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Everything posted by dayman

  1. You have no qualms with his role/accomplishments during his 8 years as VP? Just a question, not an attack btw. You share his foreign policy ideology?
  2. Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
  3. Bump for relevance to my new thread re: Cheney-Romney connection
  4. Full disclosure since I know her show would not be popular with most posters here this was brought to my attention via the Rachel Maddow show. (In my defense my DVR records her show, Martin Bashir, Bill O'Rielly and Hannity every day (my "analysis" shows lol...equally bad in their own ways...except Hannity who is hilariously bad) I watch one or two of them depending on topics/guests a day). http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-57438767-503544/cheney-to-host-fundraiser-for-romney/ What is funny to me is if the GOP has to stay away from Bush to this day why is it Romney says things like "Russia is our primary geo-political opponent" and: "Last weekend I was watching cspan and watching Vice President Dick Cheney and he was being asked a whole host of questions following 911...the affair in various areas of the world...and I listen to him speak and say whether you agree or disagree with him this is a man of wisdom and judgment and he could have been President of the United States and that's the kind of person I'd like to have a person of wisdom and judgment" - Mitt Romney (transcription from a clip of the show) I mean if there's a political figure who had a lower approval rating than Bush near the end it was Cheney was it not? This is the guy who...well...you know his politics lol and that's not what this topic is about... Anyway my question is just what is the Romney campaign/GOP stance on this? Bush still toxic but Cheney is fine? I don't get it...then you have General Colin Powell criticizing the foreign policy advisers Romney sees to forming around him saying they could be giving he terrible advice....literally saying "C'mon Mitt...think." -Powell What's up with the politics of presenting foreign policy for Romney now? The economy is huge and I get that it will be the focus (as it should) but this is important stuff...and I'm not understanding the logic...I don't see the foreign policy approach Mitt taking in the general to be moving in the right direction. Who is he playing to with this? EDIT: I mean we're talking about the guy who said on the house floor "go **** yourself" when asked about Halliburton and later proclaimed "deficits don't matter" ... and when asked about 2/3rds of America not approving of how things are going in Iraq he responds "so?" ... this is the one man further from the modern GOP than Bush himself...I don't understand this...
  5. http://cdn.breitbart.com/mediaserver/Breitbart/Big-Government/2012/05/23/Breitbart-Obama-Tea-Party-Cropped.jpg lol Obama looks like such a pimp right there might as well be Denzel Washington beheading King George the 3rd.
  6. Cannot really get into this tonight (will look over at lunch tomorrow) but can you produce a link Magox? I'm not trying to be a link monster but I kind of need one. One of my main problems is I really seem to be able to find whatever I want to find on google (in a bad way)...current journalism really letting us all down. Also on a side note just b/c I only took a few finance courses in undergrad years ago...I know we know Jim Cramer works for NBC and has been blasted from time to time re: analysis blunders...but do we know if he's a complete and utter idiot regarding his knowledge of Bain? (not trying to go nuts on this...this is just a very small question to determine if I should give minimal weight or no weight to what he says).
  7. IMO it isn't completely out of reach but Obama will have to bring it in Florida. I think Florida could be the ugliest in terms of ad buys this year (really going out on a limb I know lol).
  8. I'm convinced some "liberal" posters are just dummy accounts of idiot conservatives on here trying to be stupid and create trash
  9. Well I get that he'll want to turn it into a discussion about private equity...and Obama will want to say that it's a discussion about if he was a job creator at Bain. Honestly I need some reliable neutral statistics on that and I haven't really seen them...I would love anybody here to find some (please if you can help me out here...don't quote something that's campaign material/blatant partisan nonsense from either side). The truth is that this is really important to Romney's pitch...b/c as we all know he lost manufacturing jobs as Governor (a position more analogous to President than running Bain) and Mass was the 47th state in job creation. As for why it gets some on the left so worked up it's b/c ... as you implied yourself ... it means that people hate capitalism if they think the president is the president for US citizens (as opposed to US citizens who are economic winners). It's not about about anti-capitalism or wealth redistribution. It's about policy that benefits the American people. And this is the debate we will have over the coming months. If Romney can truly convince me that he actually has the answers for the economy that will get us all moving again...No further questions asked. I hate his asinine budget w/ his defense spending and his antiquated foreign policy and truly believe that repealing the ACA is a step backwards...so he has to show me he has the answers and that he's the guy who can create wealth for the American people. He has every opportunity. For reasons stated above I disagree with that. But to each his own.
