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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Get over the destroyed term. I'll use the term "loss" from now on when talking with you if you prefer b/c I'm just a nice guy. Also c'mon man read the damn thread. I don't know if it was you or someone else I quoted that part at the bottom in response to someone challenging me when I literally SAID that they weren't creating jobs rather they were creating greater returns...someone said that wasn't true or something and that traders do that...obviously private equity firms do that as well. EDIT: Ok so you two right now are on record saying you do NOT think it's the president's job to create jobs? So neither of you will EVER knock Obama on the economy then right? And don't give me some semantics about creating an environment for jobs/not getting the way as opposed to direct jobs b/c obviously that's what I mean and no I don't mean literally create a bunch of federal jobs. So stop being retarded. No !@#$ing **** that's what I meant. Thank you for educating me on that though. For a minute there I thought it was his job to hire everyone in AMerica and pay them w/ tax dollars but now I'm corrected thank you. /sarcasm.
  2. Look you can admire Bain as a finance guy, I'm not saying you shouldn't they made a boatload they were profitable. This isn't an election for the next CEO of a private equity firm. And what mistruths am I propagating anywhere in my posts? As for "destroyed jobs" pull your panties out of your vag for Christ's sake. What would you call it when a job was there, and now it isn't?
  3. LOL. Look it's retardation to parrot the misinformation and unfair attacks that target Bain. It's also pretty retarded brainwashed-behavior to worship Bain as you do. The President of the United States is in the business of creating job.
  4. Not whiny. Glad you love Bain and Romney. Bow down.
  5. Yes 3rdnlng...good job. That's the point, there are some jobs created and jobs destroyed. Intelligent, neutral economists have debate about whether the activities of Bain are on net, positive or negative for the overall economy and certainly for workers. That's the point. To go around championing Bain like Magox appeared to be doing though....that's is !@#$ing ridiculous. However, to defend it from unfair attacks is equally valid. And once again, it's not about general capitalism or the concept of private equity overall. It's about the activities of Bain and how they ultimately were so profitable...and I got news for all of you it's not just identifying an opportunity and investing money and helping manage a plan and growing out business like some lemonade stand acquiring more customers and hiring more employees. There is a lot more to it, some of which is far from the type of thing the "common man" would look at and bow down to as a job creating God. Some of it is exactly what I described above. And for workers of those companies...it's insulting that people would suggest that it was somehow good for America what happened (in their case). EDIT: And btw, Bain aside there absolutely ARE companies out there that are classic slash and burn vulture capitalists...to just look at people who have money and are involved in business putting money in and whatnot and call them the basis of all that is sacred for AMerican Capitalism is naive.
  6. I don't need to be lectured on private equity or capitalism first off (Magox...what a blow-hard post that was I mean MY GOD lol). I don't oppose private equity, period...b/c I'm not a !@#$ing retard. The point meazza/Magox (as I see it anyway), is that there are practices which are shady (from an employee "common man" stand point) and the idea that Bain wasn't guilty of it (both on Romney's watch, and certainly after) is a blatant lie. The image that this was their standard business model, is also a blatant lie....and most of what is in that Gingrich ad I posted (which I posted ONLY to remind people this narrative was used in the primary and in basically every election Romney has ever had) is absolutely false. Bain capital DID make money by mortgaging companies having them take on a bunch of debt, raising earnings temporarily, taking out dividends by starving the company of operating/human capital and then these companies often collapsed. This is NOT every company...this is NOT the majority of companies. This is NOT illegal. But this is ****ty, from the perspective of the workers of that company. About 4 or 5 of Bain's biggest investments while he was there went bankrupt and they weren't all "turn around" jobs ... campanies like Dominos Pizza, Sealy Mattress, etc. As for the idea that it's not bad to go bankrupt if they come out and prosper...well they prosper b/c they are able to restructure and shed the debt Bain loads up on them! Being successful after that shows it was a company that could be saved to begin with and succeeded despite of the overloaded debt they incurred. http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec/03/nation/la-na-romney-bain-20111204 Bain managers said their mission was clear. "I never thought of what I do for a living as job creation," said Marc B. Walpow, a former managing partner at Bain who worked closely with Romney for nine years before forming his own firm. "The primary goal of private equity is to create wealth for your investors." Bain's top 10 dollar investments under Romney — averaging $53 million — spanned a number of sectors, including healthcare, entertainment and manufacturing. The firm's largest investment was its 1999 buyout of Domino's Pizza, into which Bain put $188.8 million, eventually reaping a fivefold return. Four of the 10 companies Bain acquired declared bankruptcy within a few years, shedding thousands of jobs. The prospectus shows that Bain investors profited in eight of the 10 deals, including three of the four that ended in bankruptcy.
  7. It's a miscalculation to frame Bain and his experience there as a bona fide job creating qualification. Some jobs were created, and some jobs were destroyed. His job was to create superior returns, not create jobs. He should just say that and move on.
  8. I didn't think anything was just curious...
  9. Bain Capital is just an Obama narrative? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYg_OdXNc1Q&feature=related
  10. Ron Paul would just let the free market decide if Aliens are real or not...
  11. In 3rdnlng's circles "homoerotic" is just "erotic"
  12. You know after some soul searching and endless study of economics we should probably all just share and love each other.
  13. now you'll have to forgive me I am just a "lib idiot" but ... this one is over my head...
  14. I think I'm having the worlds slowest and most subtle stroke.
  15. LOL. Don't get too worked up about it birdog. 3rdnlng is basically Jesus...and it will never be satisfying getting nothing but questions as answers. So just convert to Islam.
  16. ...I don't know anything about North Dakota but...it's North Dakota...just saying...
  17. How come you go to all these career fairs? If you don't mind my asking...
  18. Assuming it was solid, I still wouldn't have gone "bland but solid" to define myself initially if I was Romney.
  19. LOL...sizzle has got to change...hope and change def. will work again some day but not this day.
  20. We're talking pure politics here Jim...strategy....I'm criticizing Romney's ad. Hope and change wasn't meant to be substantial though. Hope and change worked in '08. It won't work in '12 haha...but it worked then. Grade A sizzle.
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