I still feel Obama could be that guy if the GOP was less hostile. As for the rest, I know. I get it. This isn't my first time on the internet.
  14. So what Romney sanctioned "philosophy" is good for us now and in the long term? Is strict adherence to "philosophy" of either extreme good in a world that is...without a doubt...dynamic? The conditions we operate in are not static. If they were we would have figured it out by now even with politics as it is (as system where conflict works as opposed to cooperation and compromise which works in the real world). Also, if Obama gets a second term will you still support those who will do anything to "prove" his decisions are totally wrong?
  15. Let's be real here. There may be some whom that is the case but the most vocal here just root against Obama. Period. They love it when new jobs numbers come out and suck. They'll never admit it but they do. Anything, that makes him look bad...even if it hurts America...they like. I'll never understand it. It's why you would find me trying to support Bush years ago and you'll see me trying to support Obama now. And before someone jumps in, support simply means support...and nothing more.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6JxOEiP73o
  17. Are you aware of the conditions in the middle east? Osama was sitting there thinking to himself that he's got us right where he wants us right now. And lol at you caring about the military being cut. Vote Romney b/c you worry we don't have enough ships and the air force is too small? Retarded.
  18. Lol what a troll. The guy who killed him v. the guy who said he would not have the balls to go into Pakistan to kill him. But no, leave Obama b/c a few people don't like his healthcare plan or his tax policy.
  19. A bunch of letters found in Osama's little hideout now being released. One is an interesting take on Biden. Osama bin Laden asked that Al Qaeda form hit squads to kill President Obama and General David Petraeus, but that Vice President Biden be spared because Biden is “totally unprepared for the presidency” and making him president by killing Obama would “lead the U.S. into a crisis.” In a 45-page letter to a newly promoted al Qaeda lieutenant in May 2010, part of a trove of documents found in bin Laden’s Pakistan compound that were placed online Thursday by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point, bin Laden tells him he had asked his predecessor to put together two teams in Pakistan and Afghanistan to target Petraeus and Obama during their visits “and target the aircraft of either one of them.” “They are not to target visits by U.S. Vice President Biden, Secretary of Defense Gates, Joints Chiefs of Staff [Chairman] Mullen, or the Special Envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan Holbrooke,” wrote bin Laden. “The groups will remain on the lookout for Obama or Petraeus.” “The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term, as it is the norm over there. Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.” “As for Petraeus, he is the man of the hour in this last year of the war, and killing him would later the war’s path.” http://bossip.com/580993/elsewhere-in-the-world-letters-found-in-bin-ladens-compound-that-instruct-al-qaeda-to-kill-president-obama-so-unprepared-joe-biden-will-become-potus-43081/
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