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Everything posted by dayman

  1. I mean with no other protection/sport aspect. I don't really know much about guns I have never owned one and nobody in my family growing up even extended had any. So I get that I'm not a "gun person" (and I don't mean to suggest that gun people are bad or anything). But from my narrow views of this...some guns are greater than others. Some are for hunting. Some can be legitimized as sensible for protection. Others are plain and simple killing machines that allow people to shoot 70 other people very quickly. I don't know all the aspects of this guys guns. But I know he bought everything legally and his AR-15 probably was illegal when we had the weapons ban in the 90s Congress let expire.
  2. The definition could be debated. But in general many semi-autos qualify IMO. The way I see there are a lot of guns that are basically killing machines. I probably wouldn't favor taking everybodys gun away. People are going to arm up, want protection, that'll never change. But as I see it...some of these weapons...regular cops don't carry this stuff. I may be naive on this, I admit, but if a cop isn't carrying it I don't think there's a very strong argument you need to be.
  3. Positions aside it's a low blow IMO to say someone is "supposed to be a Libertarian" so they can't break from staunch ideology on particular issues they feel there is a different answer for. IMO that's just garbage.
  4. Assault weapons ban, mandatory background checks on ALL gun sales. Are you against that 3rd? Not saying you can't have your hunting gun. Or even a handgun in the home...both after a background check. Or that you can't even acquire a concealed weapons permit. But assault weapons gone, and background checks on all guns sold. Are there problems with that as you see it? And this isn't saying this will prevent all tragedies or would have impacted this incident one way or the other. This is just gun policy in America talk.
  5. Ya IDK we'll have to wait for more info. I have no idea about tear gas...but when I heard he gassed the place up like in a movie....I hope he didn't just go buy a couple canisters of tear gas from some ammo store. That seems ... over the top nonsensical I think the most gun supporters would agree.
  6. I'm saying it would have the votes for sure. The majority in Citizens United talked about it as the remedy to the dissents problems. So we know Kennedy would vote for it. As there...Scalia would. The 4 liberals would. That's 6 right there. And Roberts probably would that's 7. Thomas? Thomas would as well IMO. Alito? Doesn't matter but IMO this is a unanimous decision and in any event there's 6 votes you can take to the bank.
  7. I get it. I get all the points. All the endless examples. I'm just giving my opinion. I don't think it could never happen. I think it would happen less, be harder to do, and lesser scale gun violence could drop as well. But I'm not trying push the issue. Ya that kind of thing...I mean you can red flag someone pretty easily. Who the hell is selling this stuff? Tear gas and heavy armor? What do they think is going to come of that? I get that people collect and have a general fascination with the military and stuff but...bleh...just seems absolutely retarded tear gas is for sale.
  8. I need to read up on the details. From what I heard on the radio he was basically ready for war. Shotgun, semi-auto, multiple hand guns, plus armor and tear gas? Why the hell is tear gas a consumer product? I don't know about regulation and what to do...I personally am not a gun guy and would regulate significantly more than most but I understand the other argument. These things happen fairly routinely...thank God it's not that often but you know they've happened and you know they'll happen again. There's just a lot of crazy people who snap or whatever .... there's a lot of media they can consume that fuel their crazyness .... one crazy person can kill a lot of people. To answer the question, IMO significantly tighter gun control on a wide scale level changes the result. Less able to massacre people in that way. But we will never have that. Could he still be a human bomb? Yes. But I would rather him have to be a bomb for some reason than get his jollies off locking people in, tear gassing them, and opening fire.
  9. Romney is hell bent on not letting that happen though, and with good reason. He'll broken record his pitch on the economy to stonewall that and at some point other issues will come but all in all if the numbers don't improve he'll be able to prevent any pivoting from that discussion. Wouldn't you say?
  10. Romney has been wisely vague (not to open up to any shots) on his plan and is no where to be seen with W, Boehner, even Palin at the convention (lol)....he's the "outsider" the sound business man who had nothing to do with these jokers and you should trust his success even if you don't like Congress (independents vote Romney!). If there's one thing he's not going to do it's give up his edge in this arena. Obama will have trouble blaming the GOP (even where they rightfully deserve it) but they're skilled to some extent they may be able to do it and certainly if there's an opening...so Romney is going to be defensive here...deny the opening and all chips in. That leaves nowhere to go for Obama but to contradict his last message and attack Romney as someone not trust simply based on his Bain success b/c the job is different and look at Bain they export jobs and this guy is hiding his taxes and you don't know who he is and he fires people that's not the POTUS job blah blah...ultimately Romney is wise here. Then there will be the basic campaign messages arguing where the strength of the country comes from. Ultimately if Romney can keep his cool and play the campaign conservative he has the best shot. If he gets into actual political war ... Obama is good even with his baggage. The key will be the debates. Those will open up new avenues for both and Romney has to find a way to not come off boiler-plate in responses, give just enough substance but leave no openings, and somehow not look like a stiff standing next to Obama. If he can basically just play conservative he has the best shot. He's playing the Bills of old. Runt the ball, don't turn it over, they can't score anyway if you don't give it to them, and you'll win by 3 or 7 points. Obama is Byrd back there hawking...waiting for an opening to take one back to the house for the upset. That's the way I see it.
