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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I'm sorry if you don't like my take on it 3rd lol but it is what it is you can disagree if you like. A quick survey of the front page shows: Andrea Mitchell Selectively Editing Romney Comments Illegal Immigration Takes Its Toll President Obama, The Biggest Spender In World Wow, Politico is Attacking The King Axelrod Attacks H.W. Bush For Playing Golf The Liberal Washington Post Attacking Obama Why Aren't The Leaks Bigger News? Healthcare Trade-Off Most topics of any poster and at least half of which are (at least titled/presented as) what I consider substanceless distraction. Almost all of which are designed to be hostile attack topics. And while you can pat yourself on the back for not wanted to throw women and doctors in jail over abortion most of your opinions...which you may well have formed on your own and not been spoon fed via conservative media IDK I don't know you....walk the party line loudly and proudly. This is what I see of you. Am I absolutely correct on this? Probably not...is it generally what I see? Yes.
  2. I can have a beer with anyone I'm really not a confrontational person offline when it comes to this stuff and I like getting into discussion. My criticism of you from where I sit (at my computer and not at a table w/ a beer) is you are too passionate about the daily media war...that is to say the surface level "pure politics" and the media's "reaction" (which is really just functioning as designed...a for-profit wedge to separate American voters from each other based on things they are willing to pay attention to as opposed to things they should be forced to pay attention to). It's noise. It doesn't matter. And most of all it isn't surprising or interesting IMO. Now we can all discuss it from time to time but the line between politics and policy is eviscerated by daily cable news and hurts the important discussions we should have as a country and even creates a situation where people in Congress lose their damn minds too. If everyone would just fight the extremes in their own party (note: extreme does not just mean race centric people or religious fanatics...it means no-compromise "I'm definitely right" Congressional officials) and denounce them the country would be much better...but legitimizing the girly high school aspects of coverage from both sides is counter productive (I believe both sides are equally guilty...and respond to the other fueling fire). And the bottom line is people from both sides (and IMO more so on the right at the moment) could use a little humility. If ever you become so convinced you are unquestionably right about something...it should trigger some mechanism in the depths of your brain that alerts you to the fact you are probably wrong.
  3. Considering I supported Bush through all the things that didn't even go well...safe to say no. I know it doesn't mesh with what I am supposed to be since I am no a lock and key Republican but believe it or not there are quite a few of us out there who said go into Iraq, then said ooops this is sucking, then said surge anyway got to do something, then said get out....etc etc...waterboard a few guys like we did?...not something to brag about but even if it was a mistake (which I'm not sure I even agree with) it was one I didn't get all riled up about...this is the actual world 3rd...tons of people out there who have views that mesh with both sides depending on the issue and then you vote based on the time and place and options running...this doesn't make for good "wedge media" but contrary to what you may see on TV there are actual people with individual opinions on various issues... have to say I am opposed to motor-boating it's just too babyish for the USA to engage in
  4. Just a note since we love to put it all as liberal v. conservative...I'm seen as a heart string pulling liberal idiot here but I'm not enraged over waterboarding or drones. So there.
  5. Keep in mind it's rarely even "us v. them" re: substantive policy.... It's "us v. them" re: retarded culture war and mainly (as here) "us v. them" re: media coverage of fluff non-informative pandering. It's basically an MTV reality show...Team Werewolf or Team Vampire...etc..
  6. People can differ on that one issue but I think being in either of arenas during these games would be electric...def. OKC. Pretty good atmosphere IMO probably better than most NFL games.
  7. LETS GO HEAT Agreed though OKC had a shot there and let it go
  8. There have been some interviews that go this. The jist is Q: "was that earth" and A:"doesn't matter"...it doesn't matter if it was earth and it probably wasn't. Just show how they do it...implying they do it all over and often. Also same place you find the interview you find extra scenes from it that will be on dvd and see he's basically molded after the Mayans...they would live like a king for a year then off w/ the head as a sacrifice to the gods. The extended shots show other Engineers around him in cloaks supporting him before he does it. He knew what he was doing and he probably wasn't on earth the point was that's what they do. They create...they are engineers. IMO that first seen is not earth, but meant to imply that happened on earth at some point in time. We are their creations AND there are other creations (including aliens.) Then there's a whole question beyond that of "what do they know, what are they, how involved into ALL creation are they, and why kill us now" all for sequel.
