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Everything posted by dayman

  1. The gay thing maybe helps energize them so they show up more and a little in fundraising but doesn't do much as I see it. Immigration order was a little more clever IMO, he was going to win Hispanic vote either way (most agree anyway...certainly after the tone of the GOP primary) but it could help him block creeping efforts where Romney pulled closer to 50/50. And it does put him in a position where it brings it to the front momentarily prompting Romney to give non-answers as he straddles his party's staunch "wall building no-amnesty/work status base" with the long term goal of including Hispanics in the party and short term goal of not losing by such a wide margin. May also effect VP choice but that's speculative at best. May also cause some independents to raise eyebrows at responses if they are clumsy (again minial point). In any event the executive order was probably a political win at least early at this point. Either way until the conventions this thing hasn't even started yet so there's time for Romney to be stodgy and unprincipled on immigration so long as he figures it out within the next month or so. Plus let's be honest here if he has to go against his base more than he would like to this isn't abortion...there's a little more slack on this one (at least I would like to think).
  2. Long term I think it could be an assumption to make. Like everyone here I'm no expert in internal Egyptian affairs but in terms of the next 1 or 2 years I wouldn't expect things to go nuts. As the first Muslim brotherhood guy (and first president period) he knows what's up...he won't try to impose too much radical stuff on everybody and he's said he doesn't want an Islamic democracy he just wants a democracy (whatever that means it sounds better than Islamic democracy). I don't get the impression he's too crazy despite American impulse to cringe at "Muslim Brotherhood." Also I'm pretty optimistic so I'm thinking we'll see a Turkey type situation. The obvious wildcard is how the nation as a whole reacts to democracy in action when they don't like policy made (even if it's not what we think of as crazy policy). I wouldn't expect massive oppression of women and radicalized terror in the next 2 years as a direct result of the election alone. In fact I think all in all things will be better under him than the holdover candidate from the last regime.
  3. Well it's not likely they strike down the mandate only...they may not throw the whole thing out but they'll remove some other stuff with the mandate if they remove the mandate.
  4. Nobody played better football than Percy Harvin. Period. He was absolutely unstoppable. With him: 2 championships. Without him (and everything else the same): 0 championships. There is no doubt. When he left, nobody ever replaced him. He is the most dynamic player to ever come from that school and to compare him to spiller or bush or anyone like that just shows ignorance. Percy Harvin is a straight game changer. Hell of a football player. Would be our best WR.
  5. In any event we're better off w/ more power in the executive these days ... congress is out of control and most Americans have no idea who their representatives are or what they do/their views... *runs away*
  6. The purpose of entitlement to paid annual leave is to enable the worker to rest and enjoy a period of relaxation and leisure. The purpose of entitlement to holiday leave is different, since it enables a worker to celebrate holidays by forced interaction with extended family and shopping.
  7. LOL what an article. Over 500lbs, marrijuana grow op business, world for Warcraft marathons...that's what you do when it's cold outside? Get high play World of Warcraft and eat?
  8. Damn I need to get 6 weeks vacation. 6 weeks vacation is...that's damn good...that's life altering... Especially if I could get sick for a week in the middle of it.
  9. It's basically saying at the time obvious things that were most likely to happen...then a non-prediction for last year...then that LeBron would finally get one in 2012....anybody could have made those predictions. In fact of all of those predictions the best one was that a "dark horse" would win last year ... and yet he did not name the dark horse specifically... In any event...predicting the future doesn't mean it's rigged. I've basically called the CFB champion for 5 of the past 6 years...does that mean there's a script?
  10. You guys could...ya know...give credit for great defense and shooting really well when it counted most...ya know...admit the Heat are good and played hard and earned the championship...
  11. The honorable Charles Krauthammer keeping it real as always. Straight shooter that guy.
  12. LOL Crayonz is literally out of his mind w/ that script deal
  13. We was literally the greatest player to ever play at UF
  14. Heat NBA champions. Give props now even if you hate them...they earned it and won in spectacular fashion
  15. LOL b/c what should be rhetorical questions off topic deserve no response. <br>
  16. True and I get that but if you are undeniably wrong you can't just..continue to be wrong even when you and everybody else knows it can you?
  17. In some rare instance where there would be no political gain either way nobody in Congress would care it would be left to the exec to clean it up as their mess. perjury lol ... !@#$ing after the deadline wow .... 3rd party auto edit failing me? I must have misspelled it to begin with but that isn't even a word to change to...damn just missed another error...per this edit AND...it's not on...so I just spelled it that way to begin with haha !@#$ you Tom *activate after the deadline* haha
  18. Let's make a deal...if Holder is convicted of purgery I'll leave PPP forever...if it is not proven he lied before Congress you leave. Easiest way to exile you from your home ... Congressional subpoena power over the executive for purposes of oversight just isn't that powerful plain and simple. If Congress wants to stick their nose up everybody's asses then let them try but don't get all defensive when it's clear they're out of control and out of political blood. The gov't is not one giant gov't and internal processes and deliberations of particular agencies are protected for reasonable justificationtions.
  19. Nobody EVER just "gives" the documents ... EVER ...
  20. LOL...I think you are confusing your classification of taxes in your thought process Ciga...direct and indirect tax distinction is important in this debate. A quick google of the whiskey rebellion (which I had no idea what it was honestly before now) shows Tom is basically right. And the responses by you regarding the banning don't make much sense. The first thing I jumped to was opium but when I looked it up it was after the 16th...so I wasn't instantly confirmed but ... IDK really what you are talking about Cinga...your initial post was off the mark just admit and move on .... or produce something that shows the taxing and spending clause basically doesn't exist in the original text of the constitution or I and Hamilton himself don't understand it...
  21. making it "uniform" not "equal"...as in a cig tax applies in all states if it applies but not that it is not allowed b/c some people don't smoke... Just point me to where you think that uniform excise taxes per the taxing and spending clause was somehow more limited in the realm of clear indirect taxes (such as cigs) before the 16th amendment I would like to look at it.
  22. hmmm...not certain about this btw (be sure to clarify that)
  23. Hey the honest truth is tracing the origins of taxing power through time is pretty convoluted I'm interested to hear what you have to say (this discussion is interesting) but it appears to me through the taxing and spending clause and bolstering from other clauses you are wrong...I'm no expert on the historical evolution but some quick research that I've done so far has confirmed my initial impulse
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