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Everything posted by dayman

  1. LaBillz I hope you will consider Europe and actual policies the GOP propose. Cut spending and taxes right now will fix this? If you are not happy with 2% growth I understand...nobody should be. But radically changing course and implementing policies that cut spending stifling growth while at the same time cutting taxes (that come from the stifled base anyway) will not only hurt the economy but will balloon the debt further. It's not putting it all on Bush and saying it's not "Obama's fault" to speak the truth which is that the recovery was always going to be grueling and will continue to be so. But if we don't have the right policies in place after this election because we got frustrated we can just look across the pond and see what can happen....
  2. We are 4 years into the crisis, in the US the gov’t acted quickly and massively (though not massively enough as is now apparent) to stimulate the economy. In Europe by contrast many governments quickly turned to austerity measures cutting spending across the board to reduce budget deficits. The results? The US economy is expected to grow 2-3% this coming year while the Eurozone will contract .3% (a simple google search will confirm this if you do not believe me). Spain and Britain are in a double dip disaster. IMF numbers predict even Germany’s average growth rate over the next 5 years will be only 40% of what America’s will be. Ultimately Obama will return to his primary theme, “economy built to last.” The debate will be framed by his campaign as a choice between public investments v. budget cuts. He has proposed a nearly $500 billion infrastructure plan, a increase hick in R&D spending (5ish%), incentives for manufacturing and job training programs to help solve the 1 year + out of worker crowd, funds to increase pools of college students with a focus on science and engineering… Choose between these investments to spur long term growth or budget cuts. The choice is yours. That is the primary theme you will see as things get closer to the election. Things such as the buffet rule, Bain…those are regionally targeted to be honest and yes it is somewhat of a quagmire b/c nothing is regional in this environment but non-the-less they’ve chosen to go that route early in an effort to match Bain w/ the Auto bail out and win the rust belt….whether that is wise only time will tell but no doubt if you were going to play that card to win that region you had to do it earlier rather than later. The same can be said for getting women and gays on board to best of their ability. As for Romney’s theme….I am not sure what it will be other than he’s not Obama and the recovery has been too slow. The GOP screams for budget cuts and he says he’ll lower taxes on his “first day in office” so…we’ll see…how the things that stifled Europe and got them behind us coming off this crisis will allow us to leap further ahead is a mystery to me.... I believe those policies will hurt America and stifle our economy while raising our debt. But every voter can make their choice and then we will ALL live the results.
  3. Well I don't care who starts the thread but watch and lets discuss. Also...it's well known what reputation the both of us have on this board (which would be funny if those who knew me in real life found out about since an Obama worshiper is not what I actually am)...so it would be nice if some of the "idiots" joined. And I really did think last week was a great one so check it out if you can spare the 2 bucks. And as for boring...I think what you mean (at least when it comes to Fareed) is intelligent.
  4. Will you give GPS a shot by either watching some recent episodes or starting w/ next Sunday?
  5. Let's try and discuss ideas in here. Whatever it may be post links to a clip/article you think is intelligent (even if you don't agree or others may not agree) and let us all discuss the ideas. Hopefully this can be a thread where everything is not about users and who is the source. It isn't meant to be non-political...but it is meant to be impersonal. Original Post: I record daily cable news shows b/c I need something to watch, but the truth is they're all trash. I do like the Meet the Press and a few other Sunday/weekly shows but in my opinion nothing beats GPS on CNN (Sundays). If you have cable, you can watch Sunday. If you have a DVR you can watch whenever. If you have internet and $2 you can watch whenever via Itunes. To me, this is arguably the most well balanced and intelligent "PPP" show on TV today. Maybe you'll disagree, if so feel free to recommend another show. Either way I think it would be fun to have a topic where the stage is set by a show with intelligent discussion about a variety of topics and then we chime in as opposed to our usual partisan hackery cherry picking source war (me included to be fair). Anyway I'll avoid going through a summary of last weeks (which I just got around to watching) but it had a number of a good stories and guests including Simpson/Bowles themselves....and as always there are a good amount of global issues covered. I strongly encourage everyone here to at least check it out, and would like to discuss some things that I watch and think about with others who watched the same thing...no better place than to do so with others hostile to most of my view points than here.
  6. IDK about Canada but here in Florida we know that if you have business in Dade...you get in and get out asap...that said WTF this is new...
  7. IDK to each his own and I certainly would not want Obama's job but I personally like that he feels he needs to take moral responsibility. Personally...never had a problem w/ the means Bush took and don't mind the drone attacks now...at this point the drone attacks IMO are a better option and right after 911 it was probably better to get them and shake them down. Either way as a result of both President's actions that organization has been decimated (though not destroyed completely as that is near impossible). I'd think twice before a joined up though if I look around and realize it means I'll be dead (and dead before I even do anything for my "cause").
  8. Well Bush had an entire different set of issues besides that....but you don't go around talking like a cowboy in this day in age (when you more than likely will have to act like one).
  9. Agreed. This is basically the key to his foreign policy success, in a nut shell. Better to speak softly and carry a big stick...etc...
  10. LMFAO 1billsfan. What a imagination you have.
  11. Harvard? Followed by being a back up for the majority of his career...I can believe it. I look around the league and see a lot of it actually...including our 1 and 2 QBs...in college you just do what works you don't have all the time in the world and in the pros it will depend on where and to whom you go....
  12. I understand what Hayes was trying to say there...he did not do a very good job saying it but though.
  13. Glad to see someone posted the other poll b/c that's the numbers I heard on the radio earlier today. Polls are retarded guys, get over them either way.
  14. Other than randomly throwing CJ in here I completely approve of this post. Well said.
  15. Let's be real about a few things: 1) 0-2 won't be enough under almost any circumstance. 2) There is a leash though, and it's not "season lost" length Obviously the length will depend on how V. Young looks. If things are going bad and coaches don't believe it will turn around w/ Fitz, they'll pull his ass for Young no question about it. No reason to wait until the season is lost to do that. Personally if he's struggling bad all the way to the bye and it looks like the rest of the team is capable of winning...I sit his ass. That said I don't think that happens. So long story short IMO week 8. Now if we're 0-5 and it's all his fault...that's a different story...but that won't happen.
  16. Agreed. I mean the bottom line is even if we somehow have a more passive scheme (whatever that means in the context of pass blocking...I'm no expert) it may well work better. Obviously a guy like Bell would probably rather be more "unleashed" and play less passive in all respects...that doesn't mean it works better. Last I checked Mike Vick was running for his life...
  17. LOL no need to get defensive and lash out. That's fine if you feel that way. It's a little surprising to me to hear you say that but that's just me. To each his own I guess.
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