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Everything posted by dayman

  1. LOL I'm always trolling you Doc. As to that particular comment, I was not trolling. I'm just saying the election is funny. You see people who wouldn't be caught dead defending Mitt Romney now defending him...and to some extent the same for Obama. The wonders of a two party system...where we choose between Romney and Obama.
  2. Of course. And I'm not saying it doesn't lean left. But it is just a show. It's fiction and a few of the episodes have been hilarious. Some of the characters are getting good and not every episode is just bashing the right believe it or not. A lot of people on this board like the Simpsons. Simpsons clearly leans left...is the Simpsons a commercial for Obama?
  3. It is funny though the anti-Obama crowd doing gymnastics to defend Mitt. I get it, of course, but it's funny to see.
  4. Political Science? How poor do you guys really think his grades could have possibly been. Probably worth more trouble to ramble about his Harvard transcripts than his undergrad.
  5. Haha c'mon if you couldn't tell I was joking around you are either 1) an idiot or 2) very caught up in your own argument to not realize I'm saying things that are ridiculous and unlike anything I typically say. Don't be mad at occasional humor. Your attitude on this place is that you are basically going to crush others with your clearly correct views. You would think that is a form of humor in itself since you ... ya know .. haven't fixed America yet. Seriously though, the Obama bashing and liberal bashing on this board is relentless. Are some conservatives so uptight they can't take a joke when they reign snide remarks on politicians and other posters constantly? (hint: rhetorical question)
  6. Haha gotchya! Trolling is awesome. Act like an idiot on an anonymous message board then when the other person responds THEY'RE THE IDIOT! This is great. But anyway sorry guys...so Romney dodged Vietnam and told everyone else to go fight eh? Pretty good business move there IMO. Minimize risk and still do what you want awesome.
  7. Shhhh....lol it's not enough these days to declare it. It's actually impossible to troll PPP I think. If you try you simply...start PPPing.
  8. Actually never heard of that one. I'll just say this for your own good, you may want to put down your insane conservative quest to "win America" once in a while btw and enjoy life. I live in the south and have plenty of friends...long running friends...who are plenty Republican and plenty negative on Obama. Yet a few of them actually like this show. Will McAvoy is turning into a great character, and they like the show b/c of it. You see my redneckish southern republican friends are smart enough to know one thing...most HBO shows are better than the rest so it's worth a shot and often they like them. Foreign concept? Just..living life outside of politics? Not to most Americans surprisingly enough. Contrary to this board...most of my GOP friends don't have to turn off a fictional comedy/drama b/c they say something mean about the Tea Party. I know this is a "lib show" to you. But in reality...away from PPP...it's actually just a show.
  9. LOL follow your own advice. I'm just trolling around at the moment Rob don't take it personally. You are one of the posters I don't hate so much, although I still hate you somewhat like I hate everyone on this planet as any good liberal should. That said, I'm just being sarcastic to get a rise out of you for my own amusement. No hard feelings.
  10. I'm being serious compassionate conservative "do-somethings" have no place in the party. Not one person has been prevented from getting aids and last I heard there has been no medical advances in treating the disease, curing it, or preventing it since the 80s. It's a joke.
  11. There is no room for compassion in sound public policy I'm agreeing with you. Spending my money to fight someone else's aids disease is terrible and they'll always want more.
  12. im concerned that the Bills may not have a good second option at WR according to the general forum
  13. True. Aids would be better off if we just did nothing. Kind of like the '08 crash.
  14. Cheney slimed up the ball before he left office
  15. It isn't their fault there is no reason. We don't know why government just stopped working somehow. I think Obama broke it.
  16. True. It's a joke he didn't fix everything in 2 years. He should have known government would cease to exist after that point.
  17. At 6' 170lbs I'm most like a japanese weight lifter? wtf
  18. If we just cut Kobe we would be unstoppable. LOL we're literally dunking on guys so hard they are giving WEstbrook techs for it. This is awesome. Stand in the lane in America you go on a poster. Get w/ it world
  19. I must be the only one who actually liked Dean more after going nuts.
  20. Allow me to clarify, without much more money than his opponents. I'm sure everyone else on PPP got it but I know you are on the slow end so I'll try and be more clear since I know you are reading now.
  21. The idea is basically you "inflict" it upon the society they live in and it bothers them? I think?
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