  11. Seriously though I would like to know here let us play Congress. I'll be NewBills (D) in this scenario and you all PPP ®. Let's pretend I have Presidency and Senate and you all have House and the ability to stop me from doing anything you want in the Senate. We're gridlocked. There's an election. I propose...let's extend the Bush Cuts 1 year for everyone. Lets pass the Disclosure bill. Lets pass the Jobs Home bill. Counter offer?
  12. Energize the base! Team Obama! lol Let's do this Obama!
  13. Hey whoever is representing him ... he's in way better hand than me there's no doubt and I'm sure he's tried to talk to him. And ultimately he works for him. But it's his job to manage his defense, and to some degree you can't do that if you can't manage George. Everything said comes in. If everything is going good then don't let anything else in. And don't assume your murder trial is air tight until the verdict comes back. Got to try (I'm sure is attorney did) to manage him throughout the process and keep in him focused not on some bounty but on his trial. Jury first. America second. The bounty is crazy George the bounty isn't coming off b/c of a Hannity interview George. Think George. Listen to your lawyer George. ETc... I haven't seen the charging document but there's always lesser included crimes. Dude is on trial for manslaughter.
  14. As his attorney I wouldn't be insensitive to that. But I would attempt to convince him to fight one battle at a time. Right now there's a handful of people he needs to convince within a framework of rules designed to protect him. If he can win that, he wins his freedom. Then he can go on defending himself in the eyes of millions w/ no rules. One battle at a time I would try to convince him. Merging the mob w/ no rules with the jury w/ rules isn't going to help him in my eyes I would attempt to reason with him.
  15. It denys deductions for outsourcing expenses. We could go back forth whether or not that is really punitive. But it's not the strongest argument IMO that this bill is somehow an overly populist power grab. And I still am livid over the disclosure deal and particularly McCain whom I like sometimes (never when he talks Syria). What they should do is say give us our disclosure bill which is great, give us our outsourcing jobs bill, and we will give you the extension over 250K. 3 political bills, 1 compromise. The nation wins on all 3 IMO. Congress approval goes up. Win, win, win, win. America, Congress, Romney and Obama.
  16. He's behaving like a man who wants to clear his name. He needs to behave like a man who wants to avoid a murder conviction. Then he can clear his name. I don't know if he's guilty but he's cracking and he'll end up guilty if he doesn't go into the defendant shell he should be in the entire trial.
  17. I'm not an offshore maniac I get it. But credits for insourcing to encourage people to bring them back, and elimination deductions for outsourcing is fine by my book. And the campaign disclosure is something I greatly believe in. Every bill is political these days. From both sides. 2 weeks repealing the ACA when everyone knows it isn't happening? POlitical. These two bills...political? Sure. But guess what...these are sensible bills. No way the Average American voter disproves of either of these bills. I like the Jobs bill sounds good enough I LOVE the Disclosure bill...hence I hate that the GOP blocks them. Does that make me shallow? No...I'm not just supporting Obama by complaining here is all I'm saying...I know you think I'm an Obamabot...but I like these Bills.
  18. Megyn Kelly on O'Reilly saying it hurt. Said some inconsistencies there than what he said previously (human nature to have those the more you talk) and God's plan not good. Shame on attorney although if George was hell bent on speaking then what can you do...
  19. You SOB http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/s3364/text ^text^
  20. If the chamber of commerce doesn't support it, it's bad for the American people? C'mon now. Can you link up that text? And the filibuster just needs to be gutted in some way it's ridiculous. Probably won't happen until the Democrats are in the minority but I'll support it then just as much as I would now.
  21. Obviously this would be fuel for the Obama campaign I don't deny that. But things like disclosure, tax breaks to bring jobs back...proposed by the majority in the Senate ready to go...not bad. If it takes politics to get things done then whatever...let's move them through anyway they aren't that bad. The angry minority filibusters again! NEWMAN! Also for the record I sometimes get news from the tv and a lot from sirius talk so I don't always just have a link I'm looking at...that's the whole "no share linky" beef ...
  22. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=bring+jobs+home&oq=bring+jobs+home&gs_l=hp.3..0l4.660.356761.0.357242.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=e90d0913f918c708&biw=1092&bih=514
  23. Some decision making will ultimately be needed but I'm telling you guys "it's the pay structure stupid!" (best James Carville voice) That's the largest change the American system needs.
  24. Quoting Scalia on the subject from his interview last night discussing Citizens United: SCALIA: Oh, I certainly think not. I think, as I think the framers thought, that the more speech, the better. Now, you -- you are entitled to know where the speech is coming from, you know, information as -- as to who contributed what. That's something else. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1207/18/pmt.01.html Oh bleh just google "Bring Jobs Home" Bill. Not accusing anyone but some people here like to find links on subjects that they know will discuss them in certain ways ahead of time so everyone can find their own version of the information they want. Crux was 20% tax credit to move jobs back, eliminates tax breaks for companies closing down and moving over seas.
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