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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I think his point is the right has bought as much (if not more...but I won't speak for him) than the left even w/ union spending.
  2. From a strict 1st amendment perspective I also am glad they exist. But let's be real here...finding a way for the political process to give off less noise (from both sides) is important. And also I would like to add...it's not like the political process has been unkind to these corporations and big single donors in the past...I would hardly call them a repressed sect... The anonymous nature of it is a huge concern for me btw...
  3. This is what I was basically leading toward/getting it w/ my post above. But is this practical? And...the unions...shouldn't be allowed to give under this either... I am generally with you here but I wouldn't go so far as to say the superpacs give us a better opportunity to examine elected officials...
  4. So just to get this straight...public unions could (in the past) donate an incredible amount as one lump on grounds that they represent many...but private corporations/rich individuals (often w/ private business) could not? Correct?
  5. Look...you are an idiot. They aren't canards. I'm not an elitist for pointing out that you angrily spout of things that are just plain wrong.
  6. Also tune out conservative propaganda and learn about the law in 3rdnlngs case.
  7. AHHHH...individual contribution cap gone...brain fart on my part. Thanks. EDIT: Honestly as liberal as I may come off to many of you I'm w/ you here. Still "evolving" on the issue of public sector unions but honestly if we are real about it there's two retirement ages looking toward the future...65 for gov't and 75 for the rest of us. Just today I was browsing some openings at various agencies for lawyers. Those are some damn good jobs....not that I hate or am jelous just saying. There is a political process for public sector employees. It's not the same.
  8. Follow the constitution? Full faith and credit. Answer my question.
  9. So you oppose the defense against marriage act? EDIT: Defense of marriage act. lol
  10. You'll have to stay with me here for a minute I know nothing about political finance. Why is it that the SuperPacs are what changes that?
  11. I could be wrong here...but who is saying Obama will lose the money edge? I know Romney pulled in a nice first month but I was under the impression Obama will out raise him by a good margin.
  12. Look I'm not blind and I'm not a complete idiot when it comes to knowing what politics is. That said, the GOP let all that happen...much to Romney's disgust.
  13. Meh I don't see many of those people anyway and I doubt this will sway him. Obama has been President for 4 years already...to me that makes the Rev. issue sort of moot. Just a waste of money to me.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case either.
  15. Romney campaign would be retarded to bring up Rev. Wright. If I was Obama and Co. I would welcome them pouring 10M into something as retarded as that.
  16. Well personally I really didn't bash President Bush when he was in office and for the most part I don't now. As for the last little bit you sound like an Adam Carolla podcast listener. EDIT: And I don't plan on bashing Romney if wins.
  17. This is a good post to sum up the attitude of most conservative here and what they think about most liberals. More than anything else I see the conservatives on this board adhering to a staunch philosophy as if we live in a static world, where as many of the liberals are more dynamic in their economic view and see the budget issues as a question of timing. From one stand point the conservatives seem like idiots parroting talking points and talking about the 80s and general philosophy (as if it's all been figured out for all time) and hating government and preaching fiscal conservatism (except military and SS). From another the liberals have no responsibility, can't be trusted w/ a $20, don't understand the economy, hate capitalism, and will ruin this country with never-ending entitlement spending. As for things like the ACA a few of the more vocal conservatives (not all) are TOTALLY ignorant about what the Bill that they hate actually is, and that's just the bottom line with them. As for the social issues...honestly who cares about the Treyvon Martin case...then again I don't go in that thread so who knows what is actually being said whatever it is it's probably pretty boring...as for gay marriage it's just a matter of time and I think it's probably that same way w/ drugs too but just a lot more time. So it's all moot to me. Anyway the biggest divide in this country is age. And I think if we could see each other...it would be a little more obvious. LOl. That's the damn truth. But it reflects modern America IMO.
  18. I mean I agree they can be somewhat useful early, definitely to show if things are going terrible. But all in all like a good driver I'm sure most are concerned about polling the highest on the day of the election. I don't think either campaign cares much about winning the polls today. If anything I think the polls are important to Romney to show it will be tight and to combat the few that still assume Obama will win handily...and to combat the idea that he's a terrible candidate who's own party doesn't even like. Then on the flip side I think Obama could care less about being behind so long as he doesn't fall too far behind. He's saving most of his campaign juice for...the campaign (which even conservatives agree he is good at)...and if anything showing a threat early can help him combat the fall in enthusiasm his political momentum is expected to eat. I mean if I were Romney I would want to be as high as I could right now, and if I were Obama I would want to create a sense of urgency among my supporters and wouldn't mind if that meant a few polls coming in lower than they could have been (for now). Plus one of the big talking points for Romney seems to be that Americans are pissed and hate this President so he sort of needs to poll well comparatively (the entire time)...where as Obama can sort of be presidential and eat a slump for the time being and then hit hard when the time comes. In any event...I agree they aren't totally useless but I really think more than anything else they are more tools of campaigns then they are indicators of campaigns success at this point. The closer to the election the more important they will become IMO. And of course, I have no experience in politics. The one thing I know is if I ran either mans campaign they would lose.
  19. How do you feel about polls in general, especially this early. I only ask b/c you appear to pay a lot of attention to them based on the post.
  20. LOL. No. It really is that way. The "white, over 40s" are not "better at putting up references" either (neither are the left necessarily). But the white over-40 thing is stupid anyway. Don't worry about that. Just participate and find out yourself. And remember if you aren't having some sense of entertainment out of it then you are doing it wrong.
  21. Obvious gang-bang of right wing idiocy in most of the big threads. However, there are some people more left of center and not all of the conservatives are retarded/obnoxious. But all in all, absolutely this is a right wing board. But don't let that stop you from posting whatever you want here if you are thinking about it. And remember, it's not that bad. So what. And really I would say it's more accurate to characterize the board as "extreme anti-obama" than anything else.
  22. Well there is no public option in the exchange so what it really was (IMO, he'll never admit it) was an outdated talking. Update your talking points already guys. As for there being less PCPs in the future, won't happen either way (my opinion). With or without Obamacare the industry is shifting and the demand for specialist services will decline while the demand for PCP will rise. This will happen as the pay structure changes (happening right now with private insurance companies independent of Obamacare) and the patients will be paying more out of pocket for the special services they do ultimately need (thus allowing the market to work like a free market, lowering prices etc etc). It's a slow process though but some of the reform is poised to have Medicare lead the way and possibly speed this up (but that would depend on Obamacare surviving). I see no signs of medical school enrollment falling right now, and I'm not sure I look at increased demand for PCP services long term equating to less PCPs long term. Just can't see it. Would be willing to listen more though...if there is something I missing (totally possible)
  23. Ya but gay or not gay if you had a license to !@#$ people in the ass you would probably frame it and stick it on the wall no?
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