  9. *spoilers* Honestly that's an "unexplained thing" not a plot hole and it is known there will be a sequel. Plot holes are things like the Engineer at the end being able to apparently come get her at the end and breath in the atmosphere when we are led to believe he shouldn't be and so on...in other words ticky tack things. Most plot holes go w/ the "it's a fiction about space aliens" explanation for stuff like that etc...reasons to dislike the move are there and I don't think the hate is unfounded but if you show up ready to watch a visually compelling movie as a basic movie watcher you are right....it's good. Better than most. If you show up like a super nerd ready to pick it apart and validate every tiny thing from a 30 year old "alien" movie you will leave disappointed. It was "good but not great." And by good I think most people agree better than most movies that come out and worth seeing in the theater with the stunning 3d It's a huge "world building" (as the new term seem to be in reviews) movie and it was pretty damn good as a man who doesn't see many movies in theater it is worth the money (15 a ticket for 3d where I went). To me if you are the type of person to see this movie with expectations of liking it (scifi fan)...there is no reason not to love it unless you are a super nerd who expects movies to be perfect and everything message board warriors write over 30 years...and lets face it if those people got what they want the movie would suck.
  10. Ya just saw prometheus and it doesn't deserve the hate it gets from some and IMO many of the "plot holes" are not even plot holes. Prometheus is good. Stunning 3d visuals IMO also
  11. LOL RI Bills trying to entertain 3rd ... you just troll him. That's what he's good for. Leave the talking for the rest of TBD
  12. Agreed. I mean if you lose 4 out of 5 games...even if 3 are on the road...you just lost the series and you damn near got swept so you really don't have a leg to stand on complaining about the structure of the series...you got whooped.
  13. But what exactly are you trying to say here? They're tough to win, often complicated, and really expensive...they get dropped and thrown out often...if you actually to go trial and lose you just blew thousands (often 10s of thousands) of dollars...the win rate is (at best) 25% lower than other tort cases (in reality much lower)...everything we're both saying doesn't exactly sound like it's a good thing going to just sue all over for medmal eh?
  14. Classic series in the making. Obviously. Great time to be a basketball fan. LETS GO HEAT!
  15. LOL B-man, pretty sure that's a rhetorical question from Doc. If you don't know the team the fake cable news channels are on by now...nonsense on nonsense if you haven't noticed.
  16. I wonder why the leaks aren't a bigger story? Pretty shocking huh?
  17. illegals, leaks, socialist, use bathroom, illegals, illegals, tort reform, socialist, leaks, leaks, food, leaks, socialist, sleep, dream of illegals leaking per socialist agenda, leaks -the mind of a culture warrior patriot
  18. LOL as if the leaks aren't big news. We all get it 3rd. Fox News. Say what you mean. Why aren't the leaks all anyone talks about ever? *dives headfirst*
  19. 3rd and his endless desire to dive head first into every talking point sent to distract him.
  20. Well first off I'm not asking for you to have sympathy for the attorneys. While I'm not sure about the 10% number (it's probably closer to 25%ish) it's certainly much lower in medmal than in all other tort cases. But what you need to see is this refutes the idea that they take everything that comes their way. These are difficult cases to win, expensive cases to finance, and they don't just take them right and left to throw spaghetti at the wall b/c as the numbers show you will go broke doing that.
  21. Trust me it's no business model. Big firms aren't going to tolerate losing trials all over the place and if you are anything but a large firm losing a few trials in a row is a one way ticket to being broke as a lawyer and teaching writing at your local law school. Hell...a lot of plaintiffs lawyers can't stand to lose more than 2 trials in a row.
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