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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Agreed. I'm sick of Netanyahu at this point. Do what you have to do. If you want to work with us and don't like what we have to say, then by all means go it alone. Also no way he dumps Biden. Won't happen. Simpson-Bowles....maybe the day after the election but not the day before.
  2. One election official was on Eliot Spitzer saying he won't enforce it b/c it was passed too close the election and is thus unfair. Expect law suits if this election is really close. But that goes w/ out saying.
  3. If you have no real power there is no incentive to be anything but a loon. If you get a little something to lose...you have to act a little more reasonably. And usually...you don't get power w/ the ability to act reasonably. Usually that is...
  4. holy **** I think I now understand the tea party...things suddenly falling into place
  5. doggone-it I actually am Biden yall found me out. !@#$ be quiet my post history could hurt the Obama ticket
  6. Nothing major here no scandal or anything but I just find this little comment to be hilarious. Boehner loves that freshman 2010 class and Repubs with perfect conservative voting records. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAsJrWPuYiI
  7. Just to add to the Rubio comment...some tea party people went down in primaries today here in Florida. He's agile but that's where he came from.
  8. No argument. I actually don't agree any of it is all that valid in reality so it's all politics to me. I get the distinction you try to draw but as used against Obama and possibly Ryan in the coming future it's all the same... nonsense. As I see it both Obama and Ryan are what they are...who they read or knew as a young child means nothing to me. That's just me of course.
  9. They have to dismiss it. If they take your approach to counter this attack they've admitted the philosophical influence which can be used against them. Even if they can get away with that Biden will get out there at do his "don't tell me what your values are, show me" bit and so on...
  10. The way I see it that's going to be a talked about attack. If you read the CNN story I linked look at the comments...there are nearly 9000 comments on that opinion piece. That's a !@#$ ton.
  11. I don't think Rubio would have helped him win Florida IMO. The people in Florida who Rubio helps with are on board, those who Rubio hurts with are not. There is little in the middle. Florida will be a bloodbath. Obama will talk medicare voucher. Romney will counter it doesn't hurt those already on Medicare and point to Medicare cuts in Obamacare. Obama will point out those same cuts are in Ryan plan PLUS voucher for the next batch of medicare participants. Ultimately that gets to the nexus...people in Florida like medicare. Will it be enough to say "your medicare is fine" when Obama says "so what about your kids?" Ultimately I do think Ryan will hurt in Florida but it won't be fatal per se. But Florida is going to see a ton of Romney money and Gov. Scott proved in the last election cycle that Florida is for sale to just about anyone w/ enough cash. Lies and money will win Florida. That's the one truth.
  12. "Influences" of Obama have long been a hot topic to right wingers. And so now I suspect Ayn Rand will become an issue. If the Democrats think they can use the Ryan budget as a wedge to fracture the stranglehold the Republicans have on the poor rural Christian south, they're sure to try using the Catholic Nuns opposition to his plan and Ayn Rand...something that would be almost analogous to a number of Republican attacks on Obama in recent years. Expect stories like this to pick some some traction.... http://www.cnn.com/2...rand/index.html
  13. It's not a given btw that he carries WI now though.
  14. Ya and after a little staring at the map it seems about right. Here's the link I had in the other thread you can run a few simulations and sort of see it play out. Stare at Florida/Ohio/Colorado/Iowa/Virginia/N.H./Wisconsin as it goes and you will quickly see the chess match unfold. http://www.270towin.com/simulation/
  15. Agreed but I would add Wisconsin and Colorado and highlight Florida as a blow that makes it next to impossible (but not impossible) for Romney to take it home. It really is Florida as a threshold matter if Romney pulls Florida then the rest of the states we mentioned become a huge chess game.
  16. Ya you are right I ran a few more to get the map in my brain...WI and Virginia can overcome Ohio but nothing seems to get by losing Florida. And Obama seems to be able to win now and again w/ out Florida.
  17. http://www.270towin.com/simulation/ Interesting little simulation. I laugh whenever California turns blue and the Democrat meter shoots the up crazily. California is !@#$ing gigantic. It's not a predictor but it just goes to show how Florida, Ohio, and Virginia are so crucial. I've ran it a few times Romney really can't get the math without them.
  18. His budget is middle of the road and his social views are fairly modern
  19. I got to say the train scene was excellent last night was a great episode.
  20. Haha, ... no. Having a conversation w/ OC is bad enough no need to read it later.
  21. Maybe but I'm pretty stellar most of the time I have to admit I'm great.
  22. It's not a knee jerk reaction to just post what I did. Just saying another shooting. Reportedly near a school with police and others shot with automatic weapons. Details fuzzy, that's early reporting...we'll see in the end what weapons used and how many shot and for what reason. That said, breaking news is breaking news. Every time any gun story comes up it's no a knee jerk reaction to do anything except compare it to a car accident.
  23. That's the same as early reports that multiple people were shot including cops with automatic weapons outside a university? No need to marginalize every incident of gun violence by comparing it to car accidents.
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