  10. So then isn't Bain the issue too then? If Obama's issue is that he didn't do a good enough job w/ the recovery, and Mitt's counter is that he would have and he uses Bain as an example of having been a job creator...then how is this not relevant? Romney doesn't just get credit as having his strong point as the economy automatically ya know...he has to make an argument...being a rich republican contrary to popular belief is not an argument. B/c you see it's not JUST about Obama. It's an election. It's about Obama vs. Romney. I don't understand this whole "referendum" on Obama as idea. I mean I do get that if you think he's the devil you will vote Romney assuming Romney is anyone other than the Devil secretly in disguise. But otherwise...Romney WILL BE PRESIDENT IF HE WINS. This is a pretty important part of this election to me lol I was referring to the fact that Obama won't bring it up again there. I realize looking at it now it was ambiguous.
  11. LOL. Regardless of how anybody feels...this isn't remotely true.
  12. Look, his pitch in the primary regarding Bain was that he was a job creator in the private sector. My first substantive post in this thread (made before any of this Cory Booker stuff happened anyway btw)... regardless of what thoughts you mud throwers want to pretend I have: It's a miscalculation to frame Bain and his experience there as a bona fide job creating qualification. Some jobs were created, and some jobs were destroyed. His job was to create superior returns, not create jobs. He should just say that and move on. I never indicted private equity, in fact I specifically said I was not against it and it is !@#$ing retarded to be (go back a few posts I recently quoted myself b/c that's how I do ). My opinion, is not and has never been that Romney should be ashamed of anything. Independent of my leanings towards Obama in this election, as a voter...it's fair to question (not tear down w/ lies) his record at Bain when he uses it to tout himself as a private sector job creator, as well as to question how well the skill set that made him successful in that line of business would translate to the job of being president. As I have also said in this thread already: This isn't an election for the next CEO of a private equity firm. B/c I think about this stuff I'm a blind Obama supporter, I hate capitalism/private equity, and I'm an idiot.
  13. Romney is unable to tout significant parts of his record as an elected official b/c his party is so extreme they dragged him away from it. I'm glad that makes you laugh, it's sad for the country and honestly unfair to Romney IMO. And I don't want the election to be all about Bain...but you can think what you want. Also 1bills fan I'm sorry if you think Obama is an extreme leftist. I don't know what you would think about the actual extreme leftist politicians in this country. Worldtraveler you reveal your news cycle preference lol...no qualms there though not trying to bash.
  14. Edit: I mean to put it as simply as I can...IMO following this the Obama campaign will have messaging on this subject that is less likely to turn off independent voters. To me, the GOP was better off having them do what they may have otherwise done for a while longer and what countless others have done..they're well prepared to deal with it/IMO independent voters don't like it... etc...
  15. Reasonable people can disagree how this will work itself politically. But this is my opinion. As I said above, to me he expressed his general concerns about the toilet bowl that the presidential election is...and specifically mentioned that he didn't like the type tone and manner that ads that have gone after Bain took (nor the Rev. Wright stuff). Now he's come out and really clarified that point (I really didn't think it was that unclear to begin with watching live but I guess the internet [both sides] disagreed). He's also pointed out that he thinks it was an absolute mistake to equate questioning how Romney's experience leading Bain translates into being the POTUS w/ Rev. Wright...I know some here may disagree (sadly) but Rev. Wright stuff is retarded and having that sort of thing somehow equated with Bain is a good thing for the GOP (my opinion). It's sort of transparent the way they are trying to use him and he said himself it pissed him off and he's actually going to work harder for Obama now. So that's not really a positive. Additionally, the whole thing helps the Obama campaign fine-tune/focus/frame his examination of Bain (Romney's main argument for himself since he can't rely on his record as Governor as he had to pivot away from much of that) early on...I think allowing it to remain as sloppy as possible and continue on the path that it may have been on (and the path all the GOP primary candidates took) would have helped him.
  16. Well I guess that's what I am then. Cory Booker was nauseated at the tone of Presidential politics (coming from both sides) IMO and I didn't even think what he said was all that controversial when I watched it live. To try and use him as the GOP did, knowing who Cory Booker is...is retarded to me.
  17. Well if something I've said in this topic was somehow twisted as it worked it's way through your brain allow me to say directly: "I am not one of those people." There ya go. I don't oppose private equity, period...b/c I'm not a !@#$ing retard. -me in one of my first posts in this topic
  18. All I'm saying is this is going to come true from a political stand point...just look at what's going on now...the Cory Booker thing is a fiasco what a botch by the GOP to think that was going to work. http://leanforward.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/21/11799258-booker-to-maddow-im-very-upset-that-im-being-used-by-the-gop?lite
  19. Pinching asses and looking the other way. Anyway yall turn on some Lakers v. Thunder like men and get to the shoutbox already ya bunch of idiots.
  20. Ok so let us begin I'll start: 1. 3rdnlng
  21. Has DiN gone away for good? Where is this man?
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