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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Crap? The story was "You say you love me? You said you loved Tracy, and Jessica! I don't believe you!" lol...and all with that demeanor he uses as he presents it...haha it's actually classic
  2. zzzzooooommmmgggg (in honor of your above post) introductory courtesies between diplomats from around the world aren't the most unique and sincere things ever said? What a SUBSTANTIVE REALIZATION THIS GUY JUST MADE! Say what you Chef ... I have not seen a more bitchy and trivial post on PPP EVER. There isn't one to be found. I'm awestruck..."this idiot Dutch dude did a retarded story and THE WORLD HATES OBAMA LIKE I DO NOW!" This is a new low lol you should be embarrassed.
  3. Chef Jim happy to see that Dutch guy is as bitchy as him now? LOL...omg the President says kind words when visiting with other nations! OMG politicians use catch phrases as if they don't talk over and over to tons of people for a living. Oh boohoo the Netherlands and Dutch and Irish and Philippians didn't get their own unique retarded phrases made up for them. Other countries are America's closest allies and we're just a great ally? Waahhh....whaaa....please say what you will about Obama sucking in your opinion and by all means do not hold back blast the man for everything he deserves to be blasted for in your eyes as a president....but do it in a less trivial and bitchy manner if you can manage this is ridiculous...using Dutch insecurity to bolster your domestic issues with your President? wow
  4. Here in Florida we call it Cornhole...
  5. Couldn't sum up the problem with AMerica any better. Truth
  6. LOL that was a great last line I have to admit.
  7. What is extreme is an attempt to basically destroy the government. It's not that there isn't legitimate points within the tea party movement ....but the sentiment the tea party originally had (at least as I see it) and what their elected leaders methods actually DO....is not consistent (once again my opinion). To me the people of the original tea party (which has been obscured over time IMO) were upset about seeing banks doing fine after destroying us all and government jobs still being ok while private sector "normal folk" hit the ****...thus having a strong feeling that we need to reform BOTH our public and private institutions...but the means the leaders use (once again as I see it) is essentially to decimate the government and empower the big private corporations that were equally (if not more so) responsible for creating the problems in the first place (these corporations are the ones that at this point are funding their candidates btw but that isn't something TEA party people like to here). There is no society on earth that succeeds or fixes anything without a functioning government...that is fact. The sane people that identify strongly with what I feel was the overall tea party sentiment to begin with have a place "at the table" but many of the leaders they unfortunately elected do not...the idea that they were elected "not to cooperate" in government is straight warping of the movement and it SHOULD make TEA party affiliates ANGRY...using people's feeling of disenfranchisement to justify that it's their job to essentially make government dysfunctional as opposed to making government better is what I consider to be straight up fraud on the people of America INCLUDING the very TEA party supporters themselves...and I'm not vilifying the GOP here I'm vilifying what I consider to be extreme members of the house who essentially ignore their oath of office as I see it. If the conservative democrats and the "rhinos" were given control of this country Washington could at least work again...but as long as extreme sentiment persists on either side it will remain broken. And as for comparing the tea party to the occupy movement lets be real...nothing pisses me off more. The TEA party movement is IN GOVERNMENT and basically making the house a barrier to anything. The occupy movement is not legitimate and not in government and I am far more insulted when people assume I associate with them than even some of my Republican friends are when people compare them to the TEA party....which many of them resent more than anything. I'm not trying to bash the people of the movement but they need to pay attention to what is going on in Washington...they need to pay attention to their own movement being warped....and every American needs to ELECT COMPETENT LEADERS....I know a lot of poeple on this board are TEA party thumpers but there are people in your party who are disgusted at what has happened in government as a result of the leaders it has produced and honestly most of the people I encounter are those people (being from Florida where there is only 1 party). Hell on many issues I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE...as I said in my state there is only 1 party and needless to say I'm a Florida Republican as a result and in Florida it's a !@#$ing shame that we have the likes of idiot Rubio and Scott flying my flag...I would do anything to bring back Gov. Bush at this point...don't know what you have until you realize what it can be I suppose.
  8. Took $50M for Tabacco industry to crush a $1 that would have potentially cost them more than $50M very quickly if imposed....basically as simple as that. If it was $50M v. $50M ... who is to say. The role of money is clear...you can defend the voting down of the tax b/c all cancer research doesn't take place in California if you like and I'm not hear to argue with you over the bill....this wasn't the motive of Big Tabacco...people will find reasons and there are reasons on both sides of all issues...but the money is the money is the money...and that's what the point here is...the side with the most money will always end up with the better "argument" communicated to the people
  9. That's the point really about this post though...$50M worth of advertising flipped the vote easily....
  10. Please spread the word to the angry (not that you are one of them). If anything though...it's been too extreme...more extreme than anything we've had and the overall consequences have broken Washington to all of our detriment including the TEA party themselves.
