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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Winning both Miami games give us a 50/50 shot IMO and I think we can do that. Not b/c we are good but b/c Miami is not.
  2. The offense needs to run a 2 minute offense the entire game.
  3. Shaq being a "solid run plugging DE" is a huge setback. We almost have to give him at least 2 years before we even think about another DE. We need 2 DTs, all new LBs, some OLmen, a QB, at least 1 more rookie WR, and some young blood in the secondary.
  4. This is the worst. The beat downs were the biggest and they came at the hands of the Jets and Chargers of all teams (Saints are pretty legit this season)
  5. We are supposed to have a good FO. Mc does know what a great D looks/feels/plays like. The OC is not looking good, I would say move on quickly and shape new O players around new guy. We need a new QB and can't give our picks up. Start Peterman the rest of the season. Tank signal flash. #tank #noO#noD#tank
  6. Whatever is going on is a disaster. The last 3 games and abhorrent. I mean, this is clearly worse than anything that ever happened under Rex Ryan--clearly way worse. The team is embarrassing.
  7. ...speaking of China doll Sam Bradford...a 3 for him would be a steal and allow us to nab a little OL and defense help...also a good move. I still think fair value for Luck is at and all time bargain to buy low. There is no way he's worth what he was worth on draft day in terms of value swap...but he's likely worth more on the field if his shoulder is fine. The bottom line is packaging all of our picks to gamble on a 21 year old when we have so many needs is not viable. We need a Luck/Bradford or something similar.
  8. Would it? Just b/c the owner is an insane opioid addict? I'm not seeing Luck pulling the same value it would take to move up to get a top 5 QB at this point...
  9. Poisoned relationship in Indy. Coming of a season where he has a bad injury that is shrouded in mystery and potentially really bad long term for his shoulder. Perhaps a reasonable price is on his head (maybe only 1 1st or something). Lets get crazy.
  10. Nobody is ignoring the defense but Tyrod wasn't pushing to bring us back hard enough. He's got to sling it, if they aren't open they aren't open...still throw it in times like that.
  11. I will enjoy the game more if he plays. We are boring as hell with Tyrod in there.
  12. They need a Visa that can spend most alts and change between alts instantly with a click on your phone. That is the short term game changer for early adopters. I could live at a fraction of the cost each month (pay w/ credit earning points if down and pay that off with bit card when up).
  13. I agree that this one sits right at the feet of our leaders and our vets. No Oline play, no pass rush.
  14. Tyrod did a fantastic Blake Bortles impression last night. Show me the baby in the 1st quarter not when we're down by 20 late in the game. I am critical of Tyrod but I am fair...he has gotten better. No signs he'll ever anticipate at the top tier level, but when he's on he throws it good enough if he's using his feet and not turning it over at the same time.
  15. We should all pool money and send him a gold watch as appreciation for his decision to retire.
  16. Process is great and we should stick to it...but one day we'll go down by 2 scores and need Tyrod to take some risks. This helps. Time to take the next development leap and learn to place the ball and trust your guy. If he can throw some jump balls in the endzone and learn to do an occasional back shoulder for a 1st down he would be "the guy" ...that is all that is stopping him.
  17. Ha! I love Beane. I've never said anything against him. We'll have to wait obviously for ... you know ... 1 or two drafts. But I don't mind sending guys packing. I admit I was a little weirded out by Sammy leaving but that looks fine at this point. Anyway, we need big targets for Tyrod...he's not the biggest guy himself. It will help him see and deliver the ball.
  18. Kelvin - 6'5 Jordan - 6'3 Zay - 6'2 Clay - 6'2 Compare that to years past Sammy (6'1), Woods (6'0), and Goodwin (5'9) running around out there (obviously Clay is out there last year too). Also, O'Leary is 6'3 and the other WRs are over 6 feet except for Deonte Thompson (who is 6'0).
  19. Why they traded him: He showed up fat this camp, has a sore knee, and Panthers have other guys they are using/like. Why we picked him up: He has slimmed down, our guys know and like him and his work ethic, will risk the knee for 1M this year and 8M next, and we don't have other guys we like as much. In the end, we get a low risk option on guy that has a ton of talent, has played well in the league, and is big! The size of Tyrod's receiving options is amazing now. We are giants.
  20. This trade legitimizes his "win now and in the future" stuff...I actually believe he wants to win now, now. Love this trade. Loved Kelvin out of college. Love it. Love it. Love it. PS: He did look fat as hell early in camp but I think he's slimmed donw.
  21. Deleted the longer post, I'll just say crypto currency is definitely "real" and here to stay even knowing some big issues will come up eventually. Bitcoin is famous and liquid so it'll stay on top but it is an inferior product. It'll be wealth storage asset but that's it. Ethereum is really cool. Look into that. Some of the smaller "alt coins" that you can only get on an exchange are cool and will appreciate. How to do it easily if you want to: 1. Buy bitcoin or ethereum on coinbase.com with bank account (takes a few days or a week to process b/c you deal with a bank ... zzzzz). 2. Transfer from coinbase to bittrex.com (an exchange where you can buy many different coins but only with other coins). This is very quick q/c you don't have to deal with a bank! 3. Trade around! Have fun. Learn. Experiement. Trades are almost instant if you are at market price. 4. Transfer back to coinbase (very quick) and cash out to the bank from there (again, this process takes days b/c ... banks ... zzzz). Fun stuff. Learn what is going on. Don't put anything in you can't lose, and really don't put more than a few thousand in regardless if you are reading this post lol. PS: To learn, start by learning about Bitcoin and Ethereum and contrasting the two. I would only spend time learning about other coins after I knew the basics of those two.
  22. Glen is a top 15 pick or not going anywhere in my book. Even if we got a 1 from a crap team I still would question it (although I would do it). He's good...why not just keep him?
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