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Everything posted by dayman

  1. LOL. Just be happy that by the grace of God other posters (for some reason I don't understand) don't have you first on that list. I still have not seen a post by the infamous DiN...but I haven't been here that long...
  2. W/ out getting into any other aspect of this thread....LOLOLOLOLOL (assuming you meant that her campaign for a faux attempt at a run for President designed to secure an appointment...if it just meant that she was running for President then I apologize)
  3. There have been countless lawsuits against God and the Devil and all sorts of things...they just get thrown out... It’s now up to a Superior Court judge in Morristown, NJ, to decide whether Shannon Colonna can be added to the suit against driver Kyle Best. Also they're just trying to get her tacked on to a suit against the driver...if that makes a difference to yall... (*runs*)
  4. lol...while it is a terrible movie in it's own right Idiocracy has it's moments...anyone seen it?
  5. lol ya just keep in the bank for future use
  6. Agreed. Prosecution probably going to appeal this sentencing I think. Good sentence for Ravi he's got to be pleased.
  7. LOL. He can correct me if I'm wrong but it would seem that the quote you responded to was directed at OWS not Tea Party...
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Jersey_v._Dharun_Ravi http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Tyler_Clementi#Court_case A Rutgers freshman who left his computer on and pointed the webcam at his roommate (who he suspected was gay). Tweeted out for others to watch and they saw him making out with a guy. The gay kid then jumped of a bridge. He just got 30 days. 3 years probation. Counseling for cyber bullying and alternative lifestyles. $10K fine to go to victims of bias crimes...
  9. Judge slowly starting lay into him.... suspense...
  10. No of course not they can protest until they start getting out of hand I don't care. I just don't like the false equivalency of OWS to Tea Party. Personally, I think the Tea Party's behavior in congress and their influence on the extreme right of the GOP is a main contributer to why Washington is more broken than ever. That said OWS is a joke. If you put a gun to my head and said I had to identify w/ one or the other it's not even close. Tea Party, while I disagree with it, is an actual thing to disagree with. OWS is a **** show.
  11. LOL Adam OWS is basically a bunch of random protests with no message. It's pretty retarded. The Tea Party is real. The tea party is in Congress trolling the Dems and to a lesser extent Boehner himself. haha are you kidding me? Magox will respond to anything Bain related posted by anyone no matter how retarded the post may be
  12. He may JUST NOW be STARTING to lose his power...but for the most part the answer is yes.
  13. Extreme "cooperation is bad" Tea Party Sect and Grover Norquist pulled it down into the gutter.
  14. LOL. I couldn't really hear that good for some reason but I heard some of it. Lets not knock all teachers though. Just b/c that woman got a job teaching doesn't mean she's a teacher. LOL I got some headphones to hear it a little better this is sOOOOOO funny. "You will not disrespect the President of the United States in this class." "I'll say what I want." lol Oh God...I'm enjoying this too much haha. This is classic.
  15. Compromise to me doesn't always mean ending up in the middle. And it certainly doesn't mean ending up with a "good thing" if that's what it meant there would be one party...the party of compromise lol. It means cooperation and reaching a result. People lose/win compromises all the time...and both sides are going to have be willing to pick and choose where they can give and not be so caught up in political-capital. I'm not really familiar with anything about the example you put forth so I won't really get into it but sometimes what you call surrender is strength. True conviction, true conviction...to the operation of government and to cooperation for solutions/disagreements is a duty people in Washington have and there are some who have abdicated that duty (my opinion). I thing most people agree w/ something like the budget there's obviously two ways this ends...cooperation or crisis as a result of failing to act. Taking too strong of a bargaining position, certainly to start is sometimes good, but sometimes it creates inefficiencies in the bargaining process that ultimately hurts everyone. Decent book to consider checking out that I like is called "Getting to Yes." In no way has it solved the issue that bargaining is tough stuff but it's got some good concepts about how to approach negotiation and also (to me) shed some light on how some traditional hard-line negotiation tactics that I previously thought were "just how it's done" are actually harmful to those employing them.
  16. To me a "moderate" is someone who can agree to come to an agreement and cares about the process of deliberation, and is willing to compromise to move us all one incremental foot forward. The country needs direction and either side refusing to compromise will destroy us. When I think of a "moderate" I don't necessarily think of just finding a middle though. It's not about changing people's mind or somehow proving someone idea correct w/ other ideas wrong (we live in a complex world). It's just about preserving some sense of rationality in the process itself and ultimately "getting to yes" even if nobody is completely happy with the result (usually a sign of a good bargain). Just a determination to get things solved by cooperation. Conflict wins elections. Cooperation solves problems in the real world. More than anything else, more than any specific idea on any particular issue the philosophy of being a moderate (lol) is about cooperation.
  17. We've figured it out! Liberals are emotional idiots and conservatives just crush them on this board. I mean literally crush them with hard fact and irrefutable arguments it happens constantly. !@#$ing liberal pussies. Political discussion is boxing and liberals just got knocked the !@#$ out.
  18. You'll have to excuse me it's 2AM where I live and I've returned from the bar. I suppose what I'm trying to ask is if it's fair to distill what you posted into a simple statement: "Since 2006 GOP supporters have been proven correct." (as general a statement as that may be)
  19. I wasn't here until very recently but what happened was since 2006 is that GOP leadership has been proven correct?
  20. lol no Tom read the !@#$ing topic...I have no argument against Bain or for Bain. I've said multiple times there's a lot of lying in re:Bain. Magox basically is Bain and is just an insane and angry person. Probably why he's a Bills fan.
  21. lol...I've said my piece and you've said yours...I didn't say anything you actually accused me of as being false. My basic point is it's unfair to attack them w/ lies and it's also retarded to worship them as all things jobs/American. As for being reduced to this? I start here if anything I've risen to this. Just ask 3rdnlng.
  22. Bain is literally God's work. It's George Washington reborn in the form of a private equity firm. It's the stuff that helps every single person in this country. It's the peoples work and does no wrong. :worthy:
  23. Boo hooo I lost my job b/c of Dodd Frank...boohoo I am under the false impression the EPA going to far is somehow a new thing Obama did that hasn't been going on since the 70s...boohooo dey took mah job! I just want to drill like no one can see me, trade like nobody is looking, etc etc.... Edit: And btw I'm just going to put this out there before someone makes some retarded comment and trys to drag me down the rabbit hole defending everything Obama does...I don't really agree w/ all of Obama's energy policy nor do I back every decision the guy makes. I just support him over Romney, b/c that's the choice I have.
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