  11. So do you like the 80/20 rule? Or using Medicare/Medicaid (since they're big spenders) experimentation to accelerate the natural evolution of cost reform in the form of a comprehensive treatment payment system (as opposed pay-per-serivce)?
  12. I can assume that Doc would like you to compare your retirement benefits to those of the most private sector workers though...it is said the new retirement age will be 75 for the majority of public sector workers in the future and 65 for gov't...10 years of your life is worth a hell of a lot. It goes round and round and the "you have this and I have that" won't move us forward IMO.
  13. I can't speak for him but I would assume his angst comes from the politics not the economic theory. And not the politics/passion on the street...but the stonewalling in the house and the bolstering the movement gives to imply that the people (as a whole) approve of that.
  14. Say what you want about Maddow she's no where near as useless as Hannity...Ed is as useless as Hannity. I pulled the story off her show and could easily inform myself more than I am now but "cancer research" is "cancer research." Are you saying the argument was that not all of the research was based in California and that was the winning argument? And this is what multi-national tobacco companies were truly concerned about when they gave nearly $50M to defeat the bill?
  15. Not sure how that works but I'm not expert ... I would assume meidcaid patients are qualified before-hand and sending them bills that aren't paid is a billing problem on your end but I won't assume anything b/c I don't know the specifics on that. And while Medicare patients paid into the system...lets not pretend they paid into what they are getting out...on balance they're every bit as "guilty" according to the sentiment you express.
  16. I'm not necessarily on your side but I'm not on Docs side bashing the programs that his customers use to at least in part pay is wages...that said if you asked me to tell you how much I made I would tell you to go !@#$ yourself.
  17. I personally don't like to talk anything about myself so I totally understand if you decline to answer this...it's probably for the best if you do...but are you a general practitioner and can you quantify the amount of medicare/medicaid business you have as a percentage of your income? I'm not anti-Doctor by any stretch many of my friends are doctors and I'm certainly not anti-capitalism but it's a bit counterintuitive to rail against your patients for sucking of the gov't tit when they're paying you with the money...and perhaps you are in a really affluent area and have a respected/quasi-exclusive/limited practice and take less than most from those programs but that would put you in the minority....if those programs ended...something tells me business would drop...
  18. All the TEA party needs to do is elect people who go to Congress ready to cooperate and learn to compromise an issue without compromising themselves. Until the rhetoric relaxes...they'll be seen as radicals from the 70% of America that would actually like to see the country move in the right direction. Or even just move. Of course, the 15% extremists on either side will prevent that b/c this is the land of the free...most TEA party people should understand that they've gotten a lot of what they wanted...including marginalizing almost everything the President tries to do.
  19. According to the Rachael Maddow show: California is surprisingly the state with the second lowest smoking rate in the nation. Additionally, they have some of the lowest taxes on cigarettes in the nation in part b/c they haven't raised it since the late 90s (tax there is less than 90c a pack national average is $1.5). So they have this vote they just took...$1 and the profits go to cancer research...not the general funds...cancer research. Interestingly enough...it polled (for what it's worth) at 67% FOR the bill in MARCH...MARCH of THIS YEAR. Now here's the interesting part...think a lot of money went into the Wisconsin recall? Scott Walker had a formidable $30Mish breaking state records etc etc...fair enough...hell it was a huge deal for the state after all. Now here's where it gets interesting...Big Tobacco (right after the March poll) rolled out their campaign dropping $46.8M to oppose this bill!!! How did the vote go last night? 49.2% Yes...50.8% No. It's not official yet...but it seems the bill was voted down. Thoughts?
  20. Now now...no need to wage war on the doctors...but no need to believe them when they say they aren't sucking of the government's giant perfect shaped breasts
  21. I think the problem is just that she was emotional, out of control, and crazily couldn't even keep her hands to herself. It's that simple.
  22. Care to cite something that says we have no intelligence? We seem to know where to blow up #2s fairly consistently....I don't know where it is but some article I think linked form here made a comment about al-Qaeda basically feeling compromised and having not reliable means of communication anymore that they feel safe with...I wouldn't assume capturing and interrogating al-Qeda is basically our primary and sole source of intelligence...
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