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Everything posted by dayman

  1. lol I'm sorry Tom but migratory birds **** in that puddle in your back yard that'll be $10K worth of impact studies before you can build a dog house there.
  2. Now now, I wouldn't be so sensitive as someone who wages crusades against workers of other professions.
  3. LOL yes 3rdling illegals are here not in accordance to our current immigration laws. However I have a forward looking approach to the issue of fixing the problem today for today and the future. What are your answers to the issues facing us in this realm?
  4. Personally no I would not build a wall. Fareed's personal conclusion at the end of his special outlines what he sees a possible solution (his opinion of course). Basically give papers to existing illegal immigrants without criminal records, deport those with criminal records. Those given legal status would still have a long route to citizenship most likely lasting 15 years (back of the line) during which they have to pay taxes and stay crime free (of course). Then we would reduce the number (currently 75%) of all immigrants who come in currently b/c they have been sponsored by a legal immigrant, we would increase the number of immigrants who come in with skills we need (needless to say every higher education diploma we give out in our schools to an immigrant student studying STEM fields should include a green card). Lastly make some orderly provision for temp workers who pick crops seasonally. This is basically the crux of the bill co-sponsored by Ted Kennedy and John McCain and strongly supported by then President George Bush...but the right opposed any path to valid status for those who came illegally in the past, some leftist forces opposed the shift to skills based immigration (I assume to protect the higher percentage of legal immigrants sponsoring family members relative to those coming in for skills based reasons?), and the unions opposed the temp worker provisions. I am no expert on immigration but I don't see huge problems with that basic outline.
  5. Of course I'm for legal immigration and against illegal immigration. I'm also against political manipulation of the issue in a way the prevents common sense reform. What about you 3rdling? Is this an issue you care about/what are your general thoughts and irks regarding various options?
  6. IDK but piss me off and I will fear for my life don't think I won't.
  7. So long-story short: Japan is basically insanely anti-immigration despite the fact it seems it would help with some serious problems they face. European nations have many of the same problems we have in the way they view the problem and the politicization of it. Canada and Australia do it well. We can do it well and know how (Ted Kennedy/John McCain/George Bush tried) but the extremes of the parties on both left and right oppose it and it's not likely we are politically capable of enacting intelligent reform anytime soon. No use writing a summary but it's worth watching even if you think you hate Zakaria or are generally "anti-immigration" (whatever that means to you personally).... Some fair discussion on the illegal issue....and some light shed on the backwards policy we have related to the educated immigrants (educated in our schools no less) particularly Silicon Valley's frustration with an inept skilled-worker policy.
  8. Oh of course not....it's not even in Florida (although I would be shocked if Texas didn't have as similar law)...he's arguing self-defense (which is why he introduced the video into court Wednesday)...
  9. If anyone is interested the special starting now on "making immigration work" should have some decent ideas whether anybody agrees or disagrees.
  10. IDK about that...he called the police over a noise complaint...the police actually came out and said it was fine and left (apparently the guy was hosting a birthday party for his wife) http://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Subject-in-Huffman-shootings-always-judging-1698753.php ...he then went down and stood on the road off the edge of the guys driveway with a flashlight, camera, and gun...b/c he was not happy taht the police didn't stop the party....and eventually shot 3 drunk people all on that dudes the driveway (the guy died on his own driveway)...I'm not sure he was within any right to do any of that let alone shoot.
  11. LOL yes that is what I'm saying. But please spread the word. It is obvious, but people don't know this. I'm serious too...people don't understand this.
  12. I mean my take is if you think you are giving too much money to doctors you probably are...and when you complain about your premiums you are the reason they are so high. NoW yes, what I'm about to say won't apply to everybody and may sound asinine...but the truth is we don't need doctors. I'm basically a youngish guy in good shape so I know not everybody is in my position but I use CVS as my doctor. I get my shot there and if I feel sick I just do nothing and get better...and if it's bad I go to CVS and tell the dude how I feel and ask what cheap over the counter stuff will calm my symptoms while my body heals itself. If I hurt my leg or something running or playing sports I stop being active until it feels better. We really don't need doctors. I talk a lot about allowing the specialist market to work more like a free market by having people have larger out of pocket expenses so they have to shop and doctors compete more...but the same is true of general visits...we use too much medical services. Now on the flip side I do understand early identification and preventative care is huge for health and costs ... so I'm not saying I don't think people should get a yearly check up or something (even though I don't)...but just trust your body and listen to it...take care of it...feel your balls in the shower and if you are older go get your ass looked at from time to time and that's about it the way I see it. I know not everybody can do that some people have real problems but most can do exactly what I do IMO and if they all did insurance costs would be much lower. And for God's sake NEVER GO TO THE HOSPITAL. IF YOU GO TO THE ER YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO COMPLAIN ABOUT INSURANCE COSTS EVER! Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor if you follow my advice and die you are a fool.
