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Everything posted by dayman

  1. If it were our job to focus on preparing to play Cinci I would agree but we're all just kind sitting on the coach with our laptops so...I think it'll be ok if we do this now.
  2. Right, and that's basically the point of this thread. You take that...then you look at: -home v. EJ Manuel -home v. average at best Saints that typically suck on the road -at an 0-4 Chargers team in meltdown mode -home v. a 1-3 Colts team that's only win was barely beating the Browns I can find 3 in those 4 right there pretty easily. Take all 4 and we buy some breathing room to drop one against a Cinci/Jets/Phins matchup. My only point is...given that we beat the Broncos and ATL our schedule is flipping and there's reasonably wiggle room to get to 10 wins without even beating anyone good moving forward.
  3. Like I said, any given Sunday...but looking ahead a little is ok. Cinci has real problems...and Derek Carr is going to be out a while. We can easily run this 5-2 and roll into Jets/Saints/Chargers suck fest that could stretch it to 7 or 8 wins real quick...do that and you're looking at 2 juicy December games versus a Dolphins squad that has given up by then and whala!!! 9 or 10 wins. Just like that without really beating any good teams from here on out.
  4. Any given Sunday of course...but lets take a look and be fairly conservative: v. NYJ (W) @CAR (L) v. DEN (W) @ATL (W) Nice Start to the season, we're 3-1 who would have thought! Now ... moving forward: @CIN (W) v. Bucs (L) v. OAK (L) @NYJ (W) v. NO (W) @LAC (W) @KC (L) v. NE (L) v. Indy (W) v. MIA (W) @NE (L) @MIA (W) Gave us an L to every team that is likely to beat us and took the W for every team that basically sucks. On top that ... I think we could easily take 1 of those back to back games at home v. Bucs and Oak (Carr is hurt now so we play EJ)...we may split with the Pats given their issues...those possibilities give us the flexibility to drop two games to crap...if the Chargers and Indy somehow beat us (just randomly picking them based on having the best QBs of the bad teams we play assuming Luck is back). That said...Miami will have likely given up by December...Indy will probably be in tank mode (that franchise is known to tank if it's a lost season)...the Jets are hopeless...Cinci is as bad as advertised (forget about a beating against the Browns it means nothing)...we should kill the Saints we are a matchup nightmare for them... Lost of ways to look at it but 10 wins looks entirely possible. 9 looks almost likely unless we melt down...this is the wonder of having beaten Denver and Atlanta...what started off as real tough schedule is lightening up now as we look forward.
  5. We were insanely lucky not to lose it there at the end honestly...but hell...we pulled it out baby!! ATL mostly threw the game away at the end (literally throwing the game away on those last 2 plays). But I'll take it.
  6. Wait and see, want to believe but will be skeptical until we get a good QB (b/c after all, that's what it's all about)
  7. Listening now...fairly complementary of the team so not sure what the point is of this topic.
  8. Btw if we win we should all freak out, great start Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
  9. Dough boy needs to have a monster game .... if he remembers how to do such a thing. Dough it up!
  10. Hope we play great and win, but if we get stomped lets cool it afterwords. If we get down early and Tyrod has to sling it, it could get ugly and Tyrod could look bad and we could lose by quite a bit...that **** happens when you are on the road at ATL they're really really good. So, early in the season when we are finding identity under new coach, playing the best team in the NFC (maybe in the league), on the road. Go Bills. Lets cool it if things go bad ... the worst that can happen is we're 2-2 after a pretty tough opening string of games.
  11. So if we cut him the day the new league year starts it's basically 1 year salary for a top (but not elite) player in a good contract year at a position that pays....then we're done. He's gone. It'll hurt but it's going to happen.
  12. Can't trade him, can't cut him. Let him be, at some point he may be shamed into playing tough. Also, he may just not be that good, so shame on Whaley.
  13. i.e., he doesn't try and has a defense and (usually) a run game...we could hire a baby to do nothing edit: I watched the .gif btw...Peterman would have gone yard
  14. Tyrod sucks plain and simple. He plays not to lose and not to make a mistake. He's years in the league and still playing Bemaer Ball. He sucks. He's afraid. He manages the passing game he does not lead the passing attack. Get rid of him.
  15. If we get a night game we need it early.
  16. We need a draft to get a QB who understands to sometimes give it air and let it go ... that's pretty rough. But yea, we do in fact need someone new to do that. Although, I'm pretty sure what his name will do that (back up guy) if ordered. But you have to throw it and they have to know you will.
  17. Seriously though, that's the NFL if you want to pass. We will never do that. Ever.
  18. Not kick while down, and the D has been good, but we've played 2 bad offenses.
  19. We really do have a better shot with Peterman, at least for that matchup.
  20. He should start week 4 after Tyrod puts up 0 against Denver.
  21. Clock management was far from the reason we lost today
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