  13. No like everything I link to it's hosted by Fareed "I brainwash NewBills" Zakaria. So it will probably be good.
  14. 8pm on CNN there is going to be what should be a pretty informative hour-long special on immigration. Probably worth watching I would recommend it.
  15. I can't even remember the last time I actually went to see a doctor. I guess the people at CVS are nurses who give me my Flu shot? Or maybe just pharmacist (and maybe they count?). Why are you going to the doctor so much Exile? Are you dying?
  16. No need to give the story for this one. Needless to say the HBO replay will get ratings...watch with this on your computer. Wow http://distilleryimage9.instagram.com/914b4ce8b2bc11e1a9f71231382044a1_7.jpg
  17. LOL ok ok, I feel like I just touched a small dogs bowl while it was eating...I will return now to my usual abstinence from this thread
  18. Of course I did this thread is nuts but that video doesn't deserve it's own thread it fits well enough in here. Calm your panties 3rd ... I've made enough threads recently
  19. Oh calm down. I apologize for potentially disrupting the sacred Trayvon thread
  20. Not trying to pervert the thread just saw that video today that's all. DISCLAIMER: VIDEO IS NOT OFF TRAYVON KILLING (I don't care about Trayvon case George will get his verdict and that will be that...and it will probably be not guilty)
  21. Well in that situation it's clear that once the drunk guys realized this dude was basically pulling a gun they should not have !@#$ed with him and they did. But that guy shot 3 of them and one died...the guy that died...died on his own driveway...the guy with the gun drove down to his neighbors driveway w/ a video camera and gun and yelled words he learned from his concealed weapons class and wouldn't leave to go back to his house even basically saying "I'm not losing to these guys" at one point in the video...this isn't related to Trayvon in the slightest but IMO what I saw was in that video was a guy kill his neighbor.
  22. IDK if this was posted in here or not this is a huge thread but here's a video of a Texas man pulling a gun on his neighbors over a noise complaint, yelling that he fears for his life, and shooting an elementary school teacher to death (also shoot 2 other people). No saints in that video...but certainly one irresponsible gun owner in my opinion. http://videocafe.crooksandliars.com/david/stand-your-ground-texas-man-kills-teacher-ov
  23. Meh...surprising to hear but not topic worthy just let it fall... (for the record original topic below just b/c I can't delete topic or don't realize I can) title: What a facepalm worthy O'Reilly Factor moment today subtitle: Politics aside wow...they need to have better people on air I rewound it on my DVR to type out the quote...this is basically the word for word quote save a minor transcription error that probably exists since I typed it myself: "The irony...the irony in all this is that today he put the blame on Europe, on European economies and they're doing really bad because they were using stimulus and keynesian policies to try and pump money and save the economy. That's why they're in a bad situation. Those are the same policies that Obama wants Republicans to pass in Congress I mean it's completely ironic." -direct quote from woman on O'Reilly factor today ...by no means if Fox News always this bad but if you invite someone on your show just to talk loud and look hot (which she was) they should at least be held to a slightly higher standard than this. To his credit O'Reilly himself was not hosting today and if he was (or even Jaun) I'm sure this wouldn't have gone uncorrected (as it was...save for the Democratic counter-guest who instantly pointed out that was the exact opposite but was talked over/discounted). No political agenda behind this post as any intelligent conservative knows this is not true...just saying wow at what I see on "the nations #1 cable television news program."
  24. Those 3 months can be the most beneficial (certainly when you get a bit older)...as corny as it sounds....learning should be fun....or at least stimulating. I mean stick a college kid in a class at a desk and they get on facebook...give them a joint and turn on Zeitgeist and they'll eat your face if you bite your potato chip too loudly. We need to find a way brainwash our children in the right ways and so they can forget it's work...if that means turning local teachers into glorified pressers of the play button then we may have to move that way.
  25. Oh God can you imagine the Wisconsin teachers union? I'm all for trying anything and everything to up the productivity of our future workforce...IDK about the practicality of that but if it were possible it would be worth trying same as anything else. The crux of our problems is our kids suck and our teachers suck ... put them together for an extra couple month idk maybe they suck less? I'm all for encouraging our kids to work harder though and if they have to sit at the damn desk longer and that's the only way then let's do it no need to wait....and when it costs money nobody